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Mike Hinch

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Posts posted by Mike Hinch

  1. Tonight went to a church meeting with square toe side zip three inch heels which were wide across the back but about a half inch front to back and I got a few serrious comoplements. Anyway back to the hecklers. Been saying for a while now heels and skirts are safe in Orange county but the other day as I was comming back to my pickup there was some unfavorable remarks form a passing car. Get that no guts to say anything where I might respond. The coward just had to make a statment that said look at me I am a low-breed.

  2. Just the other day I spent about a half hour composing a post regarding unisex shoes and posted it in a subjest related to Euro sizing and it never showed in the subject. Anyway I have been thinking about unisex shoes but even if the Euro sizing is more consistant and not delebratly two numbers different still Men's shoes thend to run wide. Then as I have mentioned that my shoes come from the ladies side for width wich equals comfort and fit. So this may just be another sticky wicket to the idea of unisex shoes. Possibly if a maker of shoes really wanted to make the same style for him and her there would need to be wide and narrow.

  3. That was mid to early 90s that Spook had a pretty nice websight but something went wrong to me it looks like Spook has lost it. Anyway the foot benders were dropped from the websight when things started to go down the drain. This I sort of mentioned in case anyone remembered of if anyone knows how to contact Spook but she did not answer any of my inquireies as to the maker of her ballet boots.

  4. It looks like that last entry by Dr Shoe is refering to my idea to convert a pair of long toe boots to open toe. And to anyone totally familliar with factory shoe making that is all obvious but some details here that I do not understand. As for the edging material the plan is to cut the toe off long enough to fold back inside the outer matireal Maybe cut the end an extra half inch long then inside of that cut the inner material to the finished length and fold and glue. For my modifications, creations and repairs the gluing method works well but manufacturers obviously use stitching because in an assembly line the stitching requires no curing time. Another thing here that I may not have made too obvious is that this open toe is to be just open from the front. No part of the toes will show from the top. Possibly the end of the toes will be at least 100 mil (2.5mm) from the end sort of like the Coureges boots from the sixties. Then the sole will be about an extra 100 mil beyond that. Just how to finish off the in sole and bottom is not yet deturmond will have to chop and see what I get.

  5. Sorry, Mike, I was being facetious. I meant a leather shoebox to keep the cardboard shoes in, like SleekHeels was suggesting. I imagine corrugated leather would make a pretty permanent shoebox, and afterwards you could cut it up and make something else. Shoes maybe.

    Possibly I missed something but a cardboard shoe could be a long term survivor. With my expireance in machanical engeneering I uderstand that there is a relationship between stress and the service life of a component. So lets say we take several plies of cardboard with the holes vertical to best support the wieght and find some sort of long term stiff bottom to attach a rubber outsole then the life expectancy of the structure could easily justify a lether interior. Especially if the leather came from some other worn out item.

    Funny thing that happened some few years back while I was listening to two technicians that repaired drilling machines. They were talking about testing something or so I had thought. These machines used switching modules to convert power to higher frequency to run the drill moters at sixty-thousand RPM and when they would fail there was a complicated test proceedure. Unplug the module and connect the tester then push the test button and the light would light or not then take the test lead and connect it to this point and push the button and after a series of steps the unit was tested. So the next day I handed one of these techinicians a little box and said here is the tester you wanted. What is this we have testers what are you talking about. So I said just plug in the module push one button and red light or green light all test proceedure is in the box. He gave me the chicken eye and connected a good unit got a green light. Went for a failed unit and got a red light then tried several failed units and the only differance was if the red came on with the button push or not. The green only came on for good units. In the shortest time he loved it but it was born out of a misunderstanding.

  6. the problem with opening up the toes is you end up with more sole sticking out fronts, which has less around it to support its shape, you'll then find yourself tripping. Not safe.

    Not sure what this is referring to anyway I have this pair of peep toe pumps that were not usable but low cost from a thrift store so I could afford the gamble. The shape as acquired was more of a pointy. The toe opening was enlarged and converted to more of a square toe shape. Now I can actually wear them and in this case I do not find my self tripping in the least.
  7. The stock tends to vary from store to store. There is one near me that has a wider selection than most in larger sizes. The one in the mall nearest me seldom has anything larger than a size 10. If you order online for delivery to a particular store that puts them on notice to add more large sizes to that store.

    That is really good to know. Now if I order on line they will go the Mall of Orange.
  8. With all that encouragement I would have been to the next checkup with a skirt. Most of the time i do not try to pass but do get mammed at some of the places I go. Today at the shop I got into my 18 inch black leather skirt at the quitting time. During the day I like to wear long pants so I do not get surprised when I plop a power module or Y sus unit on my lap to find the caps still carrying a 180 volt charge. Here at the shop there were a few costumers that complained about the skirt. So lets not drift too far this group is about heels and I have three pairs of heels here at the shop that I wear during off hours and to go out. During the day I use two inch wedge knee high square toe side zip boots that go well with the pants or the skirt. It looks like Ilk turf is listed as New York and good to know so we can match the acceptance with the turf. Somewhere I heard that the tourists are not to go into Disneyland in "costume" good way to not get confused with staff but next time I get a chance to go I think I will go in modern freestyle and see how it goes. There was also an account of a guy that was not permitted to enter while wearing a tee shirt with the words sex wax printed there on. My complements to the security as I do not want to be looking at that stuff.

