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Posts posted by ChipsHH

  1. I've had those thoughts from time to time. The most recent: I was reading one of the blogs I follow religiously, one of those fashion bloggers (female, of course). She posted pictures of her latest look and, my goodness, was I jealous! She donned a one-piece dress that looked downright amazing on her slender body. Now it could be me just liking a girl in a one-piece like that, but man! I don't really wish to become a girl/woman just to wear that dress. I just want the body to be able to wear that dress and not give a damn who knows about me Or see me wearing it. Although I'll shyly pair it with a jacket of some sort, haha.

    The text in bold is the gist of my answer to the topic. The pic is the dress she donned in that entry. Looks gorgeous, doesn't it?


  2. Perhaps not a "Celebrity" to those not interested in Ballet. However, this is

    a fine looking Ballerina wearing some fine looking heels.

    post-640-0-97998800-1352933522_thumb.jpg post-640-0-95828000-1352933533_thumb.jpg

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    Got to love an en-pointe woman shown in the photos! Really adore that last picture of her~

    Jessica Chastain is one of the most gifted young actresses of these recent years. She has apparently a strong taste for very high heels.

    The second picture looks like her toes could hang over the shoes, if they aren't already. Still a nice find~

  3. Pretty sure my first pair of heels were from Bakers. It would suck if Aldo bought them out, had a store open in the Mall where the current Bakers store is, and just...ugh. I can't help but think of the somewhat-rude service I received from the saleslady that one day, at an Aldo store. But aside from that, Aldo tends to run small, don't they? Even in 11s, I never manage to find Anything that fits me. Sure, I'm mainly a 12, but Some 11s I can fit into and break-in until comfy. But yeah, prices were definitely a drag and forced once to get a job or *gulp* save money just to afford a pair from them, to which if I'm gonna save up for a pair of Bakers, I might as well save up for some Jeffrey Campbells instead. They were certainly reaching that price range. Sucks that I couldn't buy more pairs from Bakers, though. Here's hoping the River Oaks store isn't the one included in the 2/3s of closing stores. But it seems rather likely it will be, in favor of the Orland Park store sticking around, a nearly 30-60 min. drive from here :/ Probably wouldn't be able to shoot by the store before its leaving, either. Sucks living with parents, haha.

  4. I have a handful of sites bookmarked. One that popped up when you said "5 inches or higher and NO platform" was this: http://www.extremefixation.com/ Bad name for a site, but I'm sure if you submitted your ideas, s/he'd gladly see what they could do. Take it with a bit a salt, though. I've never ordered from them, so you're on your own with this one. Also, another that popped into my head: http://www.zoccoli.de/english/homepage_E.php Once again, never ordered from, so if you're really looking for a pair, better to email the folks first to make sure they still operate~

  5. What a story! Kind of made my night, if you don't mind me saying. Why? Well, it convinced me to take a trusty camera along for the ride, in case I need to pic the dope and show his face in a report to the police. 'You do to me, my friend, I can do right back. No [physical] harm done. Now...smile for me!' ;)

  6. Went to a party after Spring Semester ended (or it was nearing the end of the Semester) at the college. I had decided to go there in my newest wedges and hopefully have fun. Not only did I, but a good friend of mine from the Game Room of said college was totally cool with it. I mean, it wasn't that he had to be. He could have easily asked me "Why, dude?" but nah. We played a few games and had a good time.

    At the same party, I had an "admirer" of said shoes who decided to shout me out in front of Everyone. Still can't figure out if it was on purpose, or if she really liked my shoes. But hey, none of it matters when you're enjoying yourself at a party, right?

  7. I have a gut that probably stunts my growth, haha. I'd like to lose, but the fear of the gut never going crosses my mind many times. That, and a bajillion other things to think about, so losing weight is beyond the headache. I'm getting my mind right so that I can walk in heels and not worry about looking awkward and the such. Thankfully, I'm 21 and have many years to make the mind right :)

  8. Count me out as well. I plan on getting a pair no matter what brand. I'm also for a practical reason...somewhat. I'm kinda looking for something 'practical' to fall back on in case the highest of the high or peep-toes just doesn't cut it, especially with winter around the corner. Not to mention they could serve as a convo-starter among my circle of friends, albeit the convo first-liner will be "Why are you wearing those?", haha.

