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Posts posted by nhoj62

  1. kerm191 thanks for the response i don't think going n e bigger would help all that much as the boot is to big for me along the foot as it is i can move my foot a good 1cm or so back an forth. so that bit is too long an the toe box is too short. oh well will persever unless some one wonts to make me a pair that fit properly, answers on a postcard later nhoj62

  2. hmm interesting this i always go for the shortest que, but i may have to look for the one with the best heels so i can join in the fun, an even if i just go for the shortest don't mean i'm not looking for heels. cause if i spot a pair it's hard to look at anything else. later nhoj62

  3. jeffB u r so lucky at being able to wear such great shoes all day, wish i could, but in my current job i am relegated to steel toe caps only, i live in hope of finding a job where i don't have to wear such orful shoes. by the way i really like those grey 5 inchers. later nhoj62

  4. kerm191 how do u manage to walk in those lovelaces?, i have a pair sz9 so 7" heel, an i find them next to impossible to walk in, an the toe box is too small for me toes, grrr, oh well. later nhoj62

  5. my first pair was a pair of thigh boots that came to just over my knees an had a 6 heel with a 2 platform, an where in a suede like material, very easy to walk in but dam unstable due to the amount of movement in the heel, due to bad build quality. they are dead an gone now an have been replaced with bigger an better things. later nhoj62

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