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Posts posted by ChipsHH

  1. On 7/3/2018 at 8:58 PM, Shyheels said:

    Okay, I’ll bite...what happened at work?

    To be sure, anything can happen and I have seen many an unusual thing and had many unusual experiences in my travels, but so far no men in heels. And while it would no doubt be possible to engineer a sighting - meeting up with a fellow HHP member for example - I suspect I could travel many more years before such a thing happened naturally and randomly. 

    A lady who joined the job as I did mouthed off to her trainer, and she didn't seem like the type to do that!
    Same lady also confessed to having a husband, and I assumed otherwise! (going by her hairdo) *shame on me, I know*
    And most recently...
    I did a job that was outside my job description. (The perks of Retail, I suppose)

    Although if you want something more...concrete, I am tempted to - and just might - take my flatform sandals to work and wear them out as I leave. No one, FAIK, has seen me in such yet. These days, it's FAR too hot to be wearing shoes that are nearing its expiration date.

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/2/2018 at 1:03 PM, Shyheels said:

    Very kind of you. I am sure you have a wonderful collection, and no doubt wear them all out and about, as do many people on this site. But we are talking very, very tiny numbers here. The total population of HHP is probably no larger than the total number of climbers who summited Mt Everest this year. Ones odds of encountering one, randomly, on a city street or in an airport, are vanishingly small. 

    I have travelled to every US state, most of the Canadian provinces, and more than 100 countries and yet I have never, in all that time and distance and across a vast spectrum of peoples and cultures, encountered a guy in heels. 

    With that kind of logic behind you, I'm not surprised :P

    Only kidding, of course. I'm on the logic of "anything can happen" and after today's happening at work, ANY thing can happen, haha.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Cali said:


    I get about 24 pedicures a year. My hands no longer can take care of my toes so I have them professionally done. As for color, save BLACK for the fall. It's summer, look for some sparkles or shine, fun colors. I wear mostly open toe sandals this time of year so my toes are always on display, they have to look their best; same with my fingers.  My toes are a holographic blue and my fingers are silver based multi-color sparkles with white french tips.  I'll been getting 2-3 compliments day on my fingernails.

    But I'm scareddddd! I was hoping black was good for a beginner like me. But I was also considering white due to it being the summer. Wouldn't want to burn my toes as soon as I walked out of the pedicure place, haha.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, SF said:

    Nice sandals.....   If you are going to wear sandals, your feet should look nice....    sf

    Ever since going to a pedicure place years back, I've had it in the back of my head to revisit & pay them a proper tip. With these shoes, I've even more incentive to head back for nicer-looking toes :thumbsup: What's a good starter color polish to go for? I was thinking black but maybe that's Too basic?

    11 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:


    Well done. Those do look quite comfy for doing errands or just about anything else. We wedge wearers are multiplying! HappyinHeels

    Woot woot! Wedges will always be my preferred style of choice. Glad to hear that I'm not alone on the choice! :rocker:

  5. I too am an interested party. Would like for something to kick off~
     (Granted my new job doesn't intervene too much)

    On 2/22/2018 at 7:09 PM, HappyinHeels said:

    I just saw my shoestore friend, Gary, and there was some email problem between he and Tech. His email link, info@skyscraperheels.com kept saying incoming emails couldn't get rhough but in fact were making it seem like his box was full.

    I'm tempted to recommend he try an email provider like Gmail, though I'm sure he's dedicated to his own. IF anything, Gmail does allow for connecting multiple emails so that you can still receive emails from his original. Pretty nifty feature they, and most likely others, have.

  6. I know this is a year old, but I was actually curious as to if his store was still open these days. The last time I went to Skyscraper was 2014-2015, and I actually enjoyed my brief time there (I had just dropped my mom off at work and I had a slew of places I wanted to go before picking her up).

    Am curious as to if anyone are in the Chicago area that are still interested? Been meaning to pay him another visit since then.

  7. 2 minutes ago, jeremy1986 said:

    Those are cute platform wedges... very comfy for running errands ;-)


    That much is for certain! And I'm normally not a fan of going out bare open-toed. Luckily I trimmed them all beforehand, especially the big toes, haha. But something about these shoes scream 'best comfort ever' and the most casual in my opinion. I'm a jeans kind of guy so these were a must.

    • Like 1
  8. Hello!...I swear I didn't come back for just this reason. My luck selling on eBay has been pretty bad though, and I only [two weeks ago] thought about you all so I figured maybe someone here will take up the deal.

    That said, I am selling a pair of booties. Looks like Jeffrey Campbells but far from it; just as appealing, however. I'm selling on eBay for 20$ US  - eBay name: auctioner009 - & might have to add more for shipping abroad (if sold on here. I believe eBay handles the hard work with global shipping). They are a US size 11 but they are able to fit Size 12s as well - my main size.


  9. Northern Indiana, huh? I'm from the Northwest - won't name a city, near Chicago though - and I was in South Bend last year for a Convention. I made some occasional stops at a pizza place there. Would have definitely been awesome to meet up...if I discovered you sooner, haha.

    I'm attending said Convention again this year, but a mini-meetup with some attendees next month. I wouldn't mind a meetup of similar high-heeling minds, though~

  10. Ah, another HHDude, eh....We must fight to the death! LOL just kiddin around.

    I'm very jealous of you two. I can only dream of a day where I can get a girlfriend like that. Alas, my interests are so many, I'd have to find a girl that accepts ALL of me...or just the 'high heel' part.

