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Posts posted by sabotalot

  1. Have you ever noticed that states where cars were historically produced are the states that use the most salt?

    Yes, this is ironic. My 1965 car spent the first 37 years of its life in Sacremento. Its paint was oxidized, but still looked pretty good. I had it repainted, only to learn that originality can add to its value. No matter, I don't want to sell it, especially with working factory air. It can set all winter, and always starts right up.
  2. Well, here I am responding to myself. I really want to get together with you folks, who, like to model airplanes, to model cars, etc., like to model shoes. This is all a part of being yourself. Nothing wrong with being yourself. Just try to understand that there is more to being than the immediate here and now. Looking foward to October (in heels) I remain.....Sabotalot

  3. I'm glad to have gotten directions to the restaurant. I did a lot of repair work, years ago, for a nearby business. It should be enjoyable, and might attract a bit of attention. Maybe we could get Tony Orlando to attend in his 6" platforms. (Sabotalot, your age is showing.) Since road salt will (hopefully) not as yet have been an issue, I may arrive in my 1965 car. My 2005 Pathfinder will be doing the salt-eating thing this winter. $%!&*# road salt! There are non-corrosive substitutes that they could use, but probably n:penitent: ever will.

  4. I'm kind of fond of open-back shoes (clogs-prefer them with at least a 4" heel, daily wear is unisex open-back clogs) but sometimes like the feel of the knee-high bootshaft. I had to give boots up until recently, when I lost some weight; calves were too thick. I'm planning on wearing 3" spike knee-high boots to our Ohio get-together.:smile:

  5. I am looking forward to our Oct. 18 get-together. Like most of us, I want to make a fashion statement; I want to let it be known that guys like to be a bit flamboyant, too. I like to wear styles that are "right on the border"; hh clogs . In fact I wear unisex Bastad and Dansko open-back clogs daily. What shall I wear to the meet? Low-cut Mary Janes? Spike knee-high boots? HH open-back clogs? I'm voting for the spikes. As much as I like open-backs, I like the feel of the boot-shaft. It will probably be too cool to wear my hh toe-loop sandals; but maybe not. None the less, I like guys' panty-hose (you can find it, designed to fit your anatomy!) Looking forward to October...Sabotalot.... I want to get together with others who like this stuff, but don't get carried away with it.

  6. That's ideal. When I'm with my good friend Pizza Lady, I'll wear my guys' open -back clogs (she approves) but nothing further out. She used to wear 6" open-back clogs, but suddenly stopped wearing them. I never asked, but wondered whether she had had a near-accident. :smile: Years ago, I knew a lady who really messed-up her ankle while wearing (her words) "high, klunky shoes". She was voice-over talent in radio and t.v. commercials. Fortunately, her father was retired, and was able to accompany her, while her foot was in a cast.

  7. I have recently had several significant positive experiences with the detoxifying foot-pads available at many stores; yes, go to your doctor; but try the foot-pads; some say it it is worthless; yet I have found my shoulders, knees, & hips feel more like they did 10 years ago; not perfect, but a whole lot better. I'm 52, but feel a lot better since discovering this. Oriental (Japanese/Chinese) medicine to the rescue. Try it, you'll like it. Try "Deals Too Good to Pass Up" stores, or else Wallgreen's.:smile:

  8. Since the subject has come up, I'd like to share my story. I had just discovered this website, and was at Walmart. I went shoe-shopping and came away with a ladies' size 12, extremely low-cut pump, showing all 10 of my friends. Although I regularly wear gal's shoes, these are a bit extreme. See "Lovely Pumps" something similar. If not in my Bastad or Dansko clogs, i'm comfortable in my MJ's.

  9. Johnieheel: I'm writing here to say that I'm glad that you (and others) called me on my rantings of last weekend. I want to go to our meet in low-key style. In my case, probably spike-heel boots. I was full of baloney (80-proof baloney.)

  10. Yes, I goofed. I let my imagination wander to its extremes. (Thank-you, Cutty Sark.) I value this group, and feel like a dummy for letting my thoughts wander. I want to be individualistic, but still want to show myself as being o.k. I took an early retirement (age 52). I want to be adventuresome. If the October get-together is still on, I want to be there, in something that says: "This is the new guys' footwear." I thought that we had arrived in 1975 when guys could choose from platform boots, clogs, and non-boot platforms. Just out of high-school, I could barely afford those nifty platforms that I admired, let alone those new knee-high Dingo boots. Thankfully, even today, I can free-style daily somewhat; I wear Dansko and Troentorp clogs almost exclusively. I dislike "normal" shoes; they don't feel right. I'm sure that a bunch of you out there feel the same. Looking forward to October in either HH clogs, pumps, or spike boots, I remain your friend...Sabotalot

  11. See my last post: I'll add to it by saying": "It -hic- sheemed like a good idea-hic- at the -hic- time". There is a department here for comments that I made, and will go there in the future, should the occasion arise. If you folks will forget that I posted this @$#%&, I'll be pleased.

  12. Let me re-interate; I "wanna" do this. I don't want to make a big deal out of this, but I have found wearing nifty footwear and not being questioned has been kind of nice. The only exception was the clerk at Best Buy, who seemed a bit agast by my cross-strapped hh sandals. The next time I was at same store, I was in a pair of 3" pumps, backed by p.h. (pantyhose.) I guess that I am a bit tv, but my libido is toward the opposite sex. Nonetheless, I'm gonna attend our meet in a jeans skirt, p.h., and pumps similar to "Lovely Pumps"., which, believe it or not, came from Wally Walmart, in ladies' size 12. Learning to know myself for who I am....

