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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. This message topic moved to the Everyone forum. I hate to be a strict enforcer but it looiks like the way to go these days. After all, putting in that guys can comment if they like turns it into a guy free for all to say how they like this look on women, and then the women feel like their comments don't matter. So, it can have a happyu life here. BTW not in a million winters will I go bare during winter in Calgary. :)

  2. The link to the full article is now in place!!!


    On that page, you can see the entry for my article at the top.

    It is momentous, because finally, I have had time to complete a public update for Jenny's page. I hope people enjoy. Let me know here what you think of it, and if you would like to see anything else from this article, or even ideas for future articles.

    If you can, link in from the highheel top 50 or top 100 site, whatever it is called, to boost the placing of the site.


    I'll be doing some things for the main page, I hope, in the next few days, just to ensure the page looks like it is alive.


  3. Too cutesy cute for an overall color scheme. I know that pink is more for young girls in a sense, a lot of women try to avoid it, well, ones that I know. But maybe that is part of the fashion trend, using colors that relate to a youth feel to create a youthful look, and help one recapture something of days now past? Still too cutesy for me.

  4. Well, since this is the new boots topic, even if it was for someone else to start with, I might as well, liberate it for my own uses. Maybe not liberate, how about, subvert?


    Here are my new boots, made by the Highest Heel and available from many sites.

    Posted Image

    They fit really well, and after some hanger assisted zipping up the first few times to get them worked in, they hug my legs quite nicely.

    When the walks and roads a re a bit more clear of ice and snow, I'll be taking them outside for sure.


  5. I am posting the introduction to an article I am going to place on jennyspage.co.uk for public reading over the weekend. This is the introduction and part one of the article. Let me know what you think. Once up and running, I'll place the link here, and modify as needed per discussions we have here. We need Jenny's site to be the #1 site, read by everyone. I am thinking of maybe picking up some sponsors, and having high traffic would help. The member section isn't doing very well, so an alternate source of paying the bills (monthly internet charges, equipment payments, etc) are needed. We can discuss that, also. So here it is, the start of what I hope becomes a well read document to help anyone wishing to wear heels. *** So you wanna wear heels – a Quick guide to what it takes By Laurieheels (Copyright 2004/2005 jennyspage.co.uk) Okay, so you are eager. You’ve always wanted to wear a nice pair of heels. Maybe it is for a party, the holidays, a dance… you’re young, old, daring, timid… does it matter? Not really. You can wear heels, and be comfortable in them. But you have to know what you’re doing. ‘Get out, Laurie’, you’ll say. ‘Shoes are shoes!’ But at the end of the day, when your feet are cramping and I am jumping up and down on the spot with a smile, you’ll see what I mean. High heels are much like any physical activity – it works better if you practice, it works better if you train. And so, that is the basis for this article. The tips and hints and tricks that aren’t really any of those things when it comes to wearing high heels are what I’m going to discuss. Let’s dance through the key areas you need to know if you’re going to make heel wearing work for you. 1) Start low and climb higher. Okay, the idea here is that you cannot just go from flat to five inches after a trip to the shoe store without a lot of trouble. If you have never worn heels, or just low heels, maybe thick ones, then the idea is to start lower. Your first attempt at a higher, thinner heel should be around three inches. Heck, I wore three inch heels for a long time before I thought of going higher in my quest. It was a lot easier to accomplish the really nice high and slim heels because of this experience. Realistically, a three inch heel is a mid heel, no matter what anyone says in sales and marketing. Heels can go as high or seven or eight inches. But let’s focus on getting to three inches. You’ll want to try on the shoes in the store, walk around, jump, stomp, really get a feel for the shoes. You should not buy shoes early in the morning. If you find a perfect fit, at the end of the day, you will be in pain. We’ll discuss this more in the section about fit and how that plays into higher heels. Now, after buying the shoes, do not wear them out on the town right away. Shoes need time to be worked in. If you buy a new car, there are steps to take to get the car through a breaking in period. Why should shoes be different? Wear the shoes at home. Start with short periods of time. Wear them while sitting down. A quick run to the kitchen for some juice and back to the couch. Go easy. You should be wearing the shoes at home, preferably in the evening, for a few nights before wearing the shoes outside. Why? Well, this gives your feet a chance to learn the shoes. Okay, this sounds weird. The shoes need to be broken in, yes, but your feet are not going to be used to the heel height if you only wear low heeled or flat shoes. The two key factors here are balance and pressure. Balance – A higher heel may mean less surface contact between the ground and the shoe. This means less stability. So wearing the shoes at home is going to help your body learn balance. A gymnast does not just rush to the balance beam, and so you cannot dance all night without trouble if you don’t have your body figure out the balance. Maybe it is more like riding a bike. When you first start out, the balance is difficult to attain. However, once your body learns how to balance, you can jump on at any time and not have problems peddling around. It’s similar with heels. You need to learn your balance. Once your brain figures out how to wire this up, you can do amazing things in heels. But until you develop that balance, you’ll need those nights at home to let your brain figure out the balance and create confidence in your ability to stand and walk without a wobble. A wiggle, of course, is quite acceptable when walking while in a pair of heels. Pressure – The other key here, the one thing that people do not understand, and the thing that causes foot problems early on, is pressure. This is going to tie into higher heels as well. When you elevate the heel of the foot, more pressure is placed on the ball of your foot, and less on the heel. And if your body is not conditioned to this, you will hurt. This is why so many women who only wear heels for a rare occasion end up taking off the shoes before the end of the party and then go barefoot. Would you, without any athletic training, try to enter a weight lifting competition? Of course not. You would hurt yourself or at least, be very sore. Your body needs to strengthen muscles and develop to handle the new distribution of pressure on joints and bones and muscles that lifting increased weight will bring. You train with lighter weights and move up. The body learns in small steps, and once the body can handle a set of weights, a heavier one is introduced. And that’s the whole key with wearing lower heels and getting used to them, and then going higher. *** That's the start of the article. Enjoy!

