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Posts posted by mlroseplant

  1. Lifting objects: just as Dr. Shoe said, lifting things should be done in a certain way, which should ALWAYS be done that way (no matter if you are wearing heels or not) if you are trying to lift heavy objects, as otherwise your spine gets much more of the stress. A video that explains it nicely is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI1Puuxd57Y. If you look at 00:07, you can see that the heel of his shoes even moves upwards when he lifts the object, so a modest heel even supports this movement. Still.... if you are moving, carrying around the boxes with 4 inch heels probably isn't the best idea. I am exaggerating a bit, but when I know that I am going to buy something heavy that I need to carry around, I often prefer flats.

    Walking up & down the stairs: See video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPl4eXr-MpA, starting at 0:55 it gets interesting. Up: Just using the front of the shoe (that's quite easy, I can run stairs up as fast with heels as if I am in sneakers), down: place the whole shoe (including heel) onto the stair in a slight angle, so the whole shoe fits onto the stair. Always a bit difficult the higher the heel gets (still need to do this slowly with my highest heels). Grace comes with practice, although I guess guys are always expected to go up/down a little faster than a girl in heels. I've never seen a guy putting his feet onto the stair in an angle when walking downstairs.

    Loading groceries into the trunk (boot) of the car: Sometimes even looks clumsy if I do it in flats... so I don't care :-)

    Carrying my 35 pound son: Practice with inanimate objects only ;-). If you fall because of your heels while carrying your toddler, and he gets injured, you will never forgive yourself.

    I must introduce myself a little bit better. I'm an industrial electrician, but I do quite a bit of construction work (where I'm absolutely NOT allowed to wear heels). One of my perennial jokes when we're getting ready to lift something heavy is, "Now, lift with your back, not your legs!" Every once in a while, I have to explain that I'm joking. Not everyone has my dry sense of humor.

    I'm not worried about falling, but I never feel graceful when carrying my son in heels. He's just gotten too big. I make him walk by himself a lot more these days. On the other hand, when you've got a cute kid with you, it's all smiles. No one ever gives you a dirty or weird look when you've got a kid with you. Plus, it's gratifying when your son says, "Daddy....I really like your big high heels." Alas, my son prefers his Crocs.

  2. Yup, it's not just you. I've lived most of my life in a college town (my dad got his first job as a professor here in 1969 and never left), and I've got to say, the girls keep getting younger, but I swear, they don't look as good as they used to. I'm a child of the 80s, and I clearly remember it was kind of a big deal to dress up a little bit, at least once a week when we were in high school, especially the girls. That just isn't the case any more. I will be traveling to Vietnam in about a month to visit my in-laws. Believe me, things are different there. The boys still pretty much look like crap, but the girls dress to impress. Hehe. Wish that would catch on again here in the USA. I understand it's the same in Korea. The girls wear heels EVERYWHERE. Not unlike northern Vietnam.

  3. I would love to post this in the "everybody" forum, but I don't think it will get near the response, and I don't dare post in the girls' forum (I made that mistake once), but I have a serious question for anybody who cares to answer, of either gender. Maybe women don't think about this stuff too much, since those who wear heels as an adult probably grew up wearing heels as an adolescent. I think I've got the walking thing down now. Some days, I feel clumsier than others, but that's only natural. I think I've even got the standing thing down as well, although that is just plain hard on the dogs if you're wearing shoes with a substantial amount of steepness to them. Since I'm naturally bowlegged, I've learned to stand in a certain way to camouflage my natural deficiencies. I felt really clumsy today because I don't really know how to execute everyday tasks in heels, such as bending over to pick up a dropped object, loading groceries into the trunk (boot) of the car, walking down the stairs (up is not a problem, DOWN is......how do you even do that gracefully?), carrying my 35 pound (16 kg) son (nothing will mess up your walk more than carrying an older toddler). I would like to hear people's thoughts about how to go about living life gracefully in heels. I feel clumsy.

