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Posts posted by mlroseplant

  1. I went into aldos last year. I figured a needed at least one pair on mens shoes. I have 50 pairs of girls shoes. All the time I was there, I was lusting after the high heels.

    You're not the only one that hates mens shoes!

    Haha, my wife just bought me a pair of "men's" shoes that are so uncomfortable and stiff, I wish for my heels the whole time I'm wearing them. Actually, I think they look pretty nice, but I don't like wearing them at all. The things we do out of love. :))))))

  2. I would have put "disapproves, but tolerates." It is probably most descriptive about how my wife feels. However, that was not a choice. I have always loved heels, and I finally said to myself that at the age of 44, this is just something I'm going to do. I took a deliberate and gradual approach. I started off with normal men's clogs, which is a bit unusual here in the Midwest U.S., but not noteworthy. Then I happened to see a pair of black clog-style shoes in DSW that seemed to fit the bill for the next step. They had 2 1/2 inch heels, but were still very clogg-y looking. My wife thought they were a bit femmy, but she said "OK, if that's what you want." The next pair of "heels" I bought was a step forward with the wife, as they were exactly the same heel height (2 1/2"), but she thought they were more masculine looking. I wore both of these fairly constantly for the better part of a year. Then last summer, after perusing a number of websites, I bought a pair of clog style shoes (black, of course--black can't offend anybody, right?) that looked almost identical to the pair that my wife approved of, except these had a distinct heel of 3 1/2 inches high, and about 1 inch in diameter. I think they are still pretty masculine looking (which is the look I'm after), just with a higher than normal heel. My wife was working the night shift at the time, so I had lots of time to practice and get used to them. My parents saw them long before my wife did, and they didn't particularly like them, but they have since come to be at least "neutral" about the subject. My wife's reaction was about the same at a later time. But, good woman that she is, she said, "Oh well, if that's what you want to do, it's your choice." If she's ashamed to be seen with me, she doesn't show it. We recently visited some friends who are Vietnamese (as is my wife), and naturally, you leave your shoes at the front door. My wife had also chosen to wear a clog-type shoe with a similar heel height to my shoes. Our host took a look at the shoes resting on the floor, and said, "Hmmmmmm......two high heel......which one belong to anh James, and which one belong to chị Mai?" The conversation which then ensued is best left for another thread, but the point is, my wife doesn't particularly like it, but she also seems to accept my elevated heel wearing. With one exception: We will be traveling to Hanoi, Vietnam to visit our family in February. She has already made it quite clear that I will not be bringing my heels with me, not even the 2 1/2" clogs I love so much. I can understand that. Northern Vietnam is every bit as socially conservative as the U. S. was in the 1950s. I am happy to honor that wish. It's no problem with me, or as the Vietnamese would say, "Không có vấn đề gì." I will miss my heels for about 3 weeks however. Thanks to those who made it through this rather long post.

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