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Posts posted by Sangue16

  1. Hi Heidi,

    It's like with a birthday present. How disappointing to get one unwrapped.

    I love it! So true, and I'm not sure if you caught that both Sharon's and my partner agree on that. BTW, my husband and I were recently discussing the usage of the word "love" in American English. We Americans love our shoes, our dogs, our children, and our partners--obviously in totally different ways and to different degrees. However, in Latin America you would never use the same word to describe your love for your shoes, dog, or a type of food that you would for your husband or daughter. He said he had a friend that said it is the same way in German, is that true Heidi?

    Anyways, catfish are like birds in that if you try to capture a bird it will do its best to peck you out of that idea. Catfish don't eat ducks, but Muskies and Northern Pikes will; still, they will not bite a human unless, once again, you have them by the gill with a hook, lol. So I am sure we would be quite safe even though deep water scares me, haha.

    Ohhh, so UK has different sizing. I thought that numbers such as 38 as in European sizing were universal to all of Europe (I'm sorry, that sounds so ignorant now). That's my size--38 Euro, 7 US, and... just found it 5 UK. My, my, such little feet Megan! Size seven is a very common size here, to the extent that it is usually the display shoe shown by default in shoe stores, then different sizes are shown once the 7's sell out.

    Today I am happy to report I tried out the inverse of Heidi's idea and what Megan and I were talking about, layering different colored tights. I actually wore tights (really!), white vintage sheers, with black fishnets that have holes down the side or front & back, depending on how I wear them since they are stockings. I paired this with a black flower print on a white skirt, a light white sweater, and my trusty salt-braving black slingbacks with the cutouts edged in gold. I have laddered almost all my sheers and I am fed up with sheers!!!! I will be forced, finally, to replace them with something sturdier.

    Has anyone tried knitting/crocheting stockings/tights? I have collected a number of tutorials but don't ever find the time. One of these days I will get to this. This sounds kind of like a Lady of the Canyon thing to do, am I right Megan?

  2. My thoughts exactly. Guys, please don't bring yourselves down to please anyone, including the girls in the public. Value yourselves and give respect where it is earned. I will add that there are a few people that would be considered family by blood but that do not have my respect or trust by their actions. I have seen at least two repugnant posts by girls here and I should hope you would not respect that trash!

    I think a lot of girls just are kind of in a comfort zone on the girls thread and are not as immersed in this site, overall. That just has to do with the fact that it is easy for girls to find people offline with like tastes in an open environment... something tells me this is not so common for the guys. :wave: I end up reading/posting in the 'everybody' and 'girls only' and reading the 'guys only' because around where I live girls and guys alike are more in flop flops than anything worth looking at! ugh!

    I would also like to see more opinions shared between girls and guys on the everbody forum, which will probably happen as more girls get more involved here. :smile:

    I believe this is an equation of varying mindsets.

    ' Respect the person please. ' . I would ask " why? ". We all start out with ' common courtesy '. Respect grows from there. Respect is something we as individuals EARN by the way we present ourselves through our actions and words. When we do certain things, we shouldnt be respected at all.


    Something thats given away ' freely ' or ' for free ' has no value. Respect carries no monetary value, its priceless and something nobody can take from you, its something you have to loose on your own AFTER you have acquired it.