  4. Well, length of pants also depend on your size and stature. I'm about 201cm (79.1") tall and more the slim type. I couldn't even think about trousers reaching the floor except they are tailor-made and by this expensive (for me). And that's in flat men shoes. So in heels I always look like in the 3rd image from freestyle75 or like in my avatar...

    Haha, Stiletto69, you and I have the opposite problem. I'm only 167cm and have short legs. I don't envy you. Neither my mother nor em Bình can help you with pant length. I bet you can about reach the sky in heels, though! Happy New Year!

  5. I went to a friend's house for a New Year's Eve party last night. I warned the host in advance that I intended to wear heels, and he told me nobody would care. They are a mixed European/Asian family, so I wasn't sure how they would take it, especially the Vietnamese wife. Nothing was really said, because of course, given where we were visiting, you leave your shoes at the door, but at one point, the husband wanted me to show my shoes to the wife. Before I went and fetched them, I said to the wife, "I bet my heels are higher than yours." She said, "Uh, I don't think so." One look at my shoes, and she flicked her head to one side quickly, and said, "Yup, yours beat mine." When midnight rolled around, I was able to walk out of there, but my wife had to drive home. Happy New Year, everybody!

  6. Oh, wow. This is a subject I've considered at length. While I would never wear bell-bottoms, I have about six pairs of jeans cut at various lengths (thanks to Mom) for various heel heights. I would like tighter, more close-fitting jeans, however, and I may have to take pumpcat's advice and try girls' jeans to see if they fit me better. Oh, and I can't stand my pants dragging the ground. In fact, that's one of my lines. "Well, the reason I wear heels is because I can't find pants that fit me right, because my legs are so short. These were the only shoes I could find to fix this problem." One of my Vietnamese friends took me seriously. She is a seamstress. She told me, with a quite serious face, "anh James, I can help you fix your pants so you don't have to wear the high heel anymore." HA!

  7. Unbelievably, it happened again today. I was with my almost 4 year old son in a home improvement store. I was wearing my black patent leather oxfords (my favorite shoes at the moment), and a Mexican lady yelled at me across the way, "Hey, I love your heels!" I nearly blushed, and answered, "Thanks! Thank you very much!" Smiles all around. I could get used to this.

  8. I crossed another, different sort of boundary today. Now, I can truly empathize with the ladies. I went to the mall with my family, wore my Nine West oxfords with 4 3/4" heels. We did a lot more walking than I anticipated. Wished I had chosen a less ambitious heel height. I guess I need to do some more training. At least I looked fabulous. Winked at a cute girl whose eyes dropped down to my feet as I walked by.

  9. It is the same the world over. My wife is from Vietnam, and I have spent a lot of time there. The Vietnamese girls look fabulous (and most of the city girls wear heels every day), and the boys look like crap. It's exactly the same as all the prom/homecoming pictures I see from my relatives here in the USA. The girls look great, and the boys look like crap. Well, I shouldn't speak too loudly. Until I started wearing heels, I looked like crap most of the time also. But how can you wear heels with pride and look like crap? I think it's the one reason my wife accepts my heel wearing. She likes me to be "overdressed," and I refuse to wear heels with dirty jeans and an ill-fitting t-shirt.

