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Posts posted by Impala

  1. I really love pumps, as long as they don't have pointy toes, i find that ugly. (don't mind me, Gallux!) I'm not a big fan of I don't really go looking for my DREAM HEELS and then buy them, I'm already happy to find something decent in my size. I don't yet dare to go shopping for heels in real stores, I only buy from internet shops. I also can't get the heels delivered to my house, so I shop only in stores that ship to delivery points near me. Because of this, I'm limited to the shoe stores of my country, Belgium. Heels in European 42 (US 10) are actually quite hard to find in Belgium, it's not like in America, where they seem much more available. Also, I have very wide feet. The 2 pairs I own are both labeled "designed for broad feet" and they just fit right, so shoes with a normal width are no option for me. In Europe we don't have seperate width labels on shoes, so finding a suitable pair quite a lucky event for me! these are some searches on google images that describe my taste: http://bit.ly/YdhoBR http://bit.ly/14mbwcD http://bit.ly/ZoODO1

  2. one more question: When talking about it with my mom, I could clearly see that she disapproved the idea of me going out of the house in heels. The problem is that I am planning on doing so. I ordered a pair of hidden heels, but if my mom would find out about them she would probably react badly (maybe with bad consequences, now that everything is just going well). She already told me not to buy anymore heels. Owning 2 pairs is enough, she says. Should I just hide the heels well and only heel outside of the house when I'm home alone? I guess I'll wait some weeks until the stress about heels has dropped and I can talk more openly about it. I don't think I'll ever be allowed to just put my heels openly in the shoe rack, but maybe I won't have to hide them anymore.

  3. You have nothing to loose. If your parents accept it, GOOD! If they don't accept it, they at least know what is going on and won't be surprised anymore if they'd catch you again. By hiding it longer, you only sicken the relation you have with your parents, which is one of the most valuable relations in your life. Remember that.

  4. My mom found a mail notifying me that the shoes I ordered were out of stock and my money would be refunded. I avoided questions the first hour and just went to my room. That evening I just told them to sit down, and I explained how I wear heels, how I like doing it. They were very surprised but they saw it didn't really do a lot of harm. You could check my recent post to see how I talked with them further. I would advice you: Wait for a moment when your parents are both at home, preferably together in the living room and not busy. Ask them to set down at the table, say that you have something to discuss. Tell them that they have seen the pics of you wearing heels, and you understand that they are confused and afraid. Tell them that you are certain about yourself and you know that you like to wear heels, just like women do. Important: mention that nothing is wrong with you, that you are not gay (I think you aren't) and are completely sure about your sexuality. I had to explain the fetish thing to my parents, but I think just saying that the heels are not at all related to sexual feelings should do the job for you. Tell them that you thought really well about it and that this is how you are, how you want to be, what you want to do. If you show confidence, your parents might understand. By just hiding the heels and avoiding all questions, you give the impression that you are developping a dangerous obsession, which it itsn't. Tell them that it's nothing more than wearing footwear that is unfortunately only aimed at women. To put it all together: tell them the truth, and BE CONFIDENT. ask your parent's opinion about it, and listen to it. If they are very negative about it, you shouldn't push it too far or they might just ground you and not talk about it ever again. Try to find other relaxed moments and then just ask if they have thought about it. If your parents understand it and show interest, go on and talk! it's your chance! I hope I have helped you, these things worked for me! Happy heeling, and see you later! (hopefully with good news)

  5. Today I put a pair of my shoes under my desk. My mom walked in to my room and started asking about my weekend. I had been gone for 2 days to some kind of christian event and she had some questions. She noticed the hidden shoes and commented: what a nice pair of shoes you have there. It was not meant to compliment me, but clearly intended as a pun. She said she hadn't seen that pair before, which surprised me, because I'm quite sloppy in hiding my heels and she already once mentioned to me that she found a pair of heels. Anyways, we talked about my day and when she was about to leave the room I pointed at the shoes and asked what she thought about the whole heel thing. She said that she doesn't really know what to think about it. When I first told my parents about my heeling, about a month ago, I explained it as a fetish, which it was back then. I explained how it was just something that I turned me on. I didn't really want to talk about it by then, I was very insecure, so I didn't really explain a lot. By now, it has evolved into like a hobby, something I enjoy doing without the sexual meanings. It still excites me, but less. I just love to wear heels, simple as that! My mother however still thought it was about that and asked me if I did weird (sexual) things with them (I'm not going to give you the exact words) but I said no, actually it's never been like that. I said I just like to wear heels, like some women do. I told her it isn't a normal habit, obviously, but it isn't that bad either. I don't hurt anybody. She asked me: where is the limit? She said that if I find this all normal and acceptable, why don't I just go to school in heels (sarcasm all the way!). I told her society has some strange rules. She also (again) asked what I would do later on in life, when finding a partner. Like I have seen on this forum, combining heels and a wife seems possible, but then again, you must be lucky to find the right wife. After all the conclusion was that she hasn't formed a final opinion about it yet. She's not really supportive, but she doesn't seem to hate it. I had already briefly mentioned this forum before but didn't really talk about it now. I might do it later on. She ended the discussion by telling that if I wanted to, I could always talk about this some more with her. I hope to get into a laissez faire-laissez passer-kind of relation (which means you let me do whatever I desire and you don't do anything about it as long as it doesn't do any damage). I still have to tell my sister about it sometime, I'll do it when I cleared it out with my parents. Happy heeling!

