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Posts posted by thighhighs

  1. Thanks DawnHH. They are really nice, I've worn the last pair above for a week now and they are so comfortable. Today I plan on wearing the top pair, the kitten heels, when shopping. I work at a small company with 15 employees and I've known most of them for over 10 years. I started wearing heels at work only 2 years ago but I did it with a low heeled boot that made the right sound but looked like a cowboy boot (but female style). I increased the heel height to 1.2" - 2" block heels, then moved to thinner heels and now I'm wearing 3.5" stilettoes. So far only one female coworker have said anything, once about a pair of cowboy boots with real fur (she actually bent down to feel if it was real), another time about another stilettoe pair (nothing about the heel but curious of how high the shaft were). I also have daily contact with drivers of our different carriers, but they've said nothing yet.

  2. Hi,

    I wore the revolver boots at work all day yesterday. They were so nice and no pain at all. The heels are 9 cm so I was a bit tired in the evening, normally I wear 7-8 cm and that extra cm made a difference.

    Yesterdays outfit:

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    Today I'm wearing another pair of boots I bought (last picture below). It is not (at all) the same quality, but I'm not planning to wear them everyday in 5 years, I've got so much to choose from...

    We have a chain of shoe stores (is that correct description?) that's called SKOPUNKTEN, they sell 3 pairs for the price of 2, cheapest for free. Earlier they didn't have any styles I liked, but this fall, most of the boots have high thin stilettoe heels and not that long toes.

    Last friday I bought these 3 pair of boots below for less than a total of $90:

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    These last are the boots I'm wearing today.

  3. Phantasize is alright... and on a girl size 34 is alright.

    I'm US woman 8½-9 in heels (normal mens footwear is US 6,5-7), European 39-40.

    That is a very small size for being a man and I'm happy with it since I have a lot of women footwear to choose from.

    BUT when wearing heels the appearance is a very short foot, like 36-37, and that is too short for a man I think...

    So, even if they don't notice the heels, they'll probably notice a man with very small feets, ie no toes are showing from under the trousers.

    High heel, short toebox (manipulated pic)

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    High heel, long toebox

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    I think the last picture looks better.

    (...sorry for the large picture...)

  4. Thighhighs,

    did you already go for a stroll in those? What about reactions - if any? *CURIOUS*

    No, I haven't had time yet. The pictures posted were from a short walk just after picking them up at the postoffice. But I promise you'll read more about it soon.

    It's not the right weather in Stockholm right now, we have +23 C and sun, so any boots would make attention. :lol:

    And, no JeffB, I would not concider pumps in public yet... :wink:

    I just recevied the other pair pictured above. They have a normal toebox and in size 9US, fitted perfectly. More pics will come...

    When you wear trousers outside the boots, the look of the toe becomes rather important, I think. When you have a high heel, the total length of the sole (from heeltip to toe) becomes rather short. So in this aspect, the long toes of the Steven boots looks alright compared to the newest pair which makes the trousers end where the toes starts.

    When the trousers covers the heel, ie goes all the way to the ground, this gives sort of crippled look. You are 1.9m long, but from the visible length of your shoes, it looks as you have shoesize 35.

    Don't get me wrong here, I love the shorter toebox, it's the best style.

    I just a vision I had when trying them on...any comments...

  5. -> Micha You are quit right, when I found these boots, I wanted to know more about them. So, I did a search on Google and got lot of hits. The problem were though that sale of these boots have ended. Most of the links ended at a shoeshop with "We don't sell these anymore" or something like that. I haven't found them either, in sizes over 10 so I guess they are only made for the cowgirls... I didn't find any store that still sold them so I guess the only way to get a pair is from eBay.

  6. Thanks all, and thanks to Steve Madden for these beautiful boots.

    I like everything about them except the extremely pointed toes. The toes look out of proportion to the rest of the shoe.

    On that point I tend to agree with you, they are a bit long. I have other boots with pointy toes, but this is the pair with the longest toes.

    I haven't made any serious walking in them yet, but I think you have to get used to lifting the foot a bit higher then normal, just to avoid tripping on every edge on the pavement.

    These boots are my favourites anyway, they are of high quality and all leather, even the lining inside. This will make them last longer than other cheaper pairs with nylon/synthetic lining. These have always broken for me when I pull the boots on.

