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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. I can only echo what ILK says. I'm not skinny, just tiny, barely 5 foot, size three feet (UK) and hands to match. Aside of purchasing problems, I imagine we all have practical and personal issues, albeit different ones, and the personal ones largely unimportant if we were able to admit it. Well, only important to us.

  2. Now I'd be itching to repunctuate the whole sentence lol. When I said I thought it needed to be done sensitively, I wasn't wishing to imply that I was mistress of that degree of sensitivity. Al, if I were like anything, I'd be more like Cherie Bobbins from The Simpsons than Mary Poppins. Especially the bit where she gets drunk with Barney singing 'Wasted again in Margueritaland'.

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