  6. It's all just a nice way to be polite about saying people who enjoy television are small minded and petty. And obviously, that is what you're saying about me since there are things I enjoy on television. let's not play games, forget being polite or correct or whatever, come rigth out and say it already. I'm terribly sorry that I cannot live up to some perfect life, that I can't afford it, that my escapism from stress during the long cold winter isn't beyond television. But everything being said makes me feel like I'm beneath others for watching teleivison. And not a single thing in what anyone has said since I posted a few days ago has done anything to make me feel better. it all seems designed to make me feel worse, and to get me to do other things, or imply that people should do other things. There's a lot on television I don't watch that is considered popular, but still, I am looking to share a discussion about something, and any of us who might like it are being made to feel as being of less value in mental capacity that all of you who limit your television to what you consider as 'a few good shows that are rare'. Small things amuse small minds, huh? For a group of people looking to be accepted for something, some of you sure are quick to reject other things. Open minded? Accepting? Or just eager to have the world your own little ways, making the world conform to what you would like, so you are happy, but who cares about everyone else, let's be superior and say try to dash other people's lifestyles because of a few things. Nice. You know, I'm pretty happy in life except for two things. Monetary woes, and coming here to read such double standard trash. You want to be accepted for wearing heels, not being called names, not being judged? Then accept that you can have an opinion, but should not covertly try to imply that it is the correct one over other things or points of view. You may not have it both ways in this world. I don't like everything on television, but damnit, it is generally cheap entertainment for the masses, in a new form, maybe, but certainly a trend that has been going on for thousands of years. For those of us not so righ or enlightened or whatever you want to call it, it is what we have, and it brings a brief spark of happiness to our days sometimes. Don't make us feel like crap for using it.

  7. I used to work for a communications company that had a cable TV division, had television channels, and many things. I understand very well that television is but a means for delivering advertising to people. And everything is dictated by what kind of advertising money can be generated. After all, the more people who watch a show, the more it costs to advertise during that show. But why should television be considered as 'lower'? And I am annoyed because people make it seem like 'oh, I'm too good for television' What makes one person better than anyone else? And why spoil the fact some of are enjoying something? But now we should be made to feel inferior because we enjoy something. That's the thoughts behind my 'why do I bother' comment, in case someone was wondering.

  8. In a world where most Television isn't that great, this is a good one, and I'll explain why. The whole idea was shaped by an episode of Oprah, and the idea of DHW is to show that these people with seemingly perfect lives who look perfect and are the envy of others are actually all messed up and having their own problems. Art imitating life is what the show is like. It's nice entertainment, a bit sensationalized, maybe a lot at times, but... To pass it off as another corporate cut trash show is just wrong. No one says people have to like it, but it shows something that actually happens in life that you're not going to see while being out and about in the world where people are putting on their acts. It shows people as being real, with problems. I thought the show would be, well, shlocky or soap opera-ish, but it turns out to be well written and offering many angles to appeal to many viewers. And believe me, there are many American women who match characters of this show quite well. They've been on TV, interviewed, and admitted to it. Gee, I don't defend shows very much, but I guess this one has me won over. But you can still hate it. Just don't ever say anything bad about Stargate. Ever. RDA gets better with time, if you ask me. :)