    I'm still waiting for the pair below, who have the "classic 80'-toe", ie normal length but pointy. According to pictures these will also look great...

    I think I've been ripped of on the freight cost though...

    Steven boots were $25 and arrived in 3 days, the other were $45 and haven't arrived yet... (5 days)... but we'll see in todays mail...

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  7. I agree with you, it's much better to ignore it. The file started because I had some old shoes I wanted to sell and I had no idea of how much I did pay for them (or where I got them). I like ads where you get as much information as possible, so on my sales, I've always included brand, modell, time of my purchase and RRP., amongst other info. Also I know what I'd paid for them and if I gain or loose on the transaction. This way I can give accurate information to any interested buyer and give them a chance to know if their price is ok or not. I haven't sold many lately, but now I need to clean out the closet again, so then this file helped me a lot. eBay and other Internetbased companies don't keep the records so long...

  8. Isn't waiting the hardest part?

    Sure is, but it's also a part I like very much. The thought rumbling around in your head; will they fit, when will they arrive, how do they feel, will I like them, and so on...

    I must confess that I'm a shopalholic, but not so much for the feeling of having closets or drawer full of stuff, but more the feeling just when you've found a nice thing and you buy it.

    These boots (both pairs) is very much to my likings, so if they fit, I'd probably wear them a lot and not put them in the closet.

    Last fall I made an Excel-file with all my current shoes/boots in. I tried to put down where I bought them, for how much, and so on. A few weeks ago I passed row 100 and now I'm on row 108.

    This file contains both sneakers and boots (sorry only 1 pair of heels), some has been sold, some have neen worn out, and some are still my favourites.

    I found that's a nice way to keep track of your purchases, (also a terrible way to find out how much you've paid).

  9. Would some pics of them with your feet in them be forthcoming?

    Your wish is my command.

    I'll post some pictures of them when I received them.

    They are shipped from USA to Sweden so it might take a while, hopefully not too long though concidering the rather high shipping price. I think it's a kind of lottery who long it will take, I've had shipping times of everything between 2 days and 7 weeks, more or less for the same costs. Maybe I've been ripped of by some sellers...

    I've also bought these boots below, they have the same theme; black, slouch, stiletto, very nice, ...

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    They do not have such pointed toes and I kind of like them more, but I think Steve Madden gives a bit more quality, even though I have no idea who made these.

    Stay tuned for pictures of both.

  10. Nice boots. Definitely made to be worn with your pants legs tucked into the tops, aren't they?

    Yepp, they sure are, aren't they...

    This is THE style for high heeled boots, I think.

    I hope they'll fit though.

    I also hope they are of such quality that the lining will not break after a few uses due to the scrunched shaft. I've had boots with this nice design before, but the problem were that when you pull them on, you also stress the lining inside, which normally is rather tight to keep the outing in shape. After pulling them on and off a few times, the lining inside broke and the scrunched feeling were lost when you had nothing that held the top of the shaft down. But we'll see...

  11. -> JeffB I really love all your pumps you've shown in your postings. I've always thought that pumps like the one shown at top, are the true, ultimate female style to wear. I do agree that it's so easy to put them on and just walk away. Through the years I've had some different styles but never dared to use them in daylight.

  12. Hello again.

    Just thought I'd share my last purchase with you guys. It's a pair of 'cowboy'-styled boots from Gabor International.

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    These might not count as high heels, but they are still a style somewhere between female and male. I have worn these in public and at work for a week now and only got positive reactions.

    See you...

  13. I forgot in the previous post, to draw attention to the fact that this subject seems to be of major concern to a lot of people on this board. Almost 2500 views puts this topic on the top-10 I guess. Did I make a catching headline or is it something else? Doesn't anyone else have a story of their first time in public? Thighhighs

  14. Nyghtfall,

    I can only agree with the previous post here. I feel for you too, if that makes you feel any better.

    I think it was very strong of you to talk to your father about it. It is a very big step to tell anyone about it, specially if it's family.

    Belive me, I haven't told anyone yet, specially not family. And I've been wearing heels in private for almost 20 years now. So I think you did the right thing and I only wish I had the same guts to do it myself.

