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Posts posted by Bootking

  1. Bootking, I have you seen the "Tree Bark" brown in any shoes at NW? It is a very deep brown, almost black actually. It is common in several styles. I like the velvet brown better, but I lke the tree bark as well.

    Love the new font, by the way!

    Thanks HappyFeat, no I haven't seen the new color yet. But I have been seeing a lighter color (called natural leather in the Blushey boot) in their stores which is very nice. I bought a pair of Nevan boots for my wife in a slightly darker color.

    There had been a little kicking about on the readability of the font so I made it a little easier on the eyes.

  2. Thanks. I had a chance to look in a Nine West store over the weekend & they had the boots but only in black and of course no size 11's.rx

    rxrenesis, the Nine West outlet store will be very happy to order it for you and deliver it to your door for an extra $7 - quite a deal in my opinion.

  3. Dawn HH, I must disagree. Target has unisex fitting rooms and all the attendant has to do is to count the pieces that you are taking in - that's all. Either she is just an idiot and obnoxious person or both. If she felt that Magickman was making a mistake, then she should have QUIETLY asked him.
  4. Excellent outfit, excellent outing for 16 hrs., lousy comment, lousy service, lousy restaurant. I'd find another restaurant for the meetings and tell anyone that you see about not going there to visit that establishment again. She should learn to keep her mouth shut and he should be able to say something to her about how to treat the customers properly. I like your boots and they look fine with what you were wearing that day.


    Dawn HH

    Yes, yes and yes on all counts!!!!
  5. Lately I've been getting to a fairly good number of Nine West outlets (see the Pennsylvania thread) and having had some good results, continued that home in Connecticut.

    On Wednesday I first stopped at the store in Stamford where I was greeted nicely but didn't have anything that I wanted. Then on to Norwalk where I was not greeted. I wandered around in the store, tried on a couple of pairs of boots (one called 'splurge' or something like it) was too small in my usual 11 and the Bandolino was too wide in the calf for my taste). Then on to the one in Fairfield where I wasn't greeted either (the salesgirl was in the rear and was quite busy). Well, here was a winner - the Gooro (last year it was called Goor) boot in brown leather, size 11. They actually had more than one pair but the pair I tried on still was in all of it's original stuffing. I walked up and down and the purchase was a no-brainer for $29.99. I browsed a little more then went up to the register. There was a woman ahead of me that was taking some time so I browsed a little right around the register area while I was waiting.

    Finally she's done and I was greeted nicely by the salesgirl (cute too). I had an online coupon for 20% off (HappyFeat - eat your heart out!!) off all boots and booties (they don't call me Bootking for nuttin'). The only problem is that the e-mail didn't have an actual code or barcode on it. So, the salesgirl, trying to get me the discount had to make various calls, etc. that made the wait longer although she was quite polite about it.

    As I was waiting I wandered around, tried on some loafers that were nearby that I didn't buy and just did the looking thing. Back at the desk we started to chat about the boots. She said that she had them in winter white and black and that they are the same boot as the Gallivant (knee high version). I said I know and that I had them too in black and brown leather! As we chatted, she told me how comfortable they were and how absolutely hot they area! I agreed wholeheartedly and told her that I had the Goor in winter white also and that another hot boot was the Bhavino in black leather. She didn't know that one as the style is different and they hadn't had it in the store.

    I felt so bold and empowered at that point that I told her that as the boots are so hot, it would be a shame to leave them in the box and that I'd wear them out of the store instead. Without batting an eye, she thought that that was great for the environment, etc. etc.!! She let me know though that I could no longer return them if I did but that was fine with me.

    End result - great leather boots, good conversation and a final price of less than $24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  6. The question is---how many men will buy and wear this style of boot in their daily life other than our Board members here?

    Dawn HH

    When I read the part (now in blue) I thought ME!! ME!! ME!!!!!!! And then the letdown came (other than our Board members here?).

    Oh well......................