  9. Ah yes, God Jul to everyone, or Merry Christmas or however you prefer it. The weather today for Christmas Eve was a bit warm, but the snow is managing to stay around. Lights are twinkling, the fire is burning, and I am in need of a new Report to share! A Goddess field report for the holiday season. Now, I would dearly love to have a holiday party report, but I did not attend any Christmas parties this year. So instead, it is a report of what's in the stores and what's on the feet of those who hit the beat to shop for Christmas treasures. So, what are the stores flaunting for Christmas this year? For the woman in need of fancy footwear for that festive gathering, strappy sandals are in. Thin stiletto heels of three and four inches adorn shoes in black, white, silver, gold and red, and some pastels as well. Silver rhinestone style decorations adorn some, and others bear silver buckles upon their ankle straps. Sexy, classy, elegant, and worthy of a goddess. But with no need for such shoes, and money being tight, at the store they have to stay. No party, no stiletto sandals. Besides, in winter, prefering to wear stockings, sandals aren't really my preference. But oh how'd they be wonderful come the Spring up here! Maybe a final clearance sale at the end of January... Pumps, well, they're all business. Thinner heels, yes, but two and three inches at most. A good pair of stiletto heels in a typical store around here, not to be found. Boots have come along well, there are some nice pairs, ankle and knee varieties, with three and even four inch stiletto heels. Trendy, fashionable, in blacks and browns, perfect for the season. My new boots are courtesy of a donation to the site, we'll talk about them later. So what are people wearing? Lots of boots. This is a cold weather city, and even though it can go from frigid to tropical and back in a few days, boots are still all around as a constant right now. Lots of ankle boots, side zips, with either kitten heels or higher stilettos of about three to four inches. They reflect the store well in some ways, but I've seen more colors and textures on the street than in the shop. The higher boots I've seen, knee height on younger girls, have either a thicker post heel, maybe an inch by an inch or so, or thicker blade heels. They look really good, and mostly they're in black. I am sure the guys are liking it because the youngest of these girls wear them with very short skirts. I have seen lighter tans and even white out there for boots, which haven't been common in the stores. So either the ladies have boots in the closet coming back into style, or I haven't been by any of the stores they are shopping at. Not every mall has the same stores, I suppose. Now, as for my new boots, they're a new style on the web. Made by the Highest Heel, they were a donation from JeffM, who wanted to do something different in assisting Jenny's site. So boots were it. They have a four inch metal spike heel, and are a black fake leather with fake outer zip in silver, and four buckle straps over the vamp and ankle area. The boot shaft rises to just below my knees, and while zipping is not easy (Yuletide treats mean retaining some mass, I fear) the fit for the foot is wonderful. The pointy toes don't stop me, for in size 11, my feet have more than ample room to stay comfy and happy. They look pretty good, and I am eager for a first chance to wear them outside. So as a summary for this, the trends in the stores seem to be stiletto sandals that are strappy, or black and brown boots. Certainly, if sizing were easier and money were plentiful, my closet would be overflowing with new boots in various velvet and leather styles. All black, of course. I mean, how can a girl go wrong with black boots? :) Happy holidays everyone, and the typical 2005 wishes for this new year thing. Of course, I like the old idea of New Year's beginning with Spring, but it's not easy to change the world.

  10. I've mentioned this somewhere before, in some thread about shoes in water or something. ABC has this hit show, Desperate Housewives. It's interesting, with an intriguing storyline which is always evolving. And it has a lot with high heels. A woman jumping into a pool while in a nice pair of spiked heels and a fancy dress, another woman trying to teach a girl to ride a bike and struggling to keep up in some strappy stilettos, and tonight, a man having an extra marital visit to a neighbour and she asks him "boots or stilettos" and he asks her to wear the stilettos. Dorsay style, black leather, metal heels... and she walks on his back. Not shown, but implied. If you haven't seen it, check it out.

  11. Let's not focus on the looks, let's focus on the part that in early interviews during the first season of Alias, she did a lot of talking about having to run down the street in five inch heels and such. She's not just wearing them, she can use them.

  12. Thanks. Rocking is a pretty good thing, though I rocked a lot harder when I was younger. No more concerts, no more turning up the volume to an ear crushing level, but the attitude is still there, and the memories...

