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Posts posted by meganiwish

  1. Before long every island will be Starbuck, so I've gone to give some business to a competitor. I've not gone far, but I may be harder to find as I'm hidden behind someone else Hi, Tom-NL, you found me really quickly, you're good at this I think we've hidden well, Tom-NL. They'll never find us, hehe :chuckle:

  2. "I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill, but time and chance happeneth to them all." Ecclessiastes Ch 9: 11

    I take this to mean we shouldn't judge people by their circumstances. I think that's me agreeing with you, Bubba136.

  3. Hi Marit, I have very small feet, only UK size 3, and I don't normally wear anything very high. 3" is very tops for me, normally about 2". I walk very differently with heels, prouder, more grown up. I sometimes feel like a little girl padding along it flats (sometimes I like to feel that way). I hope I look more grown up when I feel more grown up.

  4. Yes, I see your point, but Armstrong and Aldrin were quite clear that they were just part of something that began years before. Someone had to walk down the ladder first. Courageous, because no-one knew for sure that they'd be able to take off again, or that they wouldn't sink into a soft surface. And they'd all done years of test piloting the equipment. Kittinger was the one who showed that you could go outside the atmosphere in a pressure suit and not die, which they didn't know before for sure. I admire Neil Armstrong as much for his later modesty (which, interestingly, he shared with all the men who went to the Moon) as his courage. The thing about his passing is that the moonshots seemed like the future, and this is the first step in them becoming history, like WW1 has and WW2 soon will (See at9's link above, which make the point beautifully).

  5. Why should we remembr these other guys? It's th passing of on man we are celebrating. Let's remembr these other two on the anniversary of their demise.

    Why should we remembr these other guys? It's th passing of on man we are celebrating. Let's remembr these other two on the anniversary of their demise.

    No-one remembers Joe Kittinger, though I bet Neil Armstrong would have. First man to leave Earth's atmosphere. Neil Armstrong was an unassuming man who would have wanted anyone else's contribuiton to be recognised. Remember Kittinger, remember Armstrong.

    What has a gravelled voiced singer got to do with walking on the moon?

    Oh... hang on...


    Was Sting that gravel voiced? Oh, you mean Sinatra
  6. Hi Marit,

    Mike Hinch PM'd me with this piece of advice. Just passing it on.

    Regards, Megan

    Mike Hinch


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    Sent Today, 04:54 AM

    We know that I am not permitted to post here but what do you think about the idea of pleaser low cost platform boots and pealing back the out sole and cutting the platform and heel and then replacing the outsole and heel tip. Cutting down a high platform would be easier than to build up a short boot.

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