    • Like 1
  3. Megan, Sharon, Heidi, Hana and Jane (oh my!) lol We have quite a list! But anyways, I have caught up some on schoolwork, enough to have an excuse to check back here. Megan, I have been following the discussion board and I've been dying to tell you that the catfish are harmless, but if you catch one when you are fishing they will hurt you with the barbs that look like whiskers, hence the name. My state's motto is "land of 10,000 lakes" although we have at least 5K more than that. If I should ever meet any of the ladies of this forum I would of course have to take you on a tour of my favorite lakes and we could all jump in. I am absurdly fearful, however, of the huge fish in the lakes although they are harmless to humans. They do eat entire ducks and have extremely sharp teeth and that is enough to scare me, haha! I did not, in fact, find the Guardian but I did think of you while I searched. I think that for heels you should stop dreaming about these tall heels and direct yourself toward finding 3" heels with a platform. If it is a well disguised/classy looking platform you will get the advantage of the full heel height plus your foot will actually handle just a 2" height. Oh, I know what you mean about missing Heidi after reading the thread, that is what got me posting, that Heidi, Sharon, Jane, and the others were so personable it feels like getting to love the characters in a favorite novel. Hanna, I was actually very pleased and very excited to see you join our thread. I had already seen some of your posts on other threads that I also commented on and I like your style and personality :smile: I was whipping through the last few comments to get to say hi! lol To your descriptions, you could add the Jane and I love to admire our lovely painted toes. I also have a love for lots of fastenings and ribbon ties, hence my addiction to garters and frequent wearing of my zebra ribbon-tied heels. What is your favorite pair of shoes? (Mine are my newer avatar that I will just shortly be adding.) Sharon and Heidi, I keep thinking of you when I stick my exposed feet in my open heels through four inches of fresh snow on my way out the door to class. It is an instant, electric chill that I enjoy and makes me feel master of the winter weather. Still, distances through the cold makes me long for your collection of footwear. I have yet to take the plunge and buy any heeled boots, what do you recommend in searching for them? I usually wear the black slingbacks with cutouts edged in gold because they are PU uppers and hold up better with all the salt that is poured all over the asphalt and concrete to lower the freezing point of the ice and avoid icy spills. They get washed off at home often to counteract this, but the amount of salt is incredible--the asphalt parking lots are not black but chalk white! Heidi, I am glad you are having fun on your trip. It feels like you probably know more about US fashions than I do b/c the girls around here are so hopelessly lost in that department! I would love to walk down Wall Street with you dressed to kill in formal luxe outfits. Sharon, wouldn't it be daring to get wet doing something like that? Jane, how sweet of you to pop in with your exams coming up. I hope you nailed it! I was wondering, what with Megan and I being the short ones (I'm 5'3") and Sharon being our model tall 5'10", how tall are you, if you don't mind? I imagine that we would make quite a staggering group with our height differences and style preferences, like a colorful magazine spread. Heidi, I don't remember if you've mentioned your height, but I am I correct in saying you are about Sharon's height?

  4. ha, you certainly wouldn't be slipping your shoes off if you worked for me that's all I can say. I don't think it looks professional at all.

    Well, Amanda, it all depends. If you were my boss at a little mall boutique, I am sure I would still slip my heels half off and back often and completely off before openning/after closing. If I was an office receptionist behind a desk, ditto. Now I was an attorney, or surgeon, or elected official it goes without saying that decorum is defined differently and this would not happen.

    Also, if you were a great boss but a stickler on keeping heels on, I would obey without question. If you were less than tolerable, I would be as barefoot as possible, haha! :smile:

  5. open toed winter heels? intersting combination

    Jkrenzer, we have snow on the ground from November to April here and I only own one pair of closed toe heels! Most are open on the sides as well as peep toes. I just had to laugh when I saw your post :smile:

    Actually, I am intrigued by this idea, but I really wish the sole did not show from the side and front of the shoe :wave: Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh no, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the A team either! From the trailer, I will be split between watching him and watching her, haha! But I can't take credit for the mesh tights over opaques, our own Heidi mentioned that since she likes to wear several layers to soften her heeled boots. She mentioned wearing black fishnets over layered suntan pantyhose and I find it works well with my sheer tights in minimizing snagging plus I am everyday more swayed by the thought of more/thicker layers on my legs. I am very taken with the idea of lots of colors! I usually wear grey or black monochrome so this will be a very exciting departure from my norms. Hmm, I will have to keep an eye out at the local thrift store and online (in the U.S. hosiery is both expensive and poor quality in-store! Although there are exceptions). I wonder if red would show up well on black? Red is my favorite color, but I bet this combination would be best for going out to the club, or for the bedroom :wave: I will tell you if I find a good combination and please do share more of your ideas, I am really enjoying them. :smile: I am thinking I might find a copy of the Guardian in a local library or my school library. I love fawning over shoes, whether I plan on buying them or not. Ever since I found this site, I have others' passion for heels to fuel mine and it makes it so much more fun! Plus it gives me something enjoyable to do when I'm up late doing online homework (which I find tedious.)

  7. Megan, I feel your pain! But our short stature is a marvelous excuse to indulge in more heels! I was thinking after I read your post that you should decide what you like about your feet and legs and what you think you would like to camouflage. For example, wearing mesh patterned tights over your opaques would be a lovely way to even out the shape of feet or toes, etc. One thing I am trying out is finding white tights and patterned mesh stockings since black ones can make my legs look too thin (to me). Also, I have heard of women that do specific leg toning exercises for shaping. On my feet the bone on the instep by the big tone naturally curves out slightly which can be over-exaggerated in certain shoes that have thin straps just above or below this area, so I wear heels like my Colin Stuart ones that fit comfortably over this bone so I don't get bunions from too much pressure. This types of shoes tend to show the whole side of my foot and part of my arch which I am rather vain about, an added bonus :smile: Really you don't need perfect feet, just perfect compliments.