  13. The whole idea of the commercial is to not be politically correct, to show how such things can divide us. So they are mashing it all together to show that regardless of our beliefs, we can all celebrate something for this time of year and thus be united in some way. And then, of course, we all have a reason to by a Virgin Mobile phone because we're all celebrating and buying gifts for people. Ignore religion, mash it together, regardless of faith we can all celebrate capitalism at this time of year. Comedy Central is not the only American channel to play that commercial :) But I don't remember which channel up here I saw it on. TBS, Spike, one of those imports. Of course, the only think Spike is good for, for me, is watching MXC and reruns of Macgyver. Yeah. Next!

  14. Yesterday's outfit... Red Blouse with long sleeves past the wrist, pointed collar Black pants that are two toned black to give the appearance of subtle stripes, ankle length, slightly flared boot cut My avatar icon favourite shoes, the black 5.5 inch lace vamp pumps :)

  15. Okay, Calgary is a good place to be from if you want to know about snow. Of course, the fact that it can snow in July and be tropical on Christmas day is strange enough, but snow, we know. The city has sanding crews that get out and about once snow starts, they lay down various things from sand to gravel to salt, which is not used so much here, anyway. To help provide traction on the roads. Generally, snow compacts and the friction of driving scatters it and reduces it to the pavement and melts it. Managing out of the drive, well, you may need to shovel. Here, we have a law that requires people to shovel their own walk ways, and thus the end of the drive, within 24 hours of a snowfall. Townhouse living makes this chore much easier to handle. Late for work is not an excuse here. People are expected to leave earlier. Someone in my position cannot get away with it, especially if on the supervisor shift. Of course, people forget how to drive, the roads are bad, there are accidents... I am lucky to live close to work and have a good way to get there off of major routes. But there are times when for some, a half hour drive can turn into 3 hours during the rush hour when the weather is bad. Me, a ten minute drive can turn into 20 when snow has been lurking about. But it is pretty, looks festive, fun to throw, great for making snowmen, and while I do not ski or board, it is quite a big industry for the winter months. Skiing continues until the end of May for some of the larger Ski hill resorts. Factor in the cold, the ice, the windchill... the reduced visibility... We all joke about moving, but none of us ever will. The summer is just too nice. Snowmen are from Ikea - they come unassembled and take a lot of work to put together. :)

  16. Hope for the world yet, I would think. Someone willing to admit that an attitude might change. BVut one has to question the integrity of a retro 70s rock and roll platform wearer type. Everyone who thinks 'maybe' is another chance to let the world let us do our thing without looking down on us. :)

  17. Jenny's forum will stay, because there are people who post there and not here. Yes, it might be redundant to some, but it is supposed to be a simple, easy to use means of posting. Some people prefer it to the navigation of the forums. Animations and sounds, those involve some digging for missing files. Not an easy task. We'll see what we can do. Apathy kills. People need to learn to voice their appreciation or they lose what they like. You can't take the world for granted and cry when things vanish.

  18. What more is there to say except practice? Well, stand next to something like a desk. Or dresser. Something about waist high. Place a hand on it to stead yourself. Then do reps of heel lifts. What you do is just stand on the balls of your feet, trying to raise the heels of your feet as high as you can. Consider this a warm up exercise. Do a few reps of ten. Then after a quick minute of relaxing, put on your shoes. One thing about muscles and tendons, they like to be warmed up. It works for exercise in the conventional sense, so why not for wearing your favorite heel heights? These little flex exercises will start working the muscles and tendons, and help your flexing when you put on the shoes. Basically, you're doing some pre stretching before you have your feet stretch into the position for the shoes. The muscles warm up, get ready, and are more loose when it is time to do the real work. Then practice with walking around. Counting steps like Bubba said is a good idea, it is like creating an exercise. The more steps you take in a row, the more your muscles and tendons are developing. Don't push yourself past your limit. Find the limit and stay a step below it when doing this. But in the end, this is all about practice. :)

  19. There's nothing wrong with a few rare comments from the boys about some things, but when the guys reply to a girls' subject about what are we wearing for the holidays, that is when things go wonky. I mean, unless you're going out and trying to be a girl for the holidays, which is a wonderful gift, being a girl, (in this day and age in the more modernized world), posting about the shoes you are wearing for the holidays is not really a thing for guys to be doing in this section.

  20. It's one of the main reasons why we don't have a regular cast of female members here, and why this is one of the most quiet forums here. The problem is, women like to talk in groups of women. And the idea here was to let women discuss, but anyone could read. Yes, the boys are excited to discuss heels and give their opinions and hopefully influence all of us girls. But if we've all gone for coffee to discuss things from a female view point, and guys are all there at the table, we're not going to talk much. And then someone named Gina posts some tarty picture without ever smiling or seeming like anything more than a persona, and everyone goes nuts. Yes, I am in a mood.

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