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Posts posted by nhoj62

  1. this seems to be a lively issue i have been called gay many a time, mostly by people at school who did not know me at all, cause there are two types of people in the world, the ones that get on well with me an the ones that don`t, combined with the fact that i get on better with girls than i do with guys at first contact, it gives the people i don`t get on with the impression that i'm gay. when i am not. thus because of this i got bullied alot at school for the first four years then by the fifth an final year i had had enough, so i just belted people who looked at me wrong. the situation carried on at college but i managed to get a handle on my temper(vicious beast it is two)and manage to leave college with no bad feelings towards anyone, it also tort me a few lessona about how to act an make friends better so by uni i had no probs at all, but i could still spot it happening to others due to people ignorance/lack of understanding and i can spot who is likely to be gay an who is not. i have worked with gay people they are just normal like u an me. having said all that i still get the odd look or comment, but i just brush it off as now it doesn`t bother me. any way this is getting long later people nhoj62

  2. sounds like the players u are using are having trouble when it comes to changing layer on the dvd (this happens at half way of there abouts). so it will be a problem with the laser reading part of the machine this bit is iether made by sony or LG i believe so u will have contat the manufacturer for each machine in turn an see if they have a known fault of this nature an if they have a solution for it. the worst case here is if u have to send the player back(but u may get a free replacement). the easyist thing to do is buy a laser lense cleaner an see if that does the trick. hope this helps u later nhoj62

  3. hey dawn HH thanks for the comments, i know an it is great that they accept me in heels!. scotty727 don`t worry about hijacking the thread i don`t mind, u is just chattin anyway does no one any harm. later nhoj62 (an keep chattin)

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