    So today I am wearing a neutral tone, ultra-long jersey dress with enough stretch to emphasis my waist. It lets my black sueded Colin Stuarts have all the attention with how much light the ankle plates and heel accents reflect. I absolutely love formal wear paired with glamorous heels for a hint of drama. This ensemble will need to be separated when I go shopping--there is so much salt on the asphalt at the grocery store that it is literally completely white! Salt is awful to try to clean out of fabric heels and I don't want to try it with sueded (this is part of why I am such a huge Scotchguard fan!).

    Sharon, you have very good taste. I always love seeing your ideas on clothes and heels.

    Oh, I am so jealous that I can't see what heels you are talking about, I searched for it on their website but it just lists the heels with no image! If you find a link, post it please. I found the

    for the movie you were talking about and it seems so glamorous. I love the hair styles, and seeing as my long hair is getting caught on so much these days I should try something of that sort! I will have to find Breakfast at Tiffany's and then have you let me know when you're watching so we can be watching together... sort of. lol.
  8. I agree that I love to see women in high heels. I must comment though that I am a perfectionist when it comes to shoes and can't stand to see them dirty, wet or scuffed...


    I'll add my warm welcome to the pile, nice to have another heel-lover find our altar of shoe love :smile:

    hhlover, I agree that I hate ruining shoes, but I do enjoy splashed open toe shoes. Mud, street salt, and, may I never see the horrible sight, shoe scuffs are absolutely painful to me. I love that there are so many different insights and preferences expressed here and I hope you enjoy participating, tcube!

  9. Well, Sharon, add me to your fan club. I would love to have more abandon in water play.

    Jane, it seems like we have a lot of similar tastes in foot wear and hosiery. I wear open shoes, even sandals, all year 'round even in below zero weather. Sometimes I walk from campus to a nearby drug store to save some pollution, although most of the time I wear a more sturdy pair of heels or even (ugh) flat shoes! I love the shape of open toe shoes and find it harder to find closed toe shoes that are as attractive to me, and toe exposure is probably part of that. So when my feet get wet, it is a more fleeting splash and a daring chill. And Jane, I love when you pop in, I imagine you whisking yourself to hhplace and then dashing back off in a flurry of peeptoes. How great that you pick heels for the fun of them, I personally buy them when I fall in love with them and cannot get them out of my head. What is your favorite pair?

    Thinking back, the only time I have had squelchy fun was back at that water park in soggy Converse. (I can just imagine Sharon's horror, haha!) I, like Jane, will definitely have to seek that out plus find an appropriate--I've got it! I have a pair of heels I stretched out while I was pregnant, they are my avatar ones again and probably my only closed toe shoes. They have some salt on the bottom (my worst foe) and since they are all leather uppers and soles they should shrink, or I should hope. That's the perfect excuse to get them wet. Now I owe my avatar heels and my zebra heels a soaking :wave:

    Megan, in the U.S. women tend to look with horror upon wearing tights with open shoes. I personally like to wear my sheer nude stockings with open shoes but occasionally skip them even in freezing weather. Some darker peep toe heels, depending on the design, get worn with opaque grey/black/brown tights. Yours, Sharon's, and Heidi's enthusiasm for the comfort (and, of course, warmth :smile: of high denier keep me searching for new stockings. What kinds of tights do you have; I am very intrigued by the fun of an array of colors that you mention. Have you tried printed tights like the Pretty Polly ones Heidi mentioned sometime back?

  10. I love it when I lift my foot out of the water and my tights feel all heavy over my toes.

    Meganiwish, do you wear high denier tights? I am finding that most of the ladies here (in this thread) do, and that is a great part of their enjoyment. I am guessing that this is the part that makes your tights heavy over your toes? I have yet to try that, but I do enjoy wet shoes in sheer stockings or bare feet in open heels. Welcome!

  11. Well said, SarahLou! I do become enamored of brands that I have a few favorite heels from, but I would rather buy an $8 pair of Payless heels over a $100+ brand name pair that didn't look appealing to me. Also, I have gotten some well made heels from more obscure brands that receive lots of compliments and have stood up the test of time. I still would never say "no" to a certain pair of Jimmy Choo heels :smile: BTW, what a wonderfully cheeky avatar picture!

