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Posts posted by nhoj62

  1. DawnHH when i get a decent job that pays well i will be out of here like a shot i need my own space, just to crowded here at home. i wont a space i can call my own an make my own, and have it just the way i wont it. i mean i have been away from home for uni and loved the independence. the chance to live the way i wont. anayway lets not get this too long, surfice to say am getting abit sick of being at home, and putting up with my mums derrogatory comments about the way i like to dress. later nhoj62

  2. tommy i wear this style of boots alot, they are as easy to get into as any other boot and i find that they are better for a wider foot, my feet are wide across the toes, because having a point means they are longer so they are that bit wider than a rounded toe boot. tho u have to adjust your step when walking to avoid catching the point on the ground all the time. later nhoj62

  3. bbloverEric i have a pair of lace up thigh boots that don't have a zipper, and for me they are the boots that get used the least because of the sheer amount of time it takes to get into and out of them. i have the same issue with a pair of ankle length boots i have. it is a pain not having a zipper!. believe me once u try a pair of boots without a zipper u will know wot i mean. later nhoj62

  4. balletboot2000 glad i'm not the only one to have been brave enough to take a saw and drill to a pair of heels. i have seen the scream heels on lots of web site an they all look like the heel is too long, they probably make them that bit longer just so they can say i has a 6 heel or wotever. i would rather not have a 6heel an be able to walk than have a 6 heel an be unable to walk. later nhoj62

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