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Posts posted by tightsnheels

  1. It is a beautiful Easter morning and the whole congragation was gathered in the church, all were singing as the pastor started his walk down the aisle. Just as he reaches the alter Satan appears in a blast of fire and smoke. The entire congragation flees in whatever way they can out doors, leaping out of windows pushing and shoving as they go. Satan stands at the front laughing with tears running down his face until he spies a little old man calmly sitting in the front pew. Now this perturbed Satan something fierce and he walks up to the man.

    "Aren't you scared?"

    "Don't see why I should be."

    "Don't you know who I am?"

    "Well I ought to I've been married to your sister for sixty-three years!"


  2. Actually, that's not such an oxymoron... oxygen bleaches are colour safe...

    Well Doc I won't argue except I had always learned that when you bleach somthing you remove the colour. As in this definition from encarta:

    bleach [bleech]

    n (plural bleach·es)

    1. color-removing substance: a chemical substance that removes color and stains and is also used as a cleansing agent and disinfectant 2. application of bleach: an act of using bleach on something

    Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2003. © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    So to me it is still an oxymoron.


  3. Let's take a differant hypothosis for a moment:

    No one likes terrorism. (Fact?) It appears that most terrorist organizations come from major oil producing nations. So if we all rapidly convert to alternative energy sources we could effectivly cut off funds to terrorists. (Guess. However everybody remember this is a theory not a political stance.)

    Now by extrapolation we eliminate (Nearly) the CO2 emmisions from fossil fuels and we eliminate terrorism. Sounds good to me do we have a consensous?

    Also back to the movie (as Richie has said in another post) when dinosours roamed the earth it was a LOT hotter why? Because primordial earth and jurasic earth had a lot more CO2 in the atmosphere. What happened to all the CO2? Plants sequestered the excess gas within themselves then were for whatever reason trapped within the earths crust where they turned into coal etc. Oil is actually from a differant source but same overall effect. So when we burn these fuels we are releasing that sequestered CO2 back into the atmosphere. So naturally if it made it HOT before it will make it HOT again. The trick is to stop now before things get even worse and we need a major cosmic collision to cool things back off again.

    By the way guys if anyone is curious I am a certified Heating and Cooling technician so warming, cooling, use of gases and the physics involved are just part of my job.


  4. This thread brings to mind an issue I don't understand. If we need to cut out carbon emmisions why are we waiting for "Fuel cell technology" to run hydrogen? The technology to run hydrogen in an internal combustion engine has been around for years. If I remember correctly the cost to convert ANY car to run on it is less than $2000 US:silly: I know it could be substantialy more in other places. But the point is that the standard gasoline powered vehicle will run on it with little modifacation.

    So why don't we?


  5. I did this a couple of years ago but give it a try as it works anytime. Make up an offical looking sign that says "Dry Paint" then hang it in a conspicuous place where you can see it. Then sit back and watch just how many people have to touch the place to see if it is still wet! :roll: I left this sign on our book keepers door for three days and she said everyday there were more people that had check. She actually had to leave her office several times from laughing so hard.:o


  6. I agree with Laila Lilly and Dr. Shoe. I'll find something that seems perfect but then it will have some ultra feminie decoration (flower,beading, etc...) which as a guy in heels only brings attention at the wrong places. Not that all decoration feminine or otherwise is not appreciated it just isn't always practical. But the most annoying thing is to find a shoe you would love to have and the store only goes to a US 10 or 11 and I take a 12w. Rats!


  7. I am amazed I actually missed this post as believe me or not I actually knew this guy for many years. He is a great guy, very freindly and with a great taste for style. Never lets anything bother him (that it would show anyway). And he really wears more than just heels; he is a real fashion freestyler.

    That's all I really have to say so ta ta for now.


  8. In my experiance I have never had any problems. I have had smiles from a few women but never a out and out compliment. When I was out with my wife once she "over heard" two women complaining (White platform sandals at the time) but they didn't confront us. I have overheard a teenage girl talking to one of her friends about me once in a positive way. I have been out many times even to church in boots (3.5 inch narrow heels) and many styles almost all of my shoes are feminin styled (Ie: I actually have a pair of patent white peeptoe flats).

    I to feel that the more of us that can and do come out of the closet the more acceptance we will have.


  9. All ready being considered in some states because the of increase of hybrids on the road. One way or another you will be paying a new tax when the use of oil starts to decrease. Personaly I perfer tolls, pay as you go.

    Only problem there is that every road would become a toll road.

    They will probebly just require the cars to be fit with some elaborate filling device so we have to buy the "fuel" at an autherized reseller. After all hydric acid (water) is a real hazardous substance.

    Reminds me of the time when we had a tank truck over turn on the highway and they closed it down to bring in haz-mat guys to clean it up and all it was, was vinegar.


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