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Posts posted by sabotalot

  1. Yeah; well nowadays all it takes is one fillup at the nearest BP station to completely wreck yer finances. But I definitely see what yer saying about Wal-Mart. So where did they go for a big deluxe meal, McDonald's? :roll:

    Don't knock Walmart too much. I've gotton several nice pairs of shoes there, including 2 pairs of low-cut flats, a nice pair of extra-low-cut pumps, and a pair of back-less Mary Janes. All in women's size 11 or 12.
  2. I like skirts, too. I'm wearing a full-length jeans skirt as I write this. I say "why not?" Its the same as a pair of pants, except it's not divided down the middle. Have been in public like this 5 times, each time with high-heel clogs. Think about it; you could be wearing a pair of Bermuda shorts, and no one would care. Picture yourself in the aforementioned shorts, with a skirt over them. If you deceide that you have gone too far, take the skirt off and you are back in perfectly ordinary attire.

  3. News item on television about these crappy shoes. It seems that their rubbery outside is a risk on escalators (the continuously-moving stairways found in department stores). Touching the stationary wall of the escalator has caused the "shoe" to get sucked in between the moving stairway and the wall, causing injury. Give me a pair of real clogs anyday. They really are a "crock" of #$&^*@@! What is the name for escalators in the U.K.?

  4. I just want to comment on what has been a very good day, and how much I am looking forward to our Oct. get-together. Latter part of the day (wearing 4.5" open back clogs) was interesting; went to Pizza Hut for buffet-style Pizza at 5 o'clock and was told to come back at 5:30 when the buffet would be ready. "No problem" thought I. I went to the coin-op laundry, proudly displaying my nifty footwear, while my clothes were washing. Went back to Pizza Hut at 5:55. They still weren't ready. Went to McDonald's (and saved a bundle.) Had a pretty-good cheeseburger and an EXCELLENT cup of coffee. Then went shopping, still wearing the aforementioned clogs. Have been mulling over what to wear this October. I think it will probably be the pair of spike-heel ultra low-cut pumps that I found a while back at Walmart! And in women's size 12! I'm not going to graduate to kilts, but I am still a big fan of jeans skirts. Just gave my cocktail skirts (but not my miniskirt) to charity.

  5. I just had a second thought. My brother said to me that my wearing clogs might make people think i'm gay (I'm not). He likes to wear snakeskin boots; I should have told him "you wear boots? You must be into s & m".

  6. Nothing wrong with being anything other than straight. I feel that there are many aspects to our existance that are beyond explanation, such as why we chose to buy a blue car instead of a green car; why we chose to have a particular dish for dinner; why we like Aerosmith better than Chicago (or vice-versa).

  7. Again, I'l relate my experience many years ago when a flower-selling sidewalk vendor seemed to guffaw at my:wave: Bastad clogs. They were the penny-loafer style. I still have them but they are very worn, and unfortunately they no longer make that style.

  8. P.S. : I'm looking forward to an October meet in Ohio. I'll wear my most outrageous attire. Looking forward to meeting others who consider attire to be a matter of choice that is not related to gender, or sexual orientation. Since this blog came to my attention, it has reassured me that I am o.k., and has given me the impotice to drop several unwanted pounds (weight, not money). Speaking of pounds ( this time it is money) a British punk/gothic clothing dealer is offering incredible low-heel crotch boots. Is it possible to wear them under your trousers without a noticible bulge where they end at your waist, until you deceide to wear them outside? Attn: Crotchboots! Also, could the October meet coincide with Halloween, and the Rocky Horror Show, giving us a little cover?

  9. Reminds me of Dale Miller, who began showing up for work in skirts and pumps. I guess he did it for about a year. He has his own website and still wears skirts and heels during his leisure time. I wear high heel clogs a lot, but have done the skirt thing only 5 times. It was a full-length jeans skirt, which I still like to wear privately.

  10. Does anyone remenber the "shortie vamp" loafers that the gals wore back in the 60's? "Lovely Pumps" started to offer them a year or so ago, but apparantly deceided to withdraw. I would love to get a couple of pairs. Untill then, my Mary Janes will have to do.:roll:

  11. After a long, frozen winter, I am looking forward to summer. I like being barefoot, but so many institutions have rules aganst it. My recourse is the other extreme: boots. Shorts are an accepted form of atire, but I say they are nothing more than a skirt with the middle tied together, so my answer is the leather skirt that I am wearing, combined with the 4" heel knee-high boots that I am planning to wear to the Ohio heel-meet in October. Yes, I am still totally bald, and nobody would take me to be a gal. As to lack of shoes, see my guru, Wayne Dyer; he apprears without shoes, and also appears with what little hair he has shaven off. And yes, I'll be wearing the skirt in October, unless my kilts show up before then.

  12. Ohio? That's close enough. Keep us posted. I like setting trends. First caucasion guy in my circle of friends to adopt the Yul Brynner/Kojak look. Now everywhere you go there are hairless guys. I'm the only guy I know of who wears heels openly (although the styles I choose are not too flamboyant.) I may even have gotten the brass to start wearing kilts.

  13. I think back to my first episode of "street-heeling". It was using a pair of guy's platform clogs, back in the 70's. What a wonderful experience! They boosted my height by 3.75 inches. After they wore out, the trend had passed, and I thought "well, that's over". I had never considered shoe-shopping on the other side of the aisle. I started to shop in that aisle; at first I was as nervous as could be---but it becomes easier. My first purchase was a pair of women's open-back sneakers, which I sometimes wear today. Now by most frequent footwear is high-heel open-back clogs. How does HH Place sustain itself? Is it from advertising? I will ad the fact that I also like pumps and Mary Janes so long as there is a little toe-cleavage showing (I wear Comfilon pantyhose; but that's a subject for another time.):roll:

  14. My only problem while driving was when driving someone else's car. My daily car is a Ford Explorer (gas-guzzling SUV-I love it.) I was driving this tiny Hirohito-type car and found myself trying to stop; the car would not stop; I was inadvertantly pressing on the gas pedal, while putting on the brakes. This occurred while I was wearing a pair of Bastad clogs, which being wood, do not give the same "feedback" as would, for example, a pair of sneakers. No harm occurred, and I learned to use my left foot for brakes, right foot for accelerator. My other car is a 1965-vintage full-size car. Never have such a problem with it, or any other full-sized car.:roll:

  15. Well, here I go again. After lurking here for a year and a half, I've deceided to start posting. My recent visit to the dentist was in my knee-high 4-inch-heeled boots. No big deal, but my nex:clap: t visit will be in my open-back 4.5" clogs, but I don't think that I will wear the jeans skirt that I am wearing as I write this. I will, however, wear it to Circuit City tonight, while I get some things to keep the ol' computer happy (along with the aforementioned clogs).

    It was too slippery outside to wear the 4.5" open-back clogs, so I made the

    visit in a comparable pair of 4", and had no traction problems or other negatives. The half-inch makes more difference than I would have expected.

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