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Posts posted by tightsnheels

  1. I came across this article this morning and it got me to wondering about our privacy. It seems like there is always someone who wants to take our privacy away in the name of the public good or in order to sell us something. On a deeper concern though is if law enforcement does start to use this are we the "Women's" shoe/clothing wearers going to be targeted unjustly because we dare to be differant? I don't dare to put the whole story in my post as it is eight pages long when printed but here is the link:


    Knowing a great many of our members are in the IT field I feel they could give a great in sight into this technology.



  2. I voted no (let me rephrase that NO!):santa_hat:

    They look like a flat gone horribly wrong and appear to lack any comfort. I would probebly try them on but only to see if they were as uncomfortable as they look. I agree they are definatly a fetish thing along the bondage line.:w00t2:


  3. I would say to trust her support and use it so you don't lose it. In my experiance women can be fickle creatures (I live with three. Wife and two daughters.) It also gives you both a chance to grow together by helping to open up a new line for communication. It takes much interaction between the two of you to find places and times where you are both comfortable with your heels in public. If you do plan to go out of town just make sure you have some knowledge of the area so you don't wind up somewhere dangerous for both of you.


    • The international heel meet is this a meet primarily for members of this great group or is it a meet advertised to all into wearing heels? What was the number of attendees last year? And how many are expected this year?
    • This next group of questions is aimed at men who want to wear heels but still dress in normal male apparel. Where is this trend at; are we just a few who have decided to break the norm and go with what we like, or is this trend growing and gaining acceptance both among people and the fashion industry. If the trend is growing is it a fad or do you believe that some day men will wear heels as a part of everyday dress?
    • If the fashion and footwear industries actually pushed this trend what type of high heel shoe do men want marketed to them. Example if Florsheim Shoes took their current line of shoes and offered the line with regular heels or high heels say 2” to 4” would you be interested? Or do you want the footwear companies to make the women’s lines available in men’s sizes.
    • The last question is if high heel fashion for men became the “NORM” would you still want to wear heels. If so why and if not why.
    Heel meet: Can't comment as living in the middle of the US it makes it difficult to go.

    As to the next group of questions: We are travlers in a strange and sometimes dangerous land. I do believe we are not as alone as we think, based on the responses I have recieved at my local Payless. However, I think too many sit in the closet and are afraid to come into the light of day. You do occasionally see heels (hose, skirts, etc.) put out by the major design houses for men but they never put signifacant marketing behind them. If they got major celebraties (Sports and mass media) to wear them on a regular basis maybe things would change. Part of that problem is though that many sport celebraties are severly homophobic from what I've seen.

    As far as everyday dress we can only hope/pray for acceptance.

    Fashion and footwear industries: If they were designed by a reputable designer I might consider them, though I prefer the womens styles myself. I could see the footwear industry just adding heels to boring mens shoes then after lack luster sales pulling them from the market. Face it if you go to the mens shoe department there are only half a dozen styles at most. Personally I wish the just made ALL womens shoes in wide widths. So far Payless is one of the few places I can find a womens 12W US and they are stocking them on the rack more and more often there as well.

    If heels became the norm: Yes I would continue to wear them but, it would be womens styles as that is what attracts me. I have always admired womens shoes and never understood why I couldn't wear the same, after all feet are feet aren't they? Now I do own womens, shoes sixteen pairs at count this morning compared to three pair of men's shoes (counting my work boots) and I wear them wherever prudance allows.


  4. Amanda, even if your intrest wanes please continue to check in now and then. As hoverfly said he doesn't post near as often but he still checks in and his insights are well worth reading, so I'm sure yours would be. As someone pointed out in another thread some of us post everyday others every few months but all are appreciated greatly.

    There is much to say for experiance and being female you have us all topped. For an example of that just try to remember your first pair of heels and the feelings they gave you at the time.

  5. Having two brother in-laws in the USAF I can quite agree they can be serious when they need to get a job done. The only time I've ever heard of a plane crash on the ground was here at Lambert international when a traffic controller put a Cessna on the same runway as a 747. Not pretty but fortunatly no one was hurt (can't say the same for the Cessna).

    I agree though let them have their fun its a stressful job.

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