  9. Again I see this sort of thing how heels of fem attire may be tolerated and not really accepted and I know that that is just crap. For some time now I have expedienced total freedom to dress as I like with no problems what so ever. Now lets get back to some reality. There are some fem fashions that are too fem for me. That has an effect. Then too this is Orange county which must be more accepting than Straight Lace Utah. Next time anyone goes to describe the modern day non acceptance of heels and fem fashions it would really be nice to tell us where that place is so we can all be careful if we happen to pass through town.

  10. When I read the part. My Wife got divorced from Her previous husband for the fact that he wanted to wear heels just at home for play. Now I can totally agree with that as any husband that would wear high heels at home and not out and about is no real fun. And as for that other thing Do women like men in heels really should be in the everybody department as long as the guys pass along the opinions of the girls and not the opinions of the guys. Now just at the moment I been hanging around with a girl about my age who mostly wears flats and low heel and has no problem with what I wear. Anyway like I posted some other place there was only one time when a she person got her feathers ruffled and that was because she thought that I looked better than she did.

  11. Has anyone suggested to one of the site administrators moving the map to a tab location where it stands out more?? HappyinHeels

    Not sure what that means it is right up there with forums. Or so I thought. Any way I really do not want my location published. The nearest post code is close enough and after that we can exchange messages and set up a meeting. At the moment I can not think of any reason to turn down any person from this group just lets set it up first.
  12. Little bit different for me. While I have done six inch stilettos I still like those chunky heels and may even consider hidden heels if they really felt good. And even if I wear a dress I try to get the most non girly sort that I can find. Then the wigs and fake boobs that is for another time but will get back to some of that some day. One thing that I can say is my favorite part about full on DRAG was the skirt but now I can sport a skirt as a guy. As for the part about the shoes some how the lesbian inside feels that men's shoes are perverted so even if we come across men's six inch heels extra narrow my shoes still come from the women's department. Then also in a previous posting I told the story of how I wear women's shoes to get narrow enough which is true but also my cover story. And forget women's wide. Actually at the thrift store I did get a pair of women's wide and they hurt my feet. But they were only about $2.70 and look good. So long live the freestylers.

  13. Could I explain. Nuts here we have it again. The sender knows exactly what I mean and it is not clear to the receiver because I did not include enough specific information so I will have to be more careful. Great the heel shaft on the outside is vertical or as near vertical as should be. Now what I meant to say is inside where the heel bone goes that part of the insole slants down way too much steeper than a forty-five degree angle. When I point my foot and hold the lower leg vertical my heel takes an angle about thirty degrees from horizontal. If I then step on to forty-five angle with my heel it touches at the back not under the entire foot heel so then a steeper angle is even more useless. Hope I got it right this time.

  14. My, my! Didn't know you were so skilled. Will you show us a pic of the finished product?

    All of my picture galleries here have been killed but there is a group at Yahoo that is centered around skirts the group is called Menskirts and the picture is called Project. There are some pictures of the kilt before it was finished and other pictures from front, side and back.
  15. It's probably not true. Right now the map only represents about 1% of our membership.

    Great only one percent. Possibly I could live with that as long as everybody in California listed their place. So tell me is there anyone that does not want to be found and if for any reason the location is secret I will respect that.
  16. Just the other day someone did ask this question and the subject got turned off for duplication and this one is still here so it looks like this is the place to deal with that question. Had to turn this one up from manual search as once again the search function could not find it. Anyway most of the women like it.

  17. This is probably about the best place to put this that I can think of. Today I made a little trip to the hardware store to get a key to the box behind the cab of my pickup. Now for the past two months I been not going out in my six inch stiletto pumps because they are so extreme and also not the best fit. The ensemble included an eighteen inch black leather skirt. For some time I have been reeling like some kind of a pervert to not go out with the same shoes that I been wearing most of the day so now I gave it a try. The pumps were not too extreme to work the clutch and excelerator so they stayed on the whole trip. While I was out I had thought about a trip to the grocery store but as I have been without a key for this box I was in a bit of a hurry to get back to the shop and start filing on the key blank. Also that tendency to tip over forward was not any problem so I must have had enough practice.

  18. Somehow the idea of using leather gives the impression of long term and not so expendable. Now this can be done maybe varnish the outside when finished but what about the bottom material. One possibility would be roadkill tier tread and stick it on with calender rubber.

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