  10. I've been wearing heels publicly for about 6 months, and in that time, exactly one person has said anything to me or even appeared to notice. The one person who has said anything to me at all is a foreign-exchange college student from Malaysia who plays violin in the community orchestra I play in, and who is half my age. That all changed today. I went to Kohl's (a discount department store in the U.S.) to return 2 pairs of skinny jeans that just weren't going to work out--another subject I won't comment on at this time). I was enjoying myself, clicking around the store in my 4.75" (12cm) Nine West oxfords, when I came upon the shoe department (uh, oh, there goes all the money I just got back from returning the jeans). I tried on several pairs of boots, since I don't have any heeled boots yet, and I found a pair that I liked, pictured below. When I went to the front to pay for them, the clerk saw me coming, and asked me if they fit. She was looking at the Nine West oxfords I had worn into the store. I opened the shoebox, showing the boots I intended to purchase, and said that yes, they fit. She looked at me in confusion. I told her that the shoes I had on my feet were already mine, and that I wanted to buy some boots because of the depth of the snow outside. She replied, "Do you wear heels all the time? We don't often see gentlemen wearing heels." I said, "Not often? I'll bet I'm the only one." She sheepishly admitted that yes, I was the first heel-wearing guy she had encountered who was not in drag. She rung me up, and overall, it was a pleasant experience. Never thought of myself as a trailblazer. Next stop was the mall to go to the Apple store to rectify some promblems with my iphone. As I was approaching the entrance of the mall, a woman was outside having a quick ciggy before opening the jewery store where she worked. As I approached, she looked at me and my new ankle boots and said, "How can you even possibly walk in those?" I smiled broadly and replied, "Lots and lots of practice." She said, "I could NEVER walk in those." Curious, I engaged her with, "Really? I mean, I've had to practice a lot (which is true). I'm sure you could walk in these shoes if you wanted to." "No way! Look how skinny those heels are! I've got to have heels about this thick." She put her thumb and index finger about an inch an a half apart. My new boots have a 5 inch heel about 1/2 an inch thick. Not quite a stiletto, but close. I stopped and had a coversation with her for a few minutes. We talked about other things, like how hard it is to stop smoking (I stopped a little over 3 years ago), but mostly we talked about my wearing heels. It was her opinion that it's quite acceptable nowadays for men to wear heels, she'd just never seen it before. Then her co-worker approached, and she called out, "Hey, look at this guy's shoes! You'll never believe it!" The co-worker said that wow, those were really cute, and asked me to pull up my pantleg so that she could see. She asked me where I got them. I told her, and she commented that they were really cute again. Then it was time for them to open the store, so we said goodbye. I went about my business, and got my problem resolved. During my stroll through the mall, I felt some eyes upon me. I don't know if it's because I wore jeans which were intended for much shorter heels (I had intended to wear much shorter heels when I chose my pants), or whether it was because of the thinness of the heels, or none of the above, but this is the first day that I really felt like people were looking at me. I only wish I felt like I was gliding better today. And at least I didn't slip on the ice and fall on my backside. Phew! I know someday that some jackass is going to make some rude comment to me, but for today, all of you can be happy that even here in relative hicktown Iowa, people are ready to accept men in heels. Really big ones.


  11. Haha, I was faced with that very same thought today while buying my very first pair of heeled boots. I tried on 3 different pairs of knee high boots thinking that I'd really like to wear them on the outside of jeans, but then thinking, "Nah, I ain't ready for that yet." I really love that look on women, though. I ultimately wound up purchasing ankle boots. I am very happy with my purchase.

  12. I've had quite a bit of opportunity to walk on snow and/or ice as of late, as we got a foot of wet, heavy snow here a week and a half ago. I can say that the trickiest part is when you come out of the snow, and into a store with an asphalt tile floor. Or walking into your garage with a smooth concrete surface. Watch out! You will wind up on your backside before you even know what is happening. I'm not embarrassed to wear heels in public, but I think I might well die of embarrassment if I fell down while wearing heels. After all, that's the first thing one does in such a situation, right? To look around to see if anyone saw? HA! I really jinxed myself, I think. Just after I wrote the last reply, I walked into a Kohl's, and just as soon as I hit the polished tile, I darn near landed on my backside. I had to back up and do a second wipe of the feet on the entrance mat. I really jinxed myself, I think. Just after I wrote the last reply, I walked into a Kohl's, and just as soon as I hit the polished tile, I darn near landed on my backside. I had to back up and do a second wipe of the feet on the entrance mat.

