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Posts posted by sabotalot

  1. A part of the answer (and this is not original) has to be the retort to "aren't those women's shoes?", to which I say "No, they are mine". Proudly wearing clogs, about half of the time they are HH. I just noticed that I am echoing Shockqueen's feelings, too. Looking forward to getting together with all who share my feelings.

  2. I've done the skirt thing a few times, but like to confine my alternative attire to footwear. Use pumps occasionally, but really like hh clogs. Not too obvious, but the elevation of the heel, combined with the freedom of their being open-back, gives me a sensation beyond words. Let's hear it for Ohio in October, if not sooner.:smile::thumbsup::wink1:

  3. I've often worn "original" footwear since the late 70's (yes, I'm a geezer at 51). But what defines gender-appropriate style? In those days, though on their way out, 4" platforms were o.k. (thank-you Tony Orlando,) I went to the men's department to get similar styles. It's just that enough of us guys have to pick up on a particular style at the same time. HHPLACE gives us a chance to do this. I was sorry to see that the resurgance of clogs in the late '90's was grounded. No matter; they are still available, thanks to the Internet. Until I found the many vendors that offer them on the internet, I was getting by with 3 very-worn pairs from years ago. Looking forward to Ohio in October, if not sooner. If you live in Ohio, anything more radical than penny-loafers is treated with disdain.

  4. If enough of us could get together in our "meets", we would no longer seem "off-beat". I wear hh clogs almost everywhere, includnig my dentist. Pumps are o.k., but I still like HH clogs. I'm also totally bald by choice;; at one time reluctant to appear so, but three years ago said "why not?". Looking forward to meeting:clap: in October & maybe sooner. Wing tips & loafers stink.

  5. Heels Are Me: More power to you! This is how the Beatles started out. "With all that hair", they deceidedly didn't conform. I got tired of conforming. Several of us will be getting together in Ohio in October. I hope that you can corrall a few kindred spirits in your area. Let's enjoy summer and hope for a global-warming winter.

  6. I'm very satisfied with my Chinese-made Payless boots; they will probably last a shorter time than any custom pair, but I may tire of the style, once they wear out. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy my 3" knee-high spikes, and will switch to low-cut toe-cleavage heeled Mary Jane pumps when they wear out. Yes, I have the brass for toe-cleavage; no worse than wearing a pair of (groan) flip-flops. (Have used a pair of low-cut M.J.'s twice, with no problems).

  7. My first heels were a pair of 3.75" guys' platform clogs, obtained in the early 1980's, when this style had become old and laughable. But I didn't laugh; I enjoyed them a lot (even putting up with know-it-all guys who would snicker.) Well, this is a new era, and even though my main footwear comes from the ladies' aisle, I've had no snide remarks; people may be a bit more open-minded, but I've also learned to carry myself in a much-more confident manner.

  8. Excellent choice. My choice for work; Bastad clogs; at 2.75' heel, they begin to qualify as hh, but nobody has ever been critical of them; I only wish that I could find another pair in the "penny-loafer" style. Mine look good, but are stretched from thousands of hours of use. I keep watching ebay for low-hour replacements. I do have them in several other styes.

  9. Back in the mid 1980's there was a line of women's shoes called "Candies", which, among other styles, there was an open-back high-heel clog. I admired the style as much as its wearer (early 30-ish lady); I thought that there would never be a way for me to wear something like that, but a year ago I bought my first pair (now have 7 similar but not identical pairs) and don't always wear them, but I do wear them a lot. HH meet in Ohio in October. If you think that you might be attending, could you share some of your other interests here? I like old cars, old tv and radio shows, and restoration of sound on vintage records. I'm glad that there are a number of us who are into this. Easy does it.

  10. Thank you for sharing that with us. This man has to be admired. He wears what he wants to wear, enjoys wearing the clothes and high heels that he enjoys, and he is telling the world, "hey, look at me, and I enjoy being me." He is definitely one of us and I am inspired by this video.

    Thanks again.

    I wish that he'd find our little group and join.
  11. Boots here are easier to go with, moderate heel unless I can cover them with a longer pant. Some shoes can be used, when in cowboy country heels on cowboy boots are dead easy but a more feminine heel will take some heat.

    Never know what to expect but that is the excitement of it.

    Excitement: exactly right...Just the desire to do something different, that is neither illegal, immoral, or fattening. Come to think of it, since I first went public with heels, I've dropped about 12 pounds, without really trying. As McDonald's says: "I'm lovin' it".
  12. Belden Village is o.k. w/ me. The name tag was a passing thought, but you're right, we should be able to spot each other! I'd probably wear my 4" Kohl's heeled open-back clogs; relatively low key, but apparant to anyone actively looking.

  13. I think we're on to something; if I'm not in my hh clogs, I may wear my 3" spike knee-high boots from Payless. What will I wear to the Ohio heel meet in October? Certainly not flip-flops, which belong in the shower. When I bought the boots, the clerk asked "are these for you?" They realize that there are those of us who simply like something different. Also have 4" blade boots from Payless, but prefer the spikes. Being boots, they fit tighter than pumps, and if you mis-step, there is less chance of hurting your ankle.

  14. I'd like to suggest that prior to any such meeting, that we make up name-tags; Mine would read "Sabatalot", "like old television and radio shows, and like old cars" (my alternate car is a 1965 full-size American car.) Want to meet kindred-spirits for lively discussion and friendship.

  15. This weekend, U.S. Memorial Day 2008, marks my first anniversary of wearing HH shoes from the other side of the aisle (I am a male who is oriented toward the gals.) I had just bought my first pair of high-heel clogs (like in JMC's avatar) and needed a new computer scanner, and was about to go into Best Buy, when I thought "why not wear them?" So I did, and received the advantages of improved posture and added height. Hooked ever since. Had worn open-back Mary Jane "Earth Shoes" in the past and liked them, but there is nothing like a good pair of HH. Looking forward to October in Ohio.

  16. I like the "Gabby" style, too. In black they would not be too noticible. In the 70's you could have similar styles in some men's departments (I had a couple of pairs). When not in HH, I am usually in Bastad or Dansko clogs.

  17. I am extremely happoy with a pair of pumps recently acquired at Wally Walmart. I guess that it is fate; haven't seen anything like them before or since. Don't have a camera yet, but they have a lower strap, revealing toe cleavage, when worn with appropriate stockings. I am glad to be getting to know myself better.

  18. I feel the same way; I like a jeans skirt when shopping; just seems to seem "right", but most of the time am satisfied with nifty footwear; 4" heeled clogs are low-key, yet I find them to be "Just what the doctor ordered". And yes, I'll occasionally wear heeled pumps, although wearing them takes practice. (See my post on picking up my repaired computer).

  19. Does anybody want to get together in advance of October? Anywhere between Sandusky , Ohio and Pittsburgh, Pa.? Great Northern Mall, Summit Mall, and Belden Village are possible locations. Just want to discuss with kindred spirits, m & f alike, about life, why we are here and what we can do to make things better. The footwear thing is just one of many callings that brings us together. By October, I'll be getting my boots out of storage, but that's a topic for later.

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