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Posts posted by thighhighs

  1. Wow, I so would have enjoyed the 70's if I were a bit older then. I agree the platform boots and other men-styles were really awful, especially looking back from today. I think the mid- to late 80's gave us the nicest styles in heels and toedesign and I still love them.

  2. Thanks, JeffB, I'm of to a party next week with free dresscode and I thought I'd lay heavily on the 'free' part of that. I have no intentions to dress up as a woman. I be wearing the crothboots (outside pants or raher tight shorts maybe, it will get warm) and a suitable jacket on top. I will have to pass by a flowershop on the way so that will be the public outing, the party is only for invited and I know at least half of them from before...

  3. If I have found a pair I like, and plan to wear a lot in the future, I buy a second pair (or third....) to have as backup. You never know what will happen to them and styles keep on changing so when they are worn out, they are also sold out... That's why I buy more pairs of my favourite style and switch them on weekly basis...

  4. Great outfit and outing JeffB!!!

    And since I haven't been here for a looooooooooooooong time, welcome back after your break.

    I have had a pair of 8868 myself and know they are very comfortable.

    I have a pair of 8868HS, which are Crothhigh, that I intend to be wearing next week.

    (look at http://www.nyttochnytta.se/Erogance/Prod_8868HS_BlackPU.htm)

    I planned on going in shorter boots but your story got me thinking in higher terms...

    Keep on your stories, we really enjoy them!!

  5. Of course it's style! If it's just height, why don't you get a sexual transplant and stand by the street and pick up guys drivin by looking for a nice time? The reason to be wearing heels is that you like the heels, ie the style of the heels. Let it be 0" or 6", doesn't matter as long as you like them. For me, I'm just as comfortable to walk in good looking sneakers as a pair of boots with 4" heels, as long as they look good. I'm looking for a good complete outfit, including the footwear, nevermind what heel height...

  6. Holy cow, what I'd like to know is, where on earth do you put 71 pairs of shoes? :o

    Well, I have a rented room on Starship Enterprise and my personal portable beamer to swap shoes with :cool1:

    Honestly, I don't really know. They are everywhere. Luckily, I have a large house and have actually shelves in the basement filled with them...

    Hmm, thighhighs, you must really walk a lot to have that many shoes. :-?

    (a little humor, there)

    Humor noted :w00t2:

    Actually, some of them are not used at all, some have been used on a few occations and only a little part of them have been used a lot.

    As I said before, I'm a shopaholic and as soon as I see a new boot/shoe that I like, I get this strange urge to buy them.

  7. Nice finds there thighhighs. Unfortunately there is nothing there that really tickles my fancy, too many buckles and such for me. But again nice finds for you.

    I know what you mean, still under the pants, the buckles and knots don't show.

    I really like the heel height and the toes, something '80's over it...

    Anyway, they fit nicely and are really comfortable. Ok, for 10 EUR, at least...

    And I've got 6 pairs for less than the price of a designer boots.

    They can't compete with my Bronx-boots in comfort but for this price, I take that.

  8. ... at the local store.

    The boot-season is coming to an end, so most boots are on sale now.

    Here are some pairs I've bought earlier this week. They were on sale PLUS three for the price of two. They ended up around 10 EUR/each!

    Ok, no Gucci's but they're good enough for me, since I won't be wearing them every day, I have a lot of other styles to choose from too...

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    ...and more....

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  9. Hi all, I think I have found the reason why I started liking and wearing heels, some 25 years ago... Yesterday I happend to watch an early episode of the TV-serie Star Trek (S01E02 I think it was). It run first time in 1966 in USA. I don't really remember when it came to Sweden, but I do remember never missing an episode of it. It must have been in mid 70's. Anyway, do you remember the footwear they had? The men wore som high-heeled (ok, only about 5 cm) boots that I guess wore supposed to look futuristic for men. And occationally some nice loking woman stepped into the picture wearing (even with todays standard) a pair of nice looking stiletto boots. When your around 10 years old and are stuck in front of this TV-show. They become your model and 'I want to travel in space too'-thoughts... I think that this serie actually planted an idea in my mind and when the 80's kicked in with stilettoheels and nice looking boots, I was hooked. Anyone else having a special relationship to Star Treck or other old TV-series? Ok let's not start a trecking-theme here, there are enough sites about that. Let's stick to what the footwear instead...

  10. They are my favourites too and I sure will wear them at work later on.

    I have a nother pair that I plan on using outside, with my pants over the boots, at least to start with...

    I think they'll look nicewith a pair of dark grey or black jeans that ends just above the heel. ;) Don't want to cover that up...

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