  6. I only wear heels privately (but I might get out of the house soon) and don't have any need to get rid of my shoes. I have no problem whatsoever with wearing heels, I never felt insecure or unsure about myself. I know that I love heels, and that I can enjoy them without a problem. Even: I am actually glad that I like heels the way I do, because they bring me lots of pleasure. I never wanted to be "normal" and follow the unwritten rules of society. It's boring, nothing but boredom. Shoes are expensive (I guess everybody can agree with me) so I wouldn't ever get rid of heels if they weren't broken. Why would I?

  7. What people think doesn't really bother me. What does bother me is if people treat me differently. I just ordered some very well hidden heels, and as long as I'm not around people who know me (and will see that I am taller or act slightly differently), I'm ready for outside fun! Expect some pics next week!

  8. I think we, men, don't need a valid "permission" to wear heels. Heels are universally liked things, liked by both men and women (because they're ******* awesome). Only, society restrains men from wearing them. Only the few exceptional male super-lovers of heels (like there are female super-lovers of heels) decide to go on and end up here. If heels were widely accepted, A lot of males would probably wear heels sometimes, but like only in special occasions like a lot of women do. The question is not: What things are as unaccepted as heels? The question is: Why are heels not accepted? I (think I) have the right attitude, now I just need (a lot of) courage to go and tell this to other people...

  9. The problem is that I live in a place where a lot of people I know are on the streets. There are many people in my neighbourhood that I don't get on well with. I have been bullied (quite a lot) as a kid and I'm still not really the most accepted guy in society. If you'd know me, you would know why. I have many weird sides (but I like all of them). I guess I'm somewhat traumatized by the years of being thrown out of the group, left on my own, and I don't want that to happen again. Also, I'm letting my hair grow long (Heavy Metal All The Way!) and I have had some (negative) comments about that. Imagine what would happen if one of my friends spotted me in heels. I know I shouldn't listen to what they say and show that I feel good in heels, but I know myself. I'm not good at that.

  10. To answer your questions: My sister has just turned 16, so she was still 15 when my parents told me. A problem is that she is not at all interested in heels (she is more like a straight-edge, alternative hippie) and she doesn't own a single pair of heels. (also, we're not THAT close) Shopping with her (or my mother) would just seem ridiculous, as I have actually always disliked shopping in general. That's again one of the reasons my parents didn't understand it. They didn't get how I, with no interests whatsoever in fashion, would be interested in wearing heels. My father once walked into the bathroom when I was brushing my teeth in heels. I don't know if he saw them or not, but he didn't mention anything. I just took them off, finished brushing my teeth and took the shoes to my room. If he did see it, it would mean that he made no problem about it. He must have really not been paying attention if he hadn't noticed. I'll see what happens the next time I am "caught". I have one more thing to ask that I forget to mention when starting this topic. I currently own 2 pair of heels but I'm not yet happy with my collection. I want to buy a pair that I can wear outside of the house without being noticed, preferably some wedge sneakers, but my mother has told my that I shouldn't buy any more. She's again afraid that it might change into an obsession. Should I keep to her limit, or buy them and tell her it's the last pair, or just hide them really well? Thanks for the replies!

  11. Here I am again, with more questions. I hope I do not bore you. I told my parents about my heel habit about 1.5 months ago, when they found a shoe package that was delivered to me. I explained it as a high heel fetish, which it is partly, and they didn't really understand how and why. When alone with my mother, she talked about it a few times. She mostly asks if it is just a period, something that will go away eventually. She asks it in a way, clearly showing that she doesn't really like my heeling and would rather have it all stop. After reading posts on this forum, I am sure that it won't go away. I love it too much. I already told them that there is no problem at all with me, my sexual preferences or my mind. Still, they worry (about stuff like, what are you going to do when you have a girlfriend?) For now, I only wear heels when I'm home alone, or when I'm studying and sure that I won't be disturbed. Though better than nothing, I still would like to wear them more often. I would love to have my parents accept it and just be able to walk around in heels whenever I feel like doing it, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't accept it. Another problem: My sister still doesn't know anything about it. My parents told me to keep it secret for her, they think she won't be able to handle such a strange thing as her brother in heels. I will have to tell her eventually, but when? So my question to you is: What could I do to get acceptance for what I do? Should I just wear heels more often and get caught on purpose, so that they will get used to the sight? Or should I just tell them that this is how I feel good, a part of me. Happy heeling! Joris.

  12. The ones in my avatar are my first heels, I just love stiletto's! (though I'm not yet going higher than 9 cm) Boots aren't really what I'm looking for, I still think they are too obvious. I'm not good at exposing myself in a weak position, but I still want to wear heels!

  13. I saw these shoes at a store from the Netherlands (you guys probably can't read the info but the pics are clear). http://www.sarenza.nl/mustang-shoes-naima-s791911-p0000067628 I think these shoes look very masculine, and the heel is very well conceiled. I would have no problem wearing these outside the house when it's dark (I'm still new to this and shy). The problem is that I don't want to spend 80 euros (around 100 dollars) on a pair of shoes I don't wear every day. I haven't got a big budget available, as I'm a student without income. What should I do? I really want to get out of my house and walk some longer distances, but doing this in pumps is impossible for me.

  14. thanks to all of you for the replies! Of course I wouldn't move to anywhere just to wear heels. Just an idea of a simple mind. I guess this got me closer to the point where you guys are. I read a lot of topics and see how confidently you guys can out yourself. I have always been "accepted less easily", that's just me and our society. I think the discussions on this toppic are not at all over yet, so I'll see you all in future posts!

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