  13. My collection: 2 pairs of knee-high spike-boots; 2 pairs of blade-heel knee-high boots, 7 pairs of open-back hh clogs (my favorite), 4 pairs of low-heel Mary Janes (one of which is backless), 4 pairs of hh pumps, 1 pair of hh toe-loop sandals, 1 pair open-back Harley-Davidson knock-offs that look like snoot-boots, 1 pair of cross-strapped hh sandals, 1 pair similar to "Lovely Pumps", 1 pair of open-back hush-puppies. one pair of low-cut sneakers.. Daily wear is unisex/guys' clogs. I couldn't begin to count how many pairs of those I have. (At least 40), going back to the 70's, when Mylon LeFerve (On the Road to Freedom) made them popular. I'm glad that Brian May (of Queen) still favors them.

  14. If it's anywhere between Sandusky and Canton, I will be there. I want to wear something extra special. I've just discovered guys' hose (why has the soothing comfort of this stuff not become more widely known?) I like hh clogs (although my daily fare is conventional open back Bastad clogs...I am wearing them with the aforementioned guys' pantyhose, and have not felt this comfortable in quite a while). If I don't wear the hh clogs, I'll wear my EXTREMELY low-cut pumps (go to "Lovely Pumps" to see something similar), or if I chicken-out, my spike heel boots. Screw conventionality. "I'm o.k., you're o.k." Again, this is just part of life. Not obligatory, but if u care to participate, o.k. Some *%*&&@ just dropped a virus on my trusty Sony Vaio computer, so I am forced to write this on another of the ten computers that I own. A pox upon you, virus-dropper. May you some day have to send out an e-mail asking for rescue, only to discover that YOU have such a virus! Long live hhplace!:smile:

  15. I haven't posted in a few days, but want to vote in favor of "Ruby Tuesday's". It should be quite an experience, I don't plan to buy anything, but it will be my first SIGNIFICANT venture, since earlier this year when I spent 2 hours in an auto repair store, having a new exhaust system installed on my car. I wore 3.5" low cut pumps the whole time. I have done numerous low-key ventures, however, including wearing said pumps to drop off a compute:clap: r for repairs, and when picking it up.

  16. I hadn't thought of the "extra pair" idea, but it is a good one. I am now into "Comfilon" hose. It is nice because it conforms better to male anatomy, and is available with a fly. I like hh's, but have discovered that I like flats, too, if they are cut low enough. My favorite hh's are clog-style, open in back, with at least a 4" heel. I'm here in northern Ohio, and am determined to attend the next Ohio meet. I believe in being myself. I am, by choice, totally bald, for 3.5 years. If I like a certain style of footwear, I'll wear it, within certain limitations. Does anyone here go shopping in "pony boots"?

  17. I'll second that. I don't know if I'll wear hh clogs, pumps, or low-cut Mary Janes. It takes brass to do this, but it's a chance to be yourself. It's funny...one can be well-adjusted, with "normal" passions, but to do this occasionally is a source of fulfillment.:smile:

  18. For me, any brand except "Crocs". With all those holes, they might as well be made of Swiss cheese. And don't wear them on the Escalator. Their sticky texture allows them to be sucked in between the Escalator and the Escalator wall. This fact was on tv news a few months ago. Dansko, Bastad-Troentorp, etc.,:smile: are safer and better-looking.

  19. I opened my AOL account today, and spotted a headline: "Don't wear 'Crocs' to work". Well, no kidding. I wouldn't wear those ugly things to take out the garbage. If you want clogs, wear the real thing such as Dansko or Bastad-Troentorp, etc.

  20. I like this style and plan to emulate it. Little by little, I've worked my way from penny-loafers to more outer-limits styles. My usual out-and-about style is HHclogs, but have worn toe-cleavage Mary Jane flats. Am I outside the norm? Yes. Is there anything wrong with this? No. Do I hope some lady will notice my style and comment on it in a favorable way? You betcha! Do I wear pantyhose? Yes, it helps a lot. I have worn HHpumps to my computer store, and have loved every minute of it. Ohio meet in October? I hope so! I'll even wear one of my my jeans skirts. It should look good with my knee-high stiletto boots. I guess that I am a bit tv, but don't want to do anything but be a bit exhibionistic. To counterbalance the skirt, I'll wear my "Bald R Us" t-shirt, since:queen: :o , by choice, I have no hair. I know of at least one other Ohio member who wants us to firm up a date and place. I get a kick out of being slightly outrageous, yet being otherwise low-key. Any suggestions for a date and place? Thank goodness for HHplace. Knowing that I am not alone makes me want to investigate other suppliers, such as "Pleaser". Would prefer a Cleveland/Akron location.

  21. I still like hh clogs. When walking, they are not too flamboyant. When I sit down and cross my legs, I get a few second looks when people see that the heels are 4.5". Let's include hh clogs in future surveys. They are neither sandals, boots, nor pumps. My second choice is spike-heeled knee-high boots. When the mood strikes, I like Mary Jane flats.

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