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Posts posted by sabotalot

  1. I like low-cut Mary Janes with knee-highs. Haven't used them a lot outside, but have done so on a few occasions. Still looking for the "shortie-vamp" loafers that were popular with the gals many years ago.

  2. Hi There,

    Heels do wonders for my lower back pain. I have tried everything else and nothing helps as well as heels. Even my chiropractor agreed that they would help with my back problem. I think it depends on the individual back complaint. I have one leg shorter than the other and have had back pain for years. I read something on the net a few years ago that mentioned heels help with some types of back problems. My back pain was getting worse at that stage even though I was doing all sorts of exercises. So I thought I would give heels a go. Being a man this was a very scary but after walking around in them for only a few minutes I felt pain relief so I decided to start wearing them as much as possible. I have worn them all day, most days now for the last few years.

    Never thought too much about it but now that you mention it, my back feels better too, if I have been out in heels, and I do it a lot; primarily my Kohl's "Bongo" clogs.
  3. I recall an amusing church experience. People were kneeling, taking communion (Protestant church, at altar.) One guy must have bought his wing-tips at a discount; As he knelt, his shoe bottoms were exposed for all to see, complete with their price, Magic-Markered on the bottom.

  4. You just have to do it. Reading of experiences such as you find here help you to realize that there's nothing wrong with style. I was nervous as could be in my first pair of guys' platforms (1977), but now enjoy any inquiring glances that I may get.

  5. I have a musical fidelity A308 pre and power amp and cd player, which are great, i love great hi fi

    It seems strange to endorse any sort of 40-plus year-old technology, but I stand by my apprecition of these Ampex speakers. They use vacuum-tubes (glad I have a supply).
  6. Decent heelheight, 3 inches? Pumps look very comfortable to me, to do loooong hours of shopping.:roll:

    greetings Hans

    I did something similar. Hadn't bought any footwear in months, so I treated myself to a pair of Payless pumps & wore them when I went to pick up my repaired computer at Best Buy. Everything was o.k., but I should practice a bit before going out in them again. Until them, my high-heel (4") open-back clogs will be fine (I have 4 pairs plus three at 3.5" and one pair at 4.5".)
  7. I didn't mean to be all that negative about the Bose. It has a remarkably wide range, It's just that it seems to me to be weak in the area of 1 to 3 kHz, and there is no tone control on the units I've seen, and they sometimes have trouble playing cdr's.

  8. Never thought that I would do it, but on several occasions have worn stockings with my low-cut Mary Janes in public. Again, no negative response. I have wanted to do this for years. I guess I am slightly TV, but with otherwise normal interest in the opposite sex.

  9. For me the golden age was the 70's. A guy could wear a

    pair of 4" platforms, with no problem to obtain them. Now I go to the gals' department, at first a nerve-racking experience, but now it doesn't bother me; this is something legal to possess and I have the money, but I still don't try them on, but have seldom been unable to wear my purchase. Of course, in those days just out of high school, I couldn't afford everything I wanted. Today I must have over 60 pairs of shoes, either open-back clogs (my daily choice) plus 8 pairs of heeled open back clogs (I'd say they were "women's" but I own them so they are not a woman's). Wish I had bought a few pairs of the open-back "boot-look" mules that were in guy's stores back about 1978. I just responded to a message sent to me. If u got it, please write again; there doesn't seem to be any "feedback" that the message got to its destination. Also like "campus boots"; still have a couple of pairs from back then. :roll: They don't see too much wear because I prefer clogs.

  10. When out and about, I usually carry my (legal) taser. Haven't needed it, but you can never predict when some self-righteous redneck will want to pick on you. Of course when I wear my spikes I can further defend myself. So far, my only incident has been from a sidewalk vendor with bad dentures sneering at my Bastad clogs. He was selling flowers and would call out "Rothes, come by thome rothes (roses)".:roll:

  11. My trip for a physical was interesting. Did not wear Mary Janes, but rather conventional clogs, BUT I WORE A SKIRT! No one seemed to notice. I received a message in my mailbox and tried to reply but may have messed up in my attempt to reply, so if you wrote to me but did not get a reply, please write again.

  12. There was a commercial on tv years ago: "Try it, you'll like it." A little while back I spent a morning in car a muffler shop in my spike pumps. A most memorable experience, interacting with customers and the shop manager. Going to the hospital for annual medical exam. Can't wait to just be "a little off the beaten path" when it comes to attire. Will keep you posted. Want to meet new friends in October in Ohio. Why should just the gals have all the fun? This website is like a dream come true. Not a tv. but I do like the attire, and enjoy peoples' reactions.:roll:

  13. The term I like to use is "brass" which is what that part of you needs to be made of. When I go for a physical tomorrow, I plan to wear something a bit over the top (shoe-wise). Perhaps my backless Mary Janes.

  14. Well, the ol' computer needed repair. I took her into Best Buy, wearing my 4.5" open-back clogs. My first steps were a tad uneasy, but I soon got the hang of it. When it is ready, I will wear something comparable. This website is wonderful. My next purchase will be from Lovely Pumps. Yes, I have several computers. The unit in question had seldom been on line, and consequently, had not received significant updates. Looking forward to Ohio in October. Jeans skirt and high heel clogs will be there (with me in them.)

  15. As I posted earlier, I am straight, and have my eye on a female co-worker who used to work beside me at a failing business. (We got our walking papers about a year apart.) We were involved with making cassettes, and that business is today in the dumper. I was also pleased with her choice of footwear (6" Mudd clogs), although during the warmer months she would switch into flip-flops at quitting time. Her then-boyfriend shares the same first name, and same last name as I have if one were to re-organize last name's letters. Talk about Karma! Let's hear it for Ohio in October!

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