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Posts posted by Curt

  1. Hey jeffb! Kudos to you that you can feel comfortable in flats. I would like to, but I'm completely high heeled and flats hurt my legs. I would like to wear skirts this fall with tall boots, nice formal ones, not the goth ones you guys see me in all the time. But its great that you're able to go out and dress the way you like. A lot of guys can't do that. But after a while doing it, its like second nature. Btw, I like your denim mini-skirts. Keep breaking down boundaries for others here.

  2. Isn't it amazing how many women can't walk in heels. There are a ton of them. Most women ask me: how to you walk so well in those heels? I just say practice and heel to toe, and stay relaxed. That's it. I was strutting in 6" heeled boots in a shoe store last week. The sales lady said: I don't know how you do it! Most of the women that tried these boots were falling over! And you can run in them. I should of asked her if she had a boyfriend! But I find if the heels are too low, I can't walk as good. They have to be at least 4" to make it worthwhile and have that sexy sway of the hips. That's why we wear heels, right? I have to wear them everyday. Its such a joy, wear them for the same reasons women do. Empowerment!

  3. I think he gets away with it because he doesn't cause any problems socially. What I mean is that he's not in the tabloids like all the other idoits. He also doesn't care what others think. Does anybody here have the guts to perform in 4" heels at the superbowl halftime show? If you can, then you can wear anything and not get harassed. He also doesn't do it for attention, he does it because he's really short. Around 5"3". Now I'm 5'10". Is it really necessary for me to wear 5 and 6" heels. Not really but I like the attention. I would love to be in the tabloids. Give all of us some exposure. Them people can see its a normal thing. But those old, grumpy people sitting on the benches at the mall will still hate us. Screw thoes bitches!

  4. Ya, I never realises how many different choices they have. I was at a store on saturday. I said to I girl: you girls are lucky you have so many cool things to wear! She said: to different from you guys! If you want to wear something, wear it. Girls wear guys clothes all the time. Even we get a hard time when we dress too sexy. I guess both genders aren't too different after all. The huge shades are cool! I think they came out in the early 60s. Audrey hepburn in charade looked amazing in them.

  5. I think they have nice figures because they can buy the most expensive personal trainer and not have to be bogged down with a regular job that takes all their time. But its not aways the case. Shafted, you and I have legs just as nice. Probably from wearing 4" heeled boots every day.

  6. I fell running for the subway it toronto wearing 4.5" platform pumps. Everybody saw it. The worst part was: the train stayed there for 5 minutes waiting. I didn't have to run at all. No dirty looks or anything. If you can run the 100m in shoes like that, people are too scared to bother you, let alone make suer you are not hurt!

  7. My want list is growing every day! Its this sick heel habit I got. Doctors could cure it(as if they could)! Right now I have a desperate need for Charlotte olympia pumps with the heavy island platform. If I could the knee high boots, then my collection would be complete. No need for louboutins at that point.

  8. How can customers. Be so ignorant! You were hepling them fit into shoes, and he questions what you are wearing. Anyway, they bought 2 pairs, you made the sales, they left. You won in the end. I don't take things to heart, but what did he gain by trying to insult you?

  9. I think we all have certain items we like to wear and feel good wearing. I have my make up and platform boots, others have thigh boots, and others have skirts and so on. This is a fashion site, so everybody brings something unique to the table. Most of the things we try to wear were made for men in the first place, now we have to explain to the public why we wear it, just because its out of fashion for our gender. I might be way off base, but I think fashion is about what is coming out next. We can't evolve if dress in the same old boring outfits society expents us to wear.

  10. i have a few new pics for you guys. i know its been a while, but i have been very busy with work lately. im also in the process of designing a pair of kneehigh boots that are going to be unbelievable. all i can say at this point, they are going to be a little bit rockstar glam and a lot goth. but they definently wont be any any flat creepers. heres a clue: combine the fluevog volunteer boot with the styling of the grand national boot, without the cloven heel, but with a 4.5' curved in chunky heel. ive been playing around with eyeliner lately maling a cateye look. well, without the extended winged look. i know these pics have no heels involved, but just try to invision some heavy platform boots with this look, and hopefully with 5 or 6 inch heels. i think ill add a few pics of some cool boots to go with the made uo look. tell me what you think. maybe ill eventually start putting some skirts with it as well.









  11. Let's do it then, guys! It would have been a good weekend now, as pride week is on. You could pretty much dress in anything. That's not my scene, not gay, but would be good for those that are a little timid going out in heels. Looking forward to seeing you guys.

  12. Well put! I wear heels because they seem to be my go-to footwear of choice. Just like guys love hitop sneakers. No different. There is no gender involved in my footwear. I just like them. Just like women like them. Designers would love to design heels for men, just as long as they can profit from it. I would only hope that they design sexy looking shoes that they design for women. If it doesn't happen then I'm happy buying womens shoes, they have the wide selection of sizes, colour, different heel shapes and sizes. Getting back on topic. Guys just have to get out and let people see them in heels. Also the media has to show regular guys in heels. Tastefully. Not really gay men, because being gay is your sexual preference, not the clothes you wear. Every chatroom will say you are gay for wearing heels. What I am trying to say is: you don't have to look like a drag queen to strut in heels. But I do think heels go better with more femimine cut clothes. Just like 70s platforms goes with bellbottoms and flashy shirts. One thing can't survive without the other. Wear what makes you comfortable. I wear my highheel boots everyday, sometimes under pants, and sometimes over them. But don't wear anything less than 4.5" heels. My boots are just a joy to wear. I like the long leg look, the strut and the sway of the hips. There are a ton of women who love guys in heels. One woman on the subway said: its nice to see a guy not wearing ugly running shoes.

  13. I explained to him exactly what I want done. I said: for now, make the shafts 3.5" higher and add an inside zipper. Later ill add more heel and platform. Both at the same height, and add a huge brass buckle over the arch area. It will take a month to complete, and I promise ill sent you guys some pics. Can't wait to see what they look like!

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