  12. I have caught up now, I couldn't resist doing it all in one go! Happy Holidays since I was absent during that time. I wish I had more opportunities to strut my stuff this season, but my husband was ill so I did not even plan my outfits much. There was one I was going to wear to the club, devised to go with a beautiful red push up bra from Victoria's Secret (the miraculous, to bring me to a D cup hehehe :smile: with black lace trim and glittering rhinestones at the cleavage. I was going to wear nude sheer pantyhose with flower print black net tights gartered up and my black heels with gold accents from y avatar. I was going to wear my hair down to above my rear with Sexy Little Things Noir Tease shimmering body spray (from VS as well) and my black fluid pants with sheer sides that emphasis my rear even more than the hair dangling above it. Over the bra would have been a black crocheted top with lots of intricate metallic beading. It certainly would have turned heads! This would have been fun to wear next to Heidi in her cruise ship gear that cause so much drooling, lol. Sharon, you would definitely have to be there too in boots like Heidi, layering some sort of nets over your high denier tights and I hope you would go for a revealing top as well to complete our set! As I was going through it was very striking to me how much you, Heidi, Sharon, and Jane love having so much clothes on. Especially Sharon-I could never endure wet panties and in fact change them on a whim. This is a problem if I put my garters on over my panties, but I recently discovered panties with side ribbon ties that I will be trying out! They are VS again, lol, which I was pleased to see Heidi also shops. I might try and see if I enjoy wet satin ones though, as Sharon, you made that sound so indulgent! I can hardly sit still to write as I am still contemplating what to wear my new heels with. I will need to exchange the black sueded ones as I noticed the sueding is a rubbed off at the front so I will wear the butterscotch which I fell in love with first. I tend to wear monochrome black, grey, and occasionally brown since I am short and like to appear taller so I am not sure what I might have the will make the butterscotch pop. The metallic plate at the ankle is a lovely golden copper color which I would love to complement but don't have the wardrobe to do so--I bet Sharon, Heidi, Wyndi and Jane do, don't you? What would you lend me if you were here? I may just go with full-on white and nude vintage sheer stockings. I have a white full skirt with a light layer of crocheted cotton on top that I could wear with long sleeves. I think the movement of the skirt will draw attention to my legs down to my feet when I walk into math (maths? in Europe?) tomorrow morning. Tell me what you ladies think of!

  13. Horrible timing for me to come back, seeing as we will be down Heidi. I recently read something online recommending Alpaca wool socks to keep feet dry and instantly thought of Heidi. They are supposed to be very soft and cushioned, which I believe to be true because I have felt Alpaca wool at fairs and it is luxuriously soft, with the same moisture absorbing quality of wool. No itchiness! I think you should buy a pair and try it out inside of your layers of pantyhose.

    I am hopelessly behind on the postings but I did see you asked whether sheer hosiery becomes slippery. Yes, it does, but for the most part I am used to it. This is only an issue in newer heels that are still slick especially when they do not have straps or have very few straps.

    The weather here has been so odd--our snow melted in the middle of January! I hope climate change is not progressing too rapidly, and although we are back to more usual temperatures, we have had few days below 0 F (-18 C) which are more usual temperatures. In those melting days I finally got something to report back! I enjoyed a day of snow-wet feet walking to a convenience store by my school. I thought of you ladies here and envied that you likely do not deal with as much salted pavement as I do. I wore my PU slingback black heels with cut outs and frolicked a bit here and there--I wish I could persuade others to join me as easily as Alexa has :smile:.

    I finally made it back here because of my new loves, two pairs in butterscotch and sueded black Colin Stuart heels made exclusively for Victoria Secret. VS is one of my favorite little splurges and my only in-store source for garters. I also got a lovely gold and black tote with the VS logo to baby my heels in when I need to get them past the salt. I plan to treat the sueded heels with Scotch Guard for sure, but I am not yet decided on what to protect the soles and insoles with. (They have the Colin Stuart logo and signature kiss print in gold and I would hate to see them wear off.) If only summer were here I would love to sit on a boat in one of the many Minnesota lakes and trail them in the sun-dappled water. Ahhh...

  14. Thanks for the replies! I have not given up hope and I am determined to find out, when I do I will report back... and get my hands on those heels! :smile: These are the type of shoe that need perfectly selected attire or a plain backdrop to shine--my kind of "wow" factor shoes.

