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Posts posted by Bootking

  1. HappyFeat, I don't really know whether to shit or go blind! I have toyed with the skirt and heels idea etc. but to go on the hunt like that; incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My many hats off to you!!!!!!!

  2. Like everything else, it depends on the style. In Nine West boots I normally wear an 11, but there was one style that I could not wear. I think it is called Splurge or something like that; tight in the foot and wide in the calf. That's why the best solution is always to try on the shoe in the store.
  3. I wasn't sure if the Gooro came in red snakeskin or just the bone pattern that I had already seen from your picture. The reason that I asked is that on eBay, I had just seen the knee high version in a red snakeskin in a size 12 for $99. With Nine West I wear an 11 as you do, so that wouldn't work.

    I have seen the red leather and was looking for it but didn't find it in an 11 anywhere so far but as I have a Colin Stuart leather pair with zippers, I didn't find the snakeskin version this time around but had found it in Fairfield and passed on it because again, I have two Colin Stuart snakeskin ones, one pointy and one almond toe, both knee high but darker, the 2nd one somewhat metallic.

    It is amazing the adventures that one has! Keep on heelin'

  4. The NW manager told me that I am their best customer even.

    Well, I figure there is that little thing of being a man buying women's stuff that may make me stand out, but....

    Great stuff, it doesn't get better than that! By the by, in another post you had those great Gooro boots; are they red snakeskin or the grey?

  5. A decent selection but Westbrook is not a large outlet mall. They had a Danskin store there that I didn't have time to run into next to Nine West. Clinton and Westbrook together make a decent size mall. And as they are only two exits apart on I-95, you could really consider them one outing.

    I think both are fine spots for heeling as you're outside from store to store and you're not confined at all.

  6. I was out and about today in my black Gallivant 4" leather stiletto knee boots underneath Mossimo jeans. I stopped at two Nine West outlets, one in Clinton and one in Westbrook. I was greeted well and in the Clinton store was nicely asked if I needed help (the salesgirl being near me in the same aisle and saw the boots). I told her no as they didn't have larger sizes. She told me that the boots were broken sizes and mostly smaller.

    Ah well.............

  7. I find it interesting how he openly discusses the motive of attracting a mate as central to these fashion decisions. While most fashion theory that I read endlessly debates the nuances of status, class, lifestyle associations, trickle-up and trickle-down aspirations, perhaps it’s been too unseemly or unacademic to go to the all-too-simplistic “women - the statistical majority of whom are heterosexual - buy and wear high heels because they make them look and feel hot and they know that men respond to that.”

    Thanks Amanda for the article. How refreshing to get a different point of view on this topic instead of the same old fashion statements.

  8. I wore a pink shirt with black pants and black shoes years ago without incident to work regularly. But that was when I was young and foolish and didn't give a care. I haven't done that since.


    Dawn HH

    I still wear a pink (bright) shirt on occasion to work or to church and have pink ties to coordinate with it or wear with something else - it is quite acceptable.

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