  7. It took me a long time to get over it and stop feeling stupidly embarassed shopping for heels, etc. I won't say that I don't feel that way on occasion but at least I've gotten to the point where I will go into the store, go look for exactly what I want or ask for what I want without procrastinating or wasting time trying to get up the nerve. In that respect, those silly days are gone.
  8. 1. would it bring out ur calves or would it make ur calves look "skinnier"..because im always self concious about certain shoes that make ur calves look thinner:online2long: i hope this isnt the case

    Not skinnier; I would think would enhance the look as high heels do.

    2. is it the same as wearing a regular 6 inch stereotypical "stripper" heel.

    I know its a high heel but i dont want it to be soo high..u know?

    5.5" heel minus 1" platform = virtual 4.5" heel; shouldn't be a problem!

    is the 5.5 inch heel make that much of a difference then the 6 inch?

    No; same difference in this instance as 4.5 to 5"

  9. I sincerely do not believe that it is, as so many have stated, because no one noticed.

    If you are walking through a mall or store in high heels, believe me, people will notice.

    RonC, I cannot agree with you more. There is no doubt whatsoever that as I (and many others) streetheel, obviously or not, we are seen and noticed. But as you mention, people's social mores are polite enough not to say anything. But we would be very foolish to believe that we are not seen or heard! Lately, my street heeling has been in 4" stiletto boots, knee high over jeans (see my avatar) or ankle/calf high under jeans. This has been in malls, rest areas, small stores, Wal-Mart, etc. etc. where only in one possible instance did I hear anything that could be construed toward me (if so, it was negative). Whether the general silence eventually turns toward indifference and then acceptance, we would need the old crystal ball to find it. In the meantime, I try to just go about my way as if the 4" thing was "normal" for me.

  10. The other side of the coin is when women wear long boots either for a lengthy period indoors (such as all day in a warm office) or outdoors in warm weather. OK, it's a fashion thing

    Puffer, I don't know if you're old enough but back in the late 60s and 70s, women wore stretch knee high boots in the summer with mini skirts and hot pants (short-shorts) - and you didn't hear a peep out of them either that they were too hot!!

  11. I wanted to post pictures with the Levi's 511 skinny jeans that I wore to the Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Wilkes-Barre but I found that not only did I have mine in the car but I also had a pair of my wife's J. Crew "Matchstick" skinny jeans. So, below are pix of me in the Levi's (first two) and the J Crew (last three). You can be the judge as to which of the two has the better fit of the skinny jeans pair. The second pic is what I wore at Cracker Barrel; the Gallivant high black leather boots.

    Yesterday, I went to Wal-Mart to return some things and get some other things. I wore the J Crew skinny jeans with the Bhavino boots underneath. I actually surprised myself as to how well I walked in them all around the store and how they didn't pinch at all with the 4 1/4 stiletto heel. From their, to Lowe's Home Improvement to buy a heater to work in the garage and some extension cords. Again, all around the store, as above, and no comments at all. People were just as polite and nice with my stilettos as I would expect them to be with the boring "men's" flats.






  12. Tech, why would you think so? If you wear sandals and you manicure your nails, etc. why would you want some ugly scraggly hairs to ruin the look? I don't think there is anything odd about that.

    loswabs, you have four choices; shaving (temporary), depilitories (Nair type) temporary, laser (permanent) or electrolysis (permanent).

  13. Legg's Sheer Energy is an excellent choice. They are somewhat durable, variety of colors and sizes and are reasonable. As you are in Canada, I don't know if you have the drug/pharmacy stores that we have in the US, but you can usually find sales of two for the price of one or 50% off of the second one, about once in a month or so in Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens, etc. Something dressier is Legg's Silken Mist, very nice but less durable. But it also depends upon purpose as if you are not wearing them to show, then runs don't matter very much and you can wear them a lot longer than if you were to wear a skirt/dress.

    WalMart stuff is okay but you will have to try the various different brands to find what you like. If you are just looking for warmth, try tights, either Leggs (again), or a store brand.

