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Posts posted by nhoj62

  1. my theory was only general, so don`t quote me on it, i was only relaying wot i had heard. sounds like other are giving good advice, cause like most things it occurs when several things come together it can`t be caused by any one thing. later nhoj62

  2. dawn good on you keep at it, i wish you and your wife long and active lives!. daz keep at it practice makes perfect, the more u do the more stable u will get later nhoj62

  3. jennifer u don`t need to worry about dvt as according to wot i have heard it only comes from prolonged periods of inactivity like sitting in a seat on a plane going from london to sydney in one go, i did here of it once ina taxi driver who did cornwall to heathrow an back non stop(one side of country to the other), but he only died when the blood clot went from his leg to his heart an gave him a heart attack, it took something like 8 hours or more to drive all the way so u see u would have to be wearing heels sitting still for over eight hours, to run any risk of it. i hope this makes sense i have gone on abit later nhoj62

  4. jinxiekat sounds like you had fun at the cinema, but dancing in heels, man that would hurt after awhile, bet u got some admiring looks from other girls for doing it in heels tho. so next time u go take a camera so we can have a pic of you doing it. lol later nhoj62

  5. nigel, lucy stop it u killing me, far too funny. and as for trying on other peoples shoes, well not really practical as my feet would be too big for them, but yes i would have a look, i could not resist having a look. later nhoj62

  6. hi dawn u r amazing to battle on in the way you do against arthritis, have seen wot it can do, i worked in a nursing home for a time, u must be one real determined guy, more credit to you. daz any news on you wearing your new boots? later nhoj62

  7. there seem to be people that don`t mind an people with very closed minds as well, i think , if they say a man is gay just cause he wears heels they need to wake up an smell the coffee, cause the world is changing and if they don`t it will leave them behind. i can`t stand people that label others "gay" just because they do something or wear sumthing out of the ordinary, like heels. the are just stupid if they think fashion can only go one way, when it clearly goes both ways. if women can wear mens clothes/shoes/jewellery, then men can wear womens stuff as well. better stop before this gets to long. later nhoj62

  8. hey dawn glad u like my pics, i like doing them too as it gives me the chance to get all me boots out have a wearing session. and u will have to make your collection bigger mate, 6 pairs is really not enough you know, mostr people round here seem to have about sixty pairs. scary thought that is!. and feel free to email me or pm me an not bothered either way. later nhoj62

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