  9. There were a pair of JS wedge boots I really wanted, but were a B to get to. The store I went to had an 11, but I couldn't afford it at the time. Then when I finally had (somewhat) enough, the store didn't have it and I needed to either go to a store in Chicago to get it or pay a little more for them to ship to my house. At the time, neither option was the best option, so I had to pass them up :( The most snug and fitted wedge boots I had ever tried on at the time, and just in time for the coming Fall/Winter season, too... ;( Welp, eBay it is, haha

  10. Are they hard to walk in? Not the heelless ones, I wouldn't come within a mile in those. I have quite a few of old track running injuries, and would not want to destroy my ankles any more than I have to.

    Should have put a Disclaimer beforehand, saying that I'm not the one in the photos, haha. Going by height on the ones on the left, though...I'd believe they would be comfortable from their open-toe counterparts. Probably around 6-7 inches in heel height. They could definitely be street-wear!

    And the heel-less...only going by experience I had in them in the picture I just attached here. Tried them on in a store a while ago and couldn't believe how nice they felt! (Oh, btw, I know you probably don't care. Just telling the story for others, haha). The girl told me they felt like wedges and that they did, although it felt like the back of the heel could collapse from my own weight >.< They were pretty tight, too, so that sucked. Otherwise, I recommend. It's not a hard shoe to walk in~


  11. This picture shows that the influence...is definitely from the stripper platform shoes we know and some love.

    Now if you don't see the familiarity with what the thumbnail shows (aside from the obvious 'it's a platform...and that you [probably] hate it'), then maybe a link here would suffice.


    I'll save time from telling you the price of the posted picture of the shoes (not the link), but let's just say: they've made it to the mainstream shoe seller's hands. The upper of the shoe, though, strikes a resemblance with one of Jeffrey Campbell's heel-less line of shoes, so I wouldn't be surprised if the left thumbnail was a part of his work.

    And yes. I'd wear them :P



  12. The topic that can never be answered, let alone actually be a one-sided topic among us men (and even women). I'll admit: I expected everyone to give the "if we don't do anything, then no. It won't change" or "yes, I believe it can change". But no, there's a vary of answers I've read (or what I bothered reading). And it's quite a read, too. I couldn't answer this even if you paid me to. I can't really say what will happen, other than continued spotlight on the ever-changing fashion industry, as well as a streetlight over fashion men working the runways in heels. The only thing public about it is that: " :o! That guy's in heels! He must be gay!"

  13. In my experience with them: Are they wearable? - Yes, but not without the proper stretching beforehand. Much harder to wear than very high stilettos? - Yep. For me, though, the adjustablity (not a word, don't worry) was just about the same: not being able to :unsure: Toes pointed to the ground, with a heel attached? - Pretty much on-spot there. Walkable? - Like Jabble said, search Youtube. There's many that can do it both flawlessly and those with struggle. With me, just barely, haha.

  14. I've always thought of this in the past, as it would form an excuse as to why I can only wear heels and nothing else...yes, I'm looking at you, mom! :unsure: But the only reason I would go through with it is to wear ballet heels. At the mere thought of it...arousing, but further analysis says: I need the variety! So a simple 'no' would suffice.

  15. I guess I'd be that 'glimmer of hope' that no one else would be able to understand. I am also in the boat that Rick is in, fearing ridicule in all the wrong ways from people I would Never expect it from. That's what stops me from heeling at the college sometimes, although it's where everyone could and should start off their days of heeling and find that support and "backbone" in the form of friends. Nonetheless, on those rare days I do go out in heels, I make sure to never give the "haters" their time and disapprovers my eyes. I stand and walk confidently as if it should be the absolute norm of the world, in the most 'guy'-ish wear possible (although I see that changing in the future). My advice to You is to just think of heeling as your attempt at changing the world and what they see fit instead of what already fits to the world. Course, it's not gonna happen over time, so give it a go. After awhile and before you know it, the next guy you see will be working their stuff in the highest footwear possible. And when that day comes...that guy will probably be me :unsure:

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