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Posts posted by Curt

  1. I think the best thing I can do is go to a store and try on a pair. I really want the boots, so I have to wait at least two months until the fall stock hits the stores. But I don't even know if I want to spend $1000+ of a pair of boots. The most I've ever spent on boots was $650 for a pair of fluevog boots. They make the most comfortable high heels I've ever worn. So what I'm really looking for is all day comfort. 5" heels are no big deal, as long as they are made very well.

  2. Just wondering if it could be done easily and look good. I have I pair of boots that aren't quite kneehigh boots. I want the shafts 3.5" higher, add an inside zipper on them, add 1" of heel and 1" of a tapered platform. Thay are going to look awesome! It will take my cobbler at least a month to complete. Ill keep you guys up with my pregress. The boots are fluevog volunteer boots. This is my first attempt at designing, so this is very exciting.

  3. Its almost a given that when a video of this nature is shot from a stationary camera as show here, that the wearer is guy. Most any woman could surely find someone to take the video for her. I find these kinds of videos bordering on pathetic.

    do you realise that heels were made for men when they first came out. So any gender can wear them. Try to stay on topic. I would just like to know if they are hard to walk in with the really high platform.
  4. Well said! Women don't give a damn about what men want them to wear. And men seem to cave in when our women give us a hard time on our clothes choices. But keep in mind that we are wearing shoes that society says are womens shoes. How does it work that way? Men are expected to wear flat shoes, and if he wears heels, he is treated like a freak. But women can wear flats or heels, and no problem. My exwife wore guys shoes all the time because her feet were very wide and had bad bunnions. She never thought of it as weird buying guys clothes and shoes. But she never gave me a hard time wearing heels. Mind you, I never got into wearing high heel pumps and skinny heel boots at that point. But I wore a pair of 70s platform boots to death! So much so that they were unrepairable. She had three pairs of heels, one with 2" heels she was forced to wear to work when important people came in, one pair of chunky heel boots with 4" heels. She wore them until she took a bad fall on the subway plkatform, and 3, a pair of strappy slingbacks that she coulnt walk in. She never threw them out because I think that would hit her ego in a bad way. When we split, I should of took thoes shoes. We were the same shoe size. I think women hate ti wear heeels because they are expected to wear them to bee professional. And we have to wear lame shoes that we are expected to wear. I might be way off base,but I think women are confused that we like to wear heels when they hate to wear themn themselves, and we aren't even forced to wear them. Sorry for the long post. If I didn't start this thread, I wouldn't mess up someone elses topic going off topic.

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  5. See, women have it so easy! They have a huge selection of different things they can wear. Guys can too, if they stop worrying what others think, and realise that its just fashion. You might get some dirty looks, but so what. The only ones that give me dirty looks are the fat middleaged women with no fashion sense, or the guy with the hot girlfriend, if she likes my look, then he is threatened and pissed off. Maybe he's afraid that his girlfriend is more attracted to me. But it doesn't matter to me! I dress the way I like to. I'm not catering to others. If I did that, I would dress like every other nerd In baggy, huge clothes and ugly shoes. I like myself too much to do that.

  6. I worry about it sometimes. But I think women like that we take the time to wear sexy shoes. I was high-fived twice last month by women for wearing shoes they really loved. After that I know that some will love the shoes and some will hate them. For now on, I'm going to wear the shoes because I like them, and if others like them too, then that's great! Lately I've beeen asked for fashion advice from women. I guess I owe that to you guys!

  7. Sleekheels, you are right! Society should embrace femminity. I think heels and other womens clothes are awesome. Mens clothes just won't fit my body in a nice way. But society won't change! If we want to dress in a certain way, we just have to do it. Women have fought very hard to dress the way they want, we can too.

  8. Something cool has happened lately. As you guys know I like to wear loud heels, I mean really loud piercing heels with a stiletto click. I find when a walk at a pretty fast pace(I'm really good at walking in heels, when I'm sober) people seem to start moving out of the way. Almost like I'm some rude celebrity. But I'm not like that at all! I don't take over the sidewalk, open doors for people, etc. Most people don't even give me any double takes anymore. Maybe because I can walk with confidence, or I really look like a woman. I know I'm not, but if others think I am then that's fine. I'm not trying to turn this into some transgendered thread, but I just like how women have so many different choices of clothes to wear, anbd how the clothes improve the looks of their bodies. More power to them. I've made peace with myself in the respect that I can dress anyway I want to. I used to worry how people view me, nnot anymore. Some might not like it, but others might like it, it might even make other guys realize that they can dress like this as well. I don't quite have the classic styles that others have here like Jeff B or sleekheels, but I think I have my own style and like to take the time to put some nice things together. Fashion isn't about what is current, but what you like. This site is something I like to check out everyday to see what others are doing. If I have any advice for anyone, it would be: be yourself and make yourself happy whether its heels,clothing or anything else you do. I thing for the most part, fashion is genderless. What I do is: look in the full length mirror before I go out. If I feel I look good, then there is no reason to change into other clothes. My clothes and style are a part of me.

  9. I hated them for a long time too. It seemed that every woman in the mall wears them. I'm not crazy about the pumps, but I love the wedge kneehigh boots. I just have to find the right ones. Jeff, its nice that you have a nice variety of shoes to choose from.

  10. I like the headband idea. A nice fashion assessorary(not spelled right I know). That's great you're able to dress the way you want to! I do the same thing. My 4.5" kneehigh boots are pretty much my everyday shoes. Flats hurt my feet bad, I'm sure others feel the same way. Keep up your style, you look great!

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