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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. OK.

    Professional athletes compete in international championships, what's the difference? On the other hand, there should be a chance for amateurs to compete on the international stage.

    What is the definition of a professional athlete anyway? Athletes who are paid apearance money or athletes who are supported financially by sponsors?

    If you see kids playing soccer in the park but they're wearing shirts with the name of a local company that pays for their strip (uniform), are they professionals? There is a gulf of difference between them and guys who are paid enough by their sponsors so that they do not have to hold down a 9-5 and can train 5,6 or 7 hours per day. But where is the line drawn?

    What do I think of the Olympics? My boyfriend is away photographing the Eventing (dressage today I think) and stands to earn £600 for four days work. Therefore I love it!

    If you are sponsored to help meet expenses like specialist equipment or travel to competitions, but you do the sport for the love of it, then you're an amateur. If any money you receive through your sport pays your bills, you're a professional. There are three main ways to be professionally paid in sport: sponsorship, direct paid employment by a club or prize money. The Olympics doesn't offer monetary prizes and there's no-one to do the employing, so it comes down to sponsorship. The trouble is that sponsorship unlevels the playing field, some people being more favoured than others. They're not allowed to use drugs, why should they be allowed any other outside advantage?

  2. I'm totally bored by the whole corporate bandwagon it's become. For some of the smaller events, like archery or handball I hope it's good for the competitors, a once in a lifetime opportunity. For the track athletes who still strut around with the self-righteousness of amateurs even though they now get paid huge amounts, I hope it's a total fiasco. I hope the politicians trying to ride it end up with egg on their faces. Gosh, how mean spirited of me. Megan - Official Antipathist to London 2012

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