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Posts posted by ChipsHH

  1. I was also featured on the site once. It was quite surprising, really, and almost felt like an honor to be on there. He didn't ask or send an email (I believe I have it enabled), but I could have sworn 'lolla' commented on that post on my own blog. He also went ahead and followed my blog, for future pictures, I'm guessing.


    I may shoot him an email if time allows one day. But to the subject, would this be as bad as the initial site we were talking about before?

  2. So, what would that say about me? I, like Eggnog, experience a major confidence boost when in heels. But unless I'm able to clean myself off (i.e. shaven face, clean body), I feel wrong for wearing heels, to the point that I don't want to at the time. With me, particularly... could there be an issue with self-esteem or along the lines?

  3. Kikepa, Kneehighs,

    I agree with what you said. Also with Walkonit's comment on the article page (though I hate the way the author replied to him).

    What I don't understand is the following : I don't know about Dior's and Owen's, but apparently, Jeffrey Campbell's men's heels were sold out in no time.

    Isn't that a motivating sign from the market ? I don't think they made losses with the shoes. so why don't they increase the offer ? Don't tell me this would cause the prices to fall !!!

    Albeit it wasn't just us buying the shoes (I wish I could have, actually). I mean, c'mon. There's ladies out there that probably liked them wayy more than us. And on that thought, it leads me to believe that they could have bought them out for a number of reasons; yet, I retreat on saying them in terms of causing a flurry of responses in disagreement.

    That said, One must keep in mind that although designers are making that effort in creating exclusive high heel footwear for us men, the reality is that when an attempt like JC made with a few nameless videos quite awhile ago hits the public eye, depending on how appealing the shoe may be, the race is on to find the retailer selling the shoes so that One can buy a pair for themselves. And it somewhat puts us in a tight spot.

    Because I don't know about anyone else, but I'm going in thinking it would stick around for quite some time (before showing discontinuation) and that I could get my pair sometime further down the line. But I suppose since JC did take the approach he did in showing off those platform booties, attention for the shoes rose quickly for the ladies.

    I know what I want to say, but I can't seem to get my point across.

  4. I had a pair long ago, before I own a proper camera to pic and record me walking. I never really found a use to them; for the matter described previously, no parties to go to that would allow them, or be appropriate enough for them. Although, I wore them as a "test walk" to a store or two. They're a cross of Shoe_Diva and maninpumps' choices~

  5. I wish someone made a cheap ( like under 50$ ) pair like that. I would buy them just to see if I could walk in them. I couldnt give an honest answer if I was able to just suddenly put them on and walk around without any aid/help at all. I think it would take a while to get used to ( like anything new we try ) but I dont think it would be ' impossible ' or un-learnable to maneuver or walk in those shoes for myself.

    I was thinking the same thing. I keep hoping for at least Bakers to gain one of the many "extreme" pairs in the high market today; predominantly, the 'invisible' heels and 'mock-like' ballet heels.

    But if I had to take a wild guess, the Jessica Simpson line at Bakers or any other store would make a good copy-cat, but We would: 1) see a hefty price on the shoes (luckily, Bakers doesn't exceed $200, far as I know), and 2) an almost-limited supply of them. And it would suck extra, as my store doesn't carry the JS line; instead, inherits what the bigger sisters couldn't sell. And it's usually a small size :irked:

  6. Ok, so here's the latest shoe buzz going on in the "high life"


    And my question regards the reading under the shoe pic: Why is everyone quick to judge? I mean, let's be honest: the shoes (and various shoes like it) look difficult to walk in. But I can bet half the people that say they couldn't dare walk in them probably could. I'm certain if I had a chance to give them a stroll, I'd do a tad bit better than any of the celebrities can, Even Lady Gaga :irked:

    I think I said it right, but just in case, here's the question:

    Could you strut your stuff in shoes many deem "impossible to walk in"? And could you do it flawlessly, with no support required?

  7. I've had those times when I was younger that I wanted to throw a compliment or two to a passer-by or even a fashionable lady standing straight-legged waiting in line. Sadly, I was too young [and flustered] to say anything to them, in risks of getting a slap in the face. But the more I think about it (what to say and how to present myself), the more I feel ready and willing to take that 25-percent chance slap-in-the-face.

  8. So, I guess I did mean "leg warmers" and not "leggings", seeing my post from some years ago and all. And after careful Google searches. But, would "leg warmers" be any different from "leggings" at all? I don't know, the more I think about it, the more I want to try pairing leg warmers with my attire, given heels are worn as well.

  9. I may have also forgotten to mention, to those who have tried them on. They do run a size small. I'm coming to terms with this every time I try mines on. Hopefully, when I'm famous, I can request one more size up to Pleaser ;P They are really darling shoes, but sucks that they run small.

  10. With college over for a while, I May have some time to think up the next chapters to this. But with my many other promises in the past few days... it's gonna take a second to get something up and running... and acceptable to the audience :irked: I have an idea in my head, and after everything happens, hopefully the idea's still clear in my head. A good re-read should help jog my memory, though.

  11. And I still wonder if my black dress socks are acceptable to wear while out and about. I have a picture of me doing my "self-photo shoot" from a while ago. The black down in the shoes were my dress socks worn. I don't care about anyone else, cause I liked the look. I just need to try them out and about in the future. I'll get the picture Asap, cause I'm not on the computer that it's saved on.

  12. I would like to keep this topic up a little bit longer, if no one minds. Because the possibility of someone from HHPlace or a man that simply likes wearing/heels seems too possible, and a chance of getting a brief spotlight (although the potential may shun the other for it) on the subject seems to be in the nearer future. Don'tcha think?? I feel like I would like to take my chance on said show (Baggage, in case you somehow missed it). But not until I'm out the house, on my own from any possible contact with family-kind, and courageous enough to make such a bold move.

  13. HiStiletto,

    I had to laugh when I read you would have to pick a lot of aluminum cans to afford the Jimmy Choo shoes. So someone else here is a scrapper like me! I went out in April when you have to wear boots here and got about 275 pounds of cans, aluminum scrap, copper and brass in about two weeks going out on weekends. That brought in about $215. I don't really need the money but have always enjoyed being outside and caring for this planet. But getting scrap along the road or from side jobs has always been fun. You gave me an idea though.....what if we all picked up cans and always used those proceeds ONLY to buy heels?? It would be interesting to see what we all could get with what we found.In a decade I could have probably bought no less then a half dozen pairs of Christian Louboutin shoes!


    Hm... I had to stop and think about if I had a recycling place that would pay for my recycled cans, paper, plastic, etc.... I may, but not sure.

    To the subject, platforms come second after my wedges ;D I've tried 4-inch platforms, but with all the unstable terrain around (not to mention any suitable places to wear them), I had to give in and sell them.

    I'm now settled to 2 1/2-inch platforms. Lowest at the moment are around a 1/2-1-inch platform, so I can't go without them.

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