    To all,

    I've been going out in heels in public now and then, since november.

    I don't know if the 2" block heel boots I posted in a previous reply in this topic counts as 'high heels', but they are still non-masculine and a bit higher than men is supposed to wear (at least in Sweden). These boots, I'm wearing on a daily basis now and haven't received any negative reactions.

    I was actually looking for a slightly higher heels when I bought them but it was difficult to find any that wasn't hard. I'd like to avoid the clicking hard sound when walking.

    Add to this the 3" stiletto boots in the beginning that I wear at least once a week on well planned trips and the other 3" boots below that I am really beginning to like;

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    If you should start wearing heels in public, these are my general rules;

    +Go for the easier heels; max 3" and block heels that don't make too much sound, something you feel comfortable in. (This rule I break myself beacuse I love stilettos)

    +Not too feminine toe-shape. Wide rounded, square or something like that. (Ok, I've broken this also, because I love the pointed toes of the 80's, not todays extreme, and won't wear anything else)

    +Use boots, more than ankle high. HH Boots are more accepted than loafers or pumps on guys.

    +Choose the same color on the shoes and the pants (preferably black).

    +Regarding the length of the pants, it's really up to you how much you dare to show.

    You could hide the whole heel with really long pants, this makes it look quit normal when standing or walking slowly. On the other hand, if someone sees the heels, they also notice that you are trying to hide them with long pants. This might give you some negative reactions; you are wearing heels but don't dare to show them, are you gay?

    Personally I prefer to end the pants exactly where the heel beginns, displaying the whole heel. I think it gives the best result from an aesthetical point of view, ie it looks good.

    Ending the pants too high looks ridiculous, too low looks as you were ashamed of the heels.

    +Where you choose to walk in them is also up to you. I'd say that you should start on a crowded place during rush-hour, not in an almost deserted area.

    If it's crowded and everybody is in a hurry, they will probably not have time to look or react on your shoes. Also you you can build up your confidence with a lot of people around you.

    If you are in an empty deserted area, you will get noticed by the few people there, because there ain't much else to look on. This gives them a lot of time to scan you from top til toe.

    I've read some posts on this board where the heelwearer should avoid the cops, have pepper-spray prepared and always be on the lookout for strangers. I think that's a bit schizophrenic. Be yourself and be smart instead, a natural relaxed look don't get attention.


  15. Hi Highluc.

    Thank you, and yes, if Ellie favoured their regular customers, I'd be first in line to get a discount.

    I really like their boots and shoes. They hang on to the stilletto heels and normal pointed toes and also for me, perfect fit. Their styles are not like todays freak fashion you sometimes see in the stores.

    To FGWJON:

    Thank you. It's not so hard once you get over the first step. I still feel that I choose where to wear heels and for example have them on while going to work in the morning (everybody are so tired then so they might not notice), but not on the way home (people are maybe more alert and also the younger teenagers have woken up by then).

    Today to work I had my boots with 3" heels on below:

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    The heels sounds too much so I should get the tip replaced, but there weren't so many who noticed them.


    BTW. Why do I get logged out after less than a minute here? Every post I make here, I have to copy to clipboard, because when I submit, I have to log in again and end up here with an empty message. Then paste it back and hurry to submit it again not to loose it again.

  16. The story of today is this; I had the 3" boots at the beginning of this thread, on me this morning. But the difference this day compared to the first, was that I more or less didn't care if the heels made some sounds. The pants were also ending above the heels, thereby showing all of the heels. When I got on the bus there was a lady behind me and we have two steps on the bus to get on it. I paid with cash and it did take around a minute, her behind me must have seen the heels and then the sound they made when walking to the back of the bus. More or less, I know a lot of people saw them, I saw it in their eys as they passed me. The eyes were not looking at my eyes they were on the floor, or rather on my shoes. Also when I was on the platform in the subway, ladies (no men at all) who came from behind, did 'look around me' in the eyes when they passed but no funny looks. One of them actually did raise her eyebrow and nod as to say 'OK'. Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year to all of you. I'll be back in January.

  17. Try the link below, the site is still very much under construction, but I've added more pictures and some basic navigation pages. For now, only the high-heel section works. If you want to, please let me know what you think so far...

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