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Posts posted by tightsnheels

  1. I drive in heels regularly and have never had a problem with them myself. I do agree with Thedesigner that work boots are much worse, their width catches both brake and fuel at the same time! I actually have to ware a pair of trainers when I drive the large trucks/lorries for work to prevent the aformentioned problem.

    While we are talking of driving would anyone mind clearing up a piece of curiosity for me? Here in the states the pedals go left to right clutch, brake, fuel is it the same in a right hand drive car or is it reversed? Just curious.


  2. Hmm...Eighteen responses and 202 views; so far the question seems to intrest but not enough to get a response. Perhaps the views are by people not in the group?

    It is nice to see that male nothings ever happened seems to be the winner so far though. However There apparently arn't too many women responding though.

    Thank you Nina for your comments and I hope you have better fortune in the future. Wellies is right that at your age you are blameless for the past.

    My experiance is much the same as Dan J so I won't bother with readdressing it.

    Come on lets hear some feed back Guys and Gals.


  3. I was reading a post the other day and it got me to wondering, how many of us men and women have been assaulted for our clothing or shoe choices? I know we men tend to think women get away with any choices they want so it will be interesting to here from them and see if that sterotype is true. We also tend to think we are in a lot of danger from our choices as well and from what I've seen and heard there does seem to be a danger out there so give a vote and tell us your story.


  4. I agree and find your boots quite stylish and have never heard anything negative about white boots before. I actually like the look of white boots and tend to keep my eyes open for a pair for myself.

    I have this odd idea of white stiletto boots with white leggings, a white tunic sweater and a long white car coat. It would make me the anti-goth as I tell my children. Just an idea though as I am only part way there on collecting the clothes.


  5. Since we have only had one female opinion I did a survey of the houseold:

    Mrs. T&H: first thing she said there's no heel, they look painful and wobbly

    T&H daughter number one: Interesting, would wear them.

    T&H daughter number two: I might try them if there is no wind.

    T&H Yuk! and an interesting question no one seems to have asked yet. How does one stand up from a chair?


  6. I am deeply saddened to hear that people would choose to have such a mindless altercation. But then again their minds are definatly very small. Here in the states things like that have happened in the past and I'm sure they still do in some places but here in the state I live in it could be deadly for the attacker as we have a right to carry concealed weapons. I'm glad you haven't let them stop you though. If more of us men would dress like we wanted and less like everyone else (like women tend to do) then those with the small brains would have fewer people to beat up.

    Again you have my deapest sympathy and respect.


  7. I quite agree with fast freddy that it is just someone who has found a place to be a thorn in everyones side.

    As Firefox said many women (and a few men) would die for your figure. I found most of the shots to be quite convincing myself and only realized you were a guy from the front. You have a good style that is really much like my own and it is refreshing to see others who don't go over the top. I am also glad to see Warsaw must be a very accepting place for you to be yourself like that.

    I have met many a beautiful Polish woman and think that this article is just plain rude and wrong.

    Good luck and don't let this get you down.


  8. Upon thinking about this overnight let me use an anology. Tires.

    Sounds simple but tires make all the differance to how a car handles some are flashy (raised white letters on a sidwall of black), some are nondiscrept white walls, others are basic black, then you get a multitude of treads. Now those flashy tires might get some attention but not near as much if they are attached to a Corvette, Porsche, Mustang, you get the idea. If you put racing tires on a truck/lorrey (Hope I spelled that right) its still a truck (albeit with a much lower load potential). If you put truck tires on a Corvette it would look awful but its still a vet and will still attract attention in its own right.

    Analogy is a bit awkward but I think it makes the point.

    Check in again tonight gotta go to work.


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