    Heelster, I would probably live in those shoes the first week or so after I got them, haha.

  15. Hello all, I was just wondering if anyone knows of physical (for lack of a better term) stores that carry 5 inch heels, specifically in the United States? I am finding them only online in specialty/fetish websites and I would really like to get a feel for this type of heel by seeing it up close. My suspicion is that only high end stores would carry them, although I hope I am wrong. Any help is appreciated, even if it is outside of the U.S.--who knows, I may just wander far enough to make a stop! :smile:

  16. I wonder if the US has more drastic differences across the board when seasons change? In Minnesota, we can get up to 100 F (37 C) and in the winter down to -20 F (-7) and sometimes even higher or lower. We tend do really funny things like wear winter jackets when the temperature drops to 70 F (21 C) if its summer or go out in shorts when its only 50 F (20 C) in the spring! All because of how sudden and varied are temperature changes are. I think that's why we do not wear a lot of pantyhose--our bodies are constantly adapting to temperature change and so its either down to bare legs or up to wearing pants. Heidi, you asked ages ago about wearing heels bare foot. I love to do this since I will say with full hubris that I have great legs :smile: and nice toes so tend to show them off. My feet easily become sweaty, though, so I have turned to stockings. It helps with my marriage that they are easy access, but I do tend to change clothes and even panties on a whim so I like being able to layer panties over stockings with garters (or are these called suspenders in Europe?) and having the option to unhook my stockings and change them out if I tear them or am transitioning day to night. Now that I am wearing more hosiery, I also love fishnet stockings because they are more durable and small nets are still absorbent and appropriate for day (with the right outfit). Jane, I have not yet showered in my zebra heels, but I think tomorrow morning will be a great time. Plus, the white on the zebra is a bit sooty so they will be all the better for it!

  17. Shafted, it sounds like hooverfly means it is just as bad to say that all men are all masculine as to say all women should be barefoot and pregnant. I would not quite go to that extreme, but I would say that's like saying women should never wear pants. There was a time when a person's style of pants meant something and that was the French revolution, complete with hysterical street beheading! Wardrobe is still important to identity, but no one should be able to tell someone else what style of clothes to wear. And we love you too, haha.

  18. I am not quite out of college and I envy you, really, congratulations! That said, I have not worked a "real job," however, I have heard similar comments. For instance, one time a friend working at a different place was talking about snagging me to work with her and she noticed my peeptoe heels saying, "Oh, those are lovely. It's nice that they let you wear those there." I was speachless. They were my pewter Olsenboye (don't laugh, they look real smart!) PU platform peeptoes with a ruffle down the front. These always get comments and double takes, so I was not sure if she meant because they were not quite subdued but I think the comment referred to my exposed, albeit stocking-clad, toe. I was completely shocked because, while I know it can be sensual, I never considered exposing parts of the foot as sensual. I have worked in department stores with girls that walk around off the sales floor or after closing time without their shoes and never thought much of it. For the record, my friend is at least fifty years old and I have always looked up to as a very prim, elegant, kind lady. It might just be old-fashioned, but in your case I agree with eoneleg in that it depends on how much authority this lady of yours has. If your boss does not care, let this lady envy your feet! Otherwise, you may want to keep your shoeplay for your desk and not standing about in the office. I hope you enjoy your new heels to the fullest whatever the case may be and continue to savor your graduation.

  19. Sharon, for some reason I thought Europeans measured everything in metric! Luckily I am picking up that it is common to use feet and inches for height measurements and inches for heel height. Is this the case? You and Heidi are inspiring me to try out heeled boots as well as the opaque tights. (Too bad there is no post on Sundays, I am so impatient for my opaque thigh highs!!) I have been browsing around and my favorite so far are some Jimmy Choo Chile boots that are definitely out of my price range for now! They remind me of my avatar heels. Actually, I'm thinking I can fake books in my heels with over-the-knee black opaque stockings. With our freezing winters here (this is actually really warm weather for this time of year!) we use a lot of salt on the pavement and I am afraid of it ruining my nice leather-soled heels so I will have to be careful to wear flats in transit. :smile:

    Wyndi, try using Softsoap pomegranate body wash--it smells so nice! Today I tried out the shower with my new fishnets with embroidered holes down the sides with that and they are drying now (still on) but still smell pleasant. This is my training for adding heels, which will probably be my zebra sandal heels with rhinestones along a strap across the toes and along the front ankle part of a black ribbon that continues on and I wrap around and tie to the side (although it can be laced up like ballet slippers). I hope they are not too slippery! Anyways, I like the texture of the nets and they surprisingly did not take too much rinsing. I have a feeling I am missing out on the "squelch factor" but I will find out when my new stockings arrive (hurry up!! lol).

