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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. 1rst time to my club in heels, the end of the night, while walking, sore-footed- back to the car, a car full of young punks yelled a gay slang to me, but kept driving. That's it. So far. But, I am also not a small person, and know (and show) I can handle myself very well. People can and do think things to themselves, but who cares?

  2. Well, I did it. I went and got myself a pair of Hollywood Heels "Shameless" sandals...in pink! Now, I'll readily admit the reasoning for it is how very nice they looked on our Pata. BUT, can't wait to do a video of them soon. FTR, it's not a color I could really pull off on a day-to-day outfit, but I love the color.

  3. LOL She is a very pretty girl, but, sadly, happily taken for a long time. She "re-trained" me when I started back here again in November, and knew my love for heels. We also have the same size shoe, so we did a little swapping (although she like "classier" heels in the 3.5-4.5" range, and wears them to the nails and tosses them...LOL). Since we sit across from each other she saw my forays through E-Bay over the last month or so, and I got the "those are tacky, and not my cup of tea" or "way too high, what are you a dominatrix now? LOL" comments! ;-) So when everyone "dared" me to wear a pair of HIGH ones, she was entertained. At work in regular boring shoes now. Maybe tomorrow I'll wear more "business friendly" heels...LOL

  4. Do you often wear those at work? Don't you get any adverse comments?

    I have worn heels to work, here, several times, but none like this. People at this job (call center, my winter job) knew (most did anyways LOL) about my love of heels, so the usual questions why I was in heels that high instead of the 5"ers I wore before.

    Damn! You are such a mother f...ing sexy thing aren't you?! I can't believe you wore them to work! Balls of steel, man, balls of steel! Congrats!

    My job is 4PM to 3:30AM there, and only about 20 people work my shift. Our area is a ways from the Admin area of the building, so the only management that sees/saw me is my shift MOD, and he actually not only knows, but kinda dared me to wear "the highest ones I could get away with)...LOL

    Scott You're the man!!!! Great picture at work. How did it feel to wear them all day? Don't let other get you down, do what makes you happy. After all they are your shoes, walk how you want to.

    Since the majority of the time I'm sitting behind a PC, my feet were fine. The walk out with them (didn't wear them in at 3:45PM; changed inside) to the car was taxing. Inside, though, only trips to the bathroom or around the area it was fine.

    Thanks guys! While you can't make it out in the video, the thrill of actually walking outside in heels like that was immense! The sound they make is different...really awsome! That, to me, was it's own rewards and something I plan to do more of when I can...especially now that I own 10 pairs of ultras...LOL

  5. I agree with the other reader that your walk was unrealistic. Some models are actually taught to walk that way on the catwalk. It is referred to by some as model "pigeon toe" walk. The reason to walk like that is to accentuate the sway of the hips. However, your hooded sweatshirt and dark lighting made it too difficult to follow your hips.

    I wasn't aware that when posting a simple short vid which I enjoyed taking of myself one night walking in heels I enjoy that I was gonna feel put on the defensive about it. But, let me ask you, why not post a video of yourself in such heels outside and show me what "realistic" walking in them is like??

    BTW, the heels look no higher than 6 inches on a person about 5 feet 10 inches tall. So, I'm curious as to how tall you are and the size of those sandals?

    I am 6-1, and the heels measure 6 15/16" (sorry about the 1/16"!) to the top of the heel and 7 3/16" to the very top of the shoe. I take a size 10. They are Highest Heels model "Hussey".

    So now I have to field remarks about "heel envy" LOL??

  6. A lot of it also has to do with the width of the bottom of the shoe (ball of foot area) and toe box. Higher the stiletto, more you depend, like said above, on the balls of your feet. Still, I think it's easier to walk in stiletto (as the heel curves inward) heels than straight heels. Standing is harder, though.

  7. Been really busy with personal stuff of late, plus working way too much to enjoy the simple things.

    It was 40f or so last night, just got a new pair of 7" "Highest Heels" sandals in (one of many recent ultra heel purchases of late for me), and decided to break the monotony and take the camera out with me for my first excursion outdoors walking in ultras.

    Man, what a rush!! My first steps were a little wobbly as to be expected as the first ones outside were from the car to this walkway in a strip-mall. Set up the camera, and didn't do too bad walking I think.

    I then put back on the pants and went to fill up at a local gas station. Only the clerk was present and didn't notice, even with that beautiful clicking on the tiled floor...;-)

    It was a fun little break from stuff, and hope to do more vids outdoors (during the day, like Pata...LOL) with ultras!


  8. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news on Screams, but I received my first pair today and went to try them out. Hating to sound redundant in copying marhil711, the right heel likewise snapped off just above where the metal heel meets the plastic. Although I did not fall, the sudden pressure on my right foot/ankle caused some pain, which a trip to the doctors today revealed a sprained tendon behind the achilles (sp?). Have no idea how this will play out, but doc says to have me stay off of it for 2 weeks (crutches and a brace), and "take it from there"... This sucks. I actually found the shoes to be not too bad in walking with (not easy, but not the hardest shoes), and now it seems I'm gonna be off heels for a while... :w00t2: The only funny part was having my suddenly not so attractive chipped painted toes being looked at by the doctor...LOL Not too swollen, but black and blue. I do not recommend Screams to walk on, especially for 225lb guys...;-)

  9. I'm set to receive my first pair of Screams this Thursday (Red pumps with ankle strap) and am curious as to how hard they are to walk in. Let ya know what I find, and how they compare to my Hollywood Heels and other ultras...

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