    Still, welcome to the forums! Don't worry about seeing me too much (though I'll check around more often).

    • Like 1
  11. Oh my! A very dated topic for a very dated guy such as myself - I'm always last-minute as is, and Facebook isn't helping matters! LOL! (No offense to the author by the way)

    So I might have posted a little something back when the post was made, or made a similar post on a similar topic many moons back. Buut it doesn't hurt me too much to re-tread a topic that I also have trouble explaining. At the time of telling my mom about my heel-'thing', I didn't know how to explain it to her, either. To the point where she told me days after, that she had rather me be gay or something related, something she would better comprehend, said her. This was many years ago while still in grade school.

    ANY way, on the topic...
    I LIKE wearing high heels now. I don't LOVE it like I use to as it only just became a part of me that I own up to around social media, and in public when I feel up to it. Like some here have mentioned, it also started as a sort of fetish, mainly for... 'turn on' reasons. Started around elementary/middle school transitions, where I was "curious" and "wondering", then went full-blown after I graduated high school in 2010. Since then, it's gone from "fetish-y" to more of a 'it's just me' deal & I liked them as an alternative to what choices we have on our side of the aisle, which is another big reason I'm into heels.
    The options are ENDLESS. High heels, low heels, chunky heels, stilettos, 4-inchers, TEN-inchers, wedges, heel-less, the list goes on and on! There are so many choices I can choose from depending on my mood, and I LOVE that part about it. (So may be a lied a little bit in the beginning, haha). Not only that, there's many colors to choose from, many styles, many brands, you name it. So much so that I have favorites, more than I could ever say with mens' shoes as a whole. Not to even mention the styles in womens' that are inspired by popular mens' styles, so what's the point of ever going back when I can add 3-4 inches to my height? :P

    Of course, I am very limited to wearing heels out due to my living arrangements, mostly to my own accord but for sound reasons. But I still get my chances every so often.

    EDIT: Decided to add a picture of my current favorite look that I wore out a few weeks back. Had a TON of errands to run, and the shoes happen to be my top favorite at the moment. Even for open-toe shoes!


    • Like 5
  12. Sold a couple of pairs last month which went for low money. Sort of lost faith on selling on Ebay now.


    At the last minute one time, I gained a few bids & sold for at least 10 bucks. I believe another time, I end up getting over 20$. I believe in last-minute luck, not so much these auctions, however. Especially since one doesn't have a single Watcher on it & might now sell for 99 cents :(

  13. Well...I ran out of options, for lack of better or more words.


    Been trying to sell my shoes for the past two weeks & I thought I had everything set up better with prices & whatnot. I have watchers on one shoe & a bid on another (though it's the starting bid of 99 cents). I also thought the usual sharing across social networks would have reeled in more customers, but no one seems to be biting the bait, dare I say, just yet.


    I hope I'm not doing wrong by posting it here...but I ran out of options. And my auctions & Buy-It-Nows end in about a day. That all said, swing by & take a look when you have time & see if they catch your fancy :)



  14. Isn't Malaysia a staunchly Muslim country? And aren't those really, really, really not keen on gays and gay behavior?


    I mean, it's one thing to go against the norm in a society where the worst that can happen is a disapproving look, maybe some namecalling, it's a whole other thing to be mistaken for as a homosexual where they imprison homosexuals or do even worse things to them. What I'm trying to say is that before we encourage somebody in a different culture then ours, we should know a little bit more about that culture. This as somebody who was recently in Iran and for all the supposedly western culture that seems to be adopted with relish by a lot of Iranians, dig a little deeper with even the most liberal Iranian and you will still find a huge cultural difference



    Malaysia is fast becoming a haven for expats to retire under the MM or "My Malaysia" program. It is modern and prosperous and does have a Muslim majority but it is NOT Iran. I doubt a high-heel wearing man will run afoul of the government unless he SAYS the wrong thing. Fashion freedom is one thing but complete freedom of speech is another.  HappyinHeels



    I do hope so. I'm all for encouraging people to follow their hearts, but I'd hate to encourage anyone here into something that will get them into serious trouble.


    Might as well advise him to move out the country then, hue hue hue :P

    And not to America, either, where we're still figuring out what's even considered "free", but I strongly digress.


    Welcome to the forums, good sir! Hope you enjoy your stay, and you have a mighty fine sense of style, might I add. It beyond rivals mine, which merely consists of things paired with jeans, haha. I imagine you have wayy more than just jeans so kudos!~

  15. Yeah, the forum can be a little...dare I say 'Nazi' about platforms of any kind. I mean, some have them (but haven't said yet) but most avoid 'em like a plague. Talking the people on the forums, by the way.


    Also, 'flatform' is the combination of 'platform' and 'flats' & 'flatforms' are just a play on those words together, especially when they Are really just flat sandals with big blocks attached...I probably just satisfied half the forum in stating it that way, haha.


    Me? As of a couple of days ago, I'm a tad bit hesitant on them, though I'm still on the search for some that are 3-4 inches high. Not trying to over-do the height for now. I found a seller on eBay, 'bostekshoes' I believe, who sells some as low as 4 inches, but I've been eyeing pairs I found on Bare Feet Shoes, though these appeared to have left the site. Sad days too, since they ran up to a very, Very rare size 12. Should have gotten a pair when I could.. :/



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