  14. corsair, just looking at the photo reminded me of a pair of boots that I had back in the 70s. It had a same shape heel, slightly higher, but were "Men's" at the time. Looking at them (my eyes) wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary. Certainly not like the 4" stiletto boots that I was wearing yesterday. I wouldn't even give those boots a second thought as far as drawing unwanted attention.
  15. Although this trip took place January 17 to 21, I wasn't able to provide the pictures and a picture is worth a thousand words. My first stop was at the gas station where I pumped my own gas in a busy station and then to the outlets in Tannersville (picture 1). I was wearing herring bone grey flare slacks and Nine West Bhavino 4" black leather ankle boots. I browsed through the mall and went into the Nine West Outlet and Shoe something or other (I tried on in both stores but didn't find anything satisfactory).

    Then, further west on I-80 stopped in a McDonalds clicking away and continued to a small town near the Ohio border. I was visiting a relative and wanted to bring either flowers or gift box of wine. I had already changed earlier (Picture 2) to the Bhavino boots and X-2 boot cut jeans. But as I had wanted to wear the boots over the jeans for the longest time, this was going to be the place. I changed into 4" Nine West Gallivant black leather knee boots, (Picture 3) carefully tucked the jeans into the boots and through the snow (yes it was snowing!) and ice, I walked into the liquor (package) store. Neither the man nor woman said anything nor acted strange but there was no doubt that the saw the boots and heard the clicking as I followed the woman around the store to make the selection. The transaction completed, I left and was driving out of the parking lot when I saw a CVS store. As I was looking for reading glasses to wear with the contact lenses and some other things, I went in, walked around - and the same thing, no comment! I made my purchase and left. Sadly, after that stop, I changed back into "normal" clothes to my destination.

    When I left on the morning of the 20th, my first stop was McDonalds next to the outlets at Mercer, about 40 miles from Ohio on I-80. It had snowed that morning and driving and walking was difficult so no heeling in the snow at that point. I had wanted the Gallivant boot (or something similar) in brown leather for a while and guess what, they didn't have it in my size (11)! But the saleswoman checked the computer and the Lahaska, PA store had it (not the way I was headed at all). The end result was for $7, it was shipped home with an expected 3-5 business day delivery, so for $56 it was truly a bargain. I was the only customer and tried on a few pairs but didn't buy anything else. By then it was off towards Pittsburgh to meet a friend. I broswed Baker's and Nine West at the Monroeville Mall for a hot minute and then stayed with my friend.

    On Wednesday the 21st I had to leave for Conn. as I had an important appointment on Thursday morning. I was wearing Levi's 511 skinny jeans, dark blue and the Bhavino boots under them. I stopped at McDonald's and then really hit the road (Pennsylvania Turnpike). Later, as I got to Wilkes-Barre, I needed gasoline and food. I stopped in the gas station, pumped the gas and went inside to use the facilities and buy some water. I heard a guy laugh to his companion, but whether it had anything to do with me or not, I really didn't know and didn't care. And then, I really pushed my envelope completely - I went for dinner at the Cracker Barrel restaurant in my knee boots over my skinny jeans (pictures 4 and 5 - they are not the same jeans but you get the idea). This was the view of the patrons and waitresses / hostesses / cashiers while I was having my well deserved dinner! Even I couldn't believe myself, high heeled stiletto boots in full view!

    I stopped again in Scranton to see the Scranton Mall but couldn't stay long (wearing the same outfit). A woman and I chatted in the elevator down to the parking area but nothing about the boots.

    My last stop was for gas in Fishkill, NY again as dressed above.

    Not to mention numerous rest stops, etc. seeing people seeing me but not a word!

    I guess they must see guys in stiletto boots every day - LOL!

    HappyFeat and I were supposed to meet but he had a family occasion (as I did) so we had to take a heeling raincheck.

    Can't wait for the next excursion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






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