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gaijin gig

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Posts posted by gaijin gig

  1. I thought so too. Here in the states i have seen many women wearing them(knockoffs)... I mentioned to one women i saw in the subway. that "i like your CL"s ( it was a sat nite every other woman i saw was dressed up to go out somewhere) she told me" you think these are real"? I made like i did not know any better. wish her a good evening.. This has me thinking every woman i see are they real or not? I'll bet the YSL'S that i see are not genuine either..

  2. whooly smokes!!! what a link... thanks... now i have an idea(well i always did) on what to get my Gf.. The shoes that that Emma person is wearing are hot! i only wish they could do something with that plat. makes it look TOO much like what a Dominatrix would wear..(so i hear hehehe) I'm guessing the "Red sole" means that not too many Doms will be wearing them.. thanks for the link. P.S. do you know what model CL'S she is wearing? My GF is skinny and wearing such shoes would make her legs look funny.. she would get on fine without the platform.. but then again they would not be as high eh? always a trade off.. can't have everything. Heck i'm lucky i have her.

  3. I compliment women on the street all the time.. I never used to , but i do now... I try not to compliment on the Obvious.. , but one thing i will always say something about is their footware.I dont think we(as men) have to worry about being maced or bady slammed if we say something nice about a woman who just spent $600+ on a pair of boots or shoes.. as a matter of fact..my experience is such that women find it interesting that a man does notice.I would not go further than that.

  4. Very nice.... I like the material too.... best of luck with them.. after looking at feet(some pretty and some NOT so pretty) in F/F'S ALL SUMMER I always say that i am glad that fall is coming which means boot season.

  5. Hi Stil, Thanks for the reply.. I never thought of it quite like that before. I do realize that some of the styles do Mimick these YSL'S... for instance the Toe box and the seaming... I guess that if you go with a brand name you might not have to worry about un comfy ill fitting shoes. I personally love these. I dont like the look that makes the plat look too "clunky" then it looks too much like a "fetish shoe" and not a dressy shoe.If you like that style you can find it elseware.. but from the Apt to the taxi cab to the Bistro they are just beautiful... I had to really look at the stillettos to see what you were talking about. I did not notice the squaring of the heel,Although i dont mind it i do think that you are right for a classic look of this shoe to have a typically cylindrically thin tapered heel.

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