  13. I realize this thread is pretty old, but I feel I must comment because of my own experience. My oldest son, who is now 13 (gasp, when did that happen?), loved to wear very girly clothes when he was little. My mom, who was by profession a theater costume designer, made him a very flashy red sequined skirt, and bought him silver sequined ballet slippers. He loved to wear this outfit, and did so often. His mother (now, unfortunately, my ex-wife), approved of his choice of clothing, but my dad hated it, though he tolerated it. I remember he often fussed at my mom for making those clothes. This went on for long enough that Mom made more "girly" clothes for my son in bigger sizes, because he grew. Eventually, as my son entered elementary school, he decided on his own accord to give up the skirts and the sequins, and is today my harshest critic about my choice to wear heels. So, you just never know. Why traumatize kids over silly things? They are what they are. I am proud to say that my teenaged son is one of the kindest, most empathetic kids I know (even if he thinks his Old Man is a nutter).

  14. I just received a sort of compliment from my wife today. We went out Christmas shopping, and I wore my new Nine West oxfords with a 4.75" heel. After we got back home, she actually admitted that she didn't think she could hack wearing such high heels on such an excursion (she was wearing 3 inch heels). She is not thrilled with my heel wearing, but she accepts it, and I actually caught her trying on my heels when she thought I wasn't looking. Unfortunately, I'm about a size and a half bigger than her, so we can't share. Don't know what to think about that. I'll hope for a positive spin on it.

  15. On the left, my two pairs of Sofft Avianos (my start in public heeling). 3.5 inch heel with platform. Got them in black and brown, and I wouldn't hesitate to visit Disney World in these shoes. They are so comfortable. I have worn the heels out on both these pairs, and need to visit the cobbler. Next, we have the Sofft Willa. It's a shootie, 3.5 inch heel without platform. I had a period of adjustment getting used to these. They're not that high, but for some reason, I didn't take to them naturally. I put in gel pads under the ball of the foot, and also heel liners. With practice and conditioning, I can wear them well now. I love the look of them. Not too feminine, but still pretty high. One slot further to the right, we have the Eurosofft Sacha. Eurorsofft is the lower level brand of Sofft. These shoes haven't got quite the quality of the regular Sofft brand, but they're pretty nice. I bought them in 9.5 women's US size. In retrospect, I should have bought size 9. I use ball-of-foot padding, plus I stuff Kleenex or something else into the toe of the shoe to make it fit right. With these modifications, I can wear this shoe just about anywhere. Not quite as comfortable as the Avianos, but close, and makes a much nicer clacking sound. The next pair to the right are Sbicco Huttons in dark brown. These are a clog type shoe with a 4.5 inch heel. I have yet to wear these out. No, I'm a liar, actually I wore these to a rehearsal with my church choir director one Friday afternoon. These are made in the USA, but they are not really high quality. Also, they are silent when you walk. I don't really like that so much. I like to make a little noise when I walk. Next are the Nine West Oxfords I just purchased last week. They have a 4.75" heel with a .75" platform. They are patent leather and quite flashy. I've become enamoured of these heels, and have worn them quite a bit in the last few days. Last, on the far right, we have the Calvin Klein Briah. Don't know whether to call it a pump or a "shootie," but they are the highest heels I own, at 5. 25". Maybe I should have gotten a size bigger than the 9 I got, but I've managed to stretch it with a ziplock bag filled with water and a freezer, and now they don't make my toes go all numb. Love the height, but the Nine West oxfords are so much more attractive and impressive. Happy heeling, everyone!


  16. I've already crossed some boundaries that I didn't think I'd cross, and one of them is wearing some 5 inch heels with a pretty thin heel (but certainly not a stiletto). A month ago, I could not have imagined wearing such shoes out. It would be very difficult for an ordinary person off the street to find these very masculine, but maybe I'm going a little nuts right now, since I've gotten either no reaction or positive reaction so far to my choice of footwear. For right now, I really can't imagine wearing high heeled sandals. I prefer going barefoot in the summer. Maybe that's why people don't say much about my heels. I'm already an oddity with the bare feet. Maybe they just figure, "Hey, that's just James." My line that will never be crossed? Wearing short shorts with Candie's type mules. Would love to do it. Ain't never gonna happen. Ever. I don't want people to look at me at say, "Ewwwwww!" LOL

  17. Pumpcat and ilikekicks, I'm a former skinny like you guys, and I want to get back there again. Ever since I married a Vietnamese gal, I've gotten a bit of a belly on me (I really shouldn't blame my wife, it's probably just age and laziness). I have the same problem as you: I cannot find clothes (or shoes) that fit me in the men's section. Luckily, my mom is an expert seamstress, so I can deal with most things. Mom has learned to deal with my choice of footwear, hehe. Sorry to drag this thread a bit off topic. I will reiterate that I would love to be able to wear tiny shorts in the summer. Ain't gonna happen. Haha.

