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5150PLB1 last won the day on February 19

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  1. The US military also has its rules regarding hats. The Army and Air Force require you to salute an officer or superior officer indoors weather you are wearing a hat or not. The Navy on the other hand requires you not to salute indoors or while not wearing a hat. The Navy also required you to remove your hat when entering a sickbay or medical facility.
  2. Feet need to breath and shed sweat. Sandals are perfect for that. Sandals let you display your painted and decorated toenails and also your toe rings. Boots just hide that and make your feet sweat.
  3. Man, it would be nice to sneak off to Sydney or Melborn where it is summer and sandal weather. This northern hemisphere winter weather is too cold and tiresome for too long.
  4. One thing about AI, it is notorious for creating fake facts and references to fake articles. Many judges have banned lawyers from using the work created by AI in their court rooms due to the creation of fake legal cases used to bolster an attorney's testimony and documents.
  5. High prices are not a measure of quality. If the buyer is foolish enough to pay a high price for a shoddy product, the manufacturer and seller will be willing to sell them that product. Cavite Emptor.
  6. If you are visiting San Francisco the 'Painted Ladies' Victorian houses are classic examples and are worth the visit.
  7. Those shoes are not outlandish at all. They are quite suitable for office wear with a red pant suit or skirt suit. They might even be OK to be worn to a wedding or a liberal church, with the right dress.
  8. Never ever mess with Karma or her brother Murphy, their laws will get you every time.
  9. The only way that you would be able to get away with wearing heeled shoes or boots in the Middle East is to go full blown Texan, with heeled men's cowboy boots, jeans, a fancy shirt with a bolo tie, and a 10-gallon hat. Pretending that you are an oilman.
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