  20. It is 28 F (so -2 C) here and it looks like I will be splashing in snow slush if at all! I do enjoy a little snow on my toes, as long as I am not out in the cold with wet feet, though.

    I am impatiently waiting for my opaque lace-up back stockings so I can give them a go in the bath and try out the "squelch factor." Those were among a few I purchased rather compulsively on ebay. You ladies have me wanting thicker stockings, although I am still leery of hose! I wish I would have grown up in it like you all. Another pair just arrived today and I had to shovel about ten feet of drive way covered in 2 inches or more (that's 5 cm :smile: of snow to get to my mailbox, but it was worth it. These are small fishnetted stockings that are more like an extremely loose knit weave in texture than netting. They have a line of holes about 2 cm in diameter going up both sides. If it doesn't get too slushy, I suspect they will dry well so I will be wearing these out on Monday with my PU black slingbacks with cut-outs edged thinly in gold... peeptoes! These seem sturdy enough to endure some water, or at least I hope they are! Right now I am wearing them with the heels in my profile, a black flowered skirt, and a black sweater with small buckle accents below the waist. Warm and dry, Heidi-esque :smile:

    Sharon, it sounds like your wardrobe is very well put together. I like the sounds of your shirts and I bet if we were the same size I would raid your closet for them, haha. I am sadly only 1.5 meters tall (if that is the right way to express it in metric? 5'3") but I make up for it in heels! I hope to find a pair of 5" heels that pass the test and I can afford, to that end.

    Well I hope everyone else has splashier weather.


  21. Hi, I found this video on Youtube and was wondering if anyone has any clue what these are called or maybe who designed them? I am attaching a screen shot of these shoes in which the zipper detail is visible. I suspect it is some sort of a designer trademark that one of our resident experts might recognize :smile:

    I normally do not go for lavender heels or any studded heels, but I love these. What do you think of them?


  22. Heidi, I definitely did not grow up wearing hosiery like you European ladies. Is this a trend or something required as a part of a school uniform? I would have loved to go about in dresses and tights as a child but grew up with a mother who cared more about buying her many lovers jewelry before proper food, let alone coveted outfits. (For the record, I only mention that in an effort to be transparent for the sake of awareness as I believe it only helps perpetuate the myth that mothers are rarely abusive when these facts are omitted.) Sharon, I am still about 5 pages short of catching up with all the marvelous stories of yours and Alexa's water play, Jane's increasing levels of experimentation, and Heidi's glamorous evenings out. As was reading, it was very surprising to me that you view stockings as being useful solely as an item of men's fancy--the girls I flirt with at the club do love my gartered stockings! Even in a more proper setting, such as work or school, I often balance having sheer stockings/bare legs with long sleeves and "thick" tights with cleavage-bearing shirts and no sleeves. I also tend to pair bare sandals with 4 inch heels with small fishnet tights and long skirts and long sleeves. Quite a few more women make passes at me when I have bare legs/sheer stockings. Maybe this is an American thing? I also notice that women tend to take more notice when I wear form-fitting drape-y dress pants with heels. Do you any of you ladies also notice differences on what women take notice of versus men, whether in passes they make on you or general compliments? Heidi, my husband actually loves when I wear clothing that suggests rather than reveals. For example, he prefers my longer skirts with a slit at the back over my ultra-short mini skirts. He would probably appreciate your style as he is very surprisingly adept with women's fashion and even picks my best clothes and heels better than I do. Jane, do you wear toe rings? The first day I wore my Victoria's Secret thigh high, lace-top stockings in black with a back seam I loved them so much I kept the on the whole day. After work, I freshened my feet, washing them with the stockings on. It was an odd sensation because I liked the feel of the the water on the stockings, especially such a sexy pair, but I found the sensation of wet stockings outside of the water uncomfortable until they dried mostly. I did like to look at my toe ring and painted nails through the nylon and I thought of that as I read about your 40 denier tights that you look at your nails through. It was interesting that you enjoyed peeling your clothing off. When I was young I liked to play in the rain until I was drenched with my sister. I showered with hot water fully dressed and took my clothing off under the spray rather than peel it off later. Alexa, do you also like to peel your clothing off?

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