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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. Corrugated card is very strong end to end, like books won't bend if you squeeze them end to end. It's to do with each sheet holding its neighbour up. At school we had corrugated plastic, just like the card, for the children to use in DT. You could wear that in the rain, though I suppose the point would be lost.

  2. Ah, 1984.. You know the bit about war being a way of destroying the results of human labour and so keeping them working. Throw away society. Chronic shortages? Replaced by advertising creating needs where none existed before. People in this country get worked up about CCTV cameras, but they don't really play much part in the novel. 'It was conceivable that everyone was watched all the time,' means, it was conceivable that no-one was ever watched. This was Orwell's point, you think you're Ok if you're doing nothing wrong, but power is not law, and a ruler who rules by power needs no evidence. They just get you.

  3. There's nobody here but us piggies. You found me. The idea with sardines is for one to hide and each finder gets in with them till there are loads squashed into a small space giggling and getting easier and easier to find because of the noise they're making. In our case it would be when some out of the way place starts getting lots of people. Now you've found me I'll move on.

  4. I do like her style. I also like the way you can tell where she is without seeing the background through her rather literal interpretation: tennis style dress for Wimbledon, medal style jewellery for the Olympics. I wonder if she was at the sailing in the photo above ;)

  5. As an ex primary school teacher (and skinflint) I love the idea. (As a mother it reminds me of taking children to buy shoes - you say, 'Walk in them,' and they walk round the shop as if they had shoe boxes strapped to their feet..) If you wore them out, you wouldn't be wearing them home though, would you?

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