  18. My evidence is merely anecdotal, and therefore has no real scientific value, but I cannot deny the evidence in my own life. I started heeling publicly about 6 months ago. OK, I started wearing heels at all about six months ago. I'd flirted with the idea since I was a teenager, but I couldn't come to grips with my desire to wear heels until this year. Now that I have, I've found that my health and fitness have improved markedly. I'm not that much lighter, but I am thinner. I'm more fit than I used to be. I find myself doing weird things like taking a parking spot much further away from the store just to be able to walk that extra little bit further in heels. Am I the only one? Does anyone else like walking in heels so much that they actually go out of their way to be able to walk further than necessary?

  19. @ dbert: http://www.amazon.co...p/dp/B0083RX8DS

    I'm actually seriously considering ordering them in flat black also. I absolute love these shoes! I would encourage you to order them if you like the look.

    By the way, I don't know what size they measured the heels on, but on my size 9s, the heel is 4 3/4 inches, not 4 1/4 inches like the information says. I am really happy about that. I showed them to my sister this evening, and said, "Aren't these the hugest heels you've ever seen in your life?" She wondered how I could walk in them, but it's really not a big problem with practice and experience. These shoes really don't hurt your feet if you're used to heels.

  20. I wore them with light colored jeans, which I had my mom hem to my exact desired length (I thank my mom for many things, the least of which is her acceptance of my heel-wearing). In the winter, I usually wear a dress (collared) shirt. In the future, I might also wear a jacket, since I have many to choose from. I don't have a really good fashion sense, so I'm still experimenting. My wife doesn't really love my heel-wearing, but I think she does like the fact that now I make an extra effort to look good compared to the past. I am not yet ready to wear my heels with my suit and tie that I normally wear to chruch. I do wear heels to choir rehearsal on Wednesday nights, and have received no comments as of yet. I would totally love to wear these patent leather oxfords to church someday, but I am the songleader, and front and center. We'll wait and see. My church family is an accepting bunch. They haven't ex-communicated me yet, haha.

  21. I've only been wearing heels publicly for half a year, but yeah, my tendency is to go to a stiletto. I'm not at all there yet, as I don't think I look good in stilettos. I have bought some thinner heels recently, but nothing that you could call a stiletto. Other than shoes, I don't have a desire to wear anything "feminine." I do have a desire to look good, though. ^^

  22. Name: James Age: 44 Gender: Male Location: Iowa, USA Occupation: Industrial Electrician (among other things) Height: 5'6" (167 cm) Weight: 150 lbs, 68 kg, 10 stone, 10 lbs. (would like to be an even 10 stone) Shoe size: US women's 9, Euro 39 (or so) What's your favourite heel style: stiletto, though as a man, I don't wear stilettos What's your favourite shoe style: Mules Do you wear your heels outside: Yes, daily. What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: 5 inch. ( B) Your highest heel height: 5.25 inches How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: Not often. I mostly wear 3.5 inch heels outside. ( B) Your highest heel height: Too soon to tell. I just got my super-tall heels. I don't yet know how often I'll wear them out. Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: I would prefer to wear everything barefoot. However, as a practical matter, I'm wearing the shooties with thin socks. The mules I wear barefoot. Anything else you wish to add: I've loved high heels from a very young age, and love to see women wear heels. It's been only this year that I've decided I'm going to wear them myself publicly. Maybe someday I'll wear stilettos, but I don't think they look good on me. I'm short, but very masculine. I also love going barefoot, and I'm a barefoot runner. A man of extremes?

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