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Posts posted by ilikekicks

  1. It's hard to make a determination from looking at the picture, but it appears those shafts are easily knee high, perhaps a little higher. If you do buy those boots, it'll be interesting to see how they look on you.

    The shafts are about mid-knee on me. I slouch them a bit and they look just fine like a ' knee high ' type of boot.


    I was wearing a really thin pair of leggings ( that are too big for me! ). Theres PLENTY of room for regular denim jeans with these. The backs of the shafts are of a stretch material. The toe box had a lot of room. Im thinking I should have bought a 9.5 or even a 9 instead of a 10. In the store, with cotton socks, a size 11 had way too much room, 10 was ' ok '. I didnt feel like ' fishing ' my jeans down into the boots while I was at the store, I just pulled the legs up, put on the boots and walked a bit.


    I wore these for band rehearsal tonight. No problems at all with my foot switches. On a very smooth concrete floor, the soles gripped really good! I was surprised how well the soft rubber bottoms grabbed.


    On a 1 to 5 scale..


    Comfort : 4.5-5

    Fit : These run BIG! 4.0

    Feel : They are padded really nice! 

    Looks : The guys actually said they like them better then my NineWest ankle boots. Drummers Wife sooo wanted to steal them.





  2. I have some insight into what a lot of people are saying. Im going to share it. This isnt to be connotative as being negative, just an honest observation.


    I grew up in a city. All kinds of walks of life. You name it, you can see it in a city type setting. " Tempe " and " Tampa " were mentioned by others. Score up Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse.. Any ' Big City ' will always have more people then where I presently reside so there will be different flavors of all walks represented.


    In the City, the ' Fashion Sense ' seems to allow Pants and Flats for formal occasions. Its not uncommon to see high caliber ' Office Women ' sporting a coat and collar. The ' Heels scene ' diminished over the last 5 years I was there.


    ' Out here ', on a Sunday or Formal Event, you wont see ANY of the women in pants or a shoe without some kind of heel. You wont see them barring tats, having millions of piercings all over their faces, No goths, no Emos.. they all will smell nice and not like they havent taken a bath in the last 3 months.


    Its a different lifestyle of sorts. Different upbringings.


    Its not uncommon when the family gets together to have a whole room of ladies in skirts/dresses sporting heels on their feet. Its just how they were raised. Even the younger women under the age of 20 adhere to such a thing. Its almost an unspoken thing that to wear pants to a gathering or occasion is breaking some kind of law. One wouldnt dare show up at a wedding in flats endless they are so old/diminished/physically unable to. From my understanding, it would be disrespectful to do so. *I* was advised at a recent wedding that it would be appreciated if I wore a tie and collared shirt.


    Mind everyone : I dont have an ' improved ' driveway or sidewalk. Its all gravel. Same with most of everyone else ' out here ' yet the women still wear heels. They seem to cope with uneven ground pretty well.


    I guess a lot of what is worn is whats either requested/considered or what would be appropriate for our surroundings.


    There does come a time when everyones ' fashion freedom ' should be put aside for the consideration of others. Im sure there are many women whom might work in an office with a dress code and HATE wearing shoes at all. They would rather be in sneakers or something ' more comfortable ', but theres rules they need to follow. Im sure theres guys on the forum here that would love to sport heels where they work but consider their surroundings.


    Point being, theres differing people and different situations all over. Theres different attitudes and different thoughts on whats ' stylish ' and whats not. Its up to each of us to look at our own situations and determine what will work in each instance wherever we might be at that moment.

  3. I couldn't agree more. At the risk of sounding egotistical, I like to think I have a darn good pair of legs which is why I wear skirts as much as I do. 


    There are no fewer then 4 women whom I associate with whom would support your statement about your legs. Thats NOT just your ego speaking. 

  4. Thanks everyone...


    ILK -- I like your process of thinking... Never really thought of it from that perspective.... Once I finish a MASSIVE project at work (hopefully this weekend), I think I'll bring it up to her. Of course I need to get myself up to speed on the news story...  It's terrible what he did to her (assuming guilt before innocence).


    I'll let y'all know what happens.


    Its not just that one story though. Every one of us knows someone whom went through a rough situation with a spouse or significant other ( maybe a child or another friend/relative ) where there was some kind of abuse. Theres a LOT of articles about ass-whippings all over the internet from these situations.

  5. As to the Idea of wearing a more feminine top, that would look good in one way, but would not be allowing for the masculine side of how I want to present myself.  I am trying to wear some feminine clothing without simply just crossdressing.  I don't mind crossdressing, but I don't really do it all that often.  The idea behind this look is to be obviously a man, wearing a selection of clothes which happens to come from both sides of the store.  I would consider this a look comfortable enough to wear any non-rainy day.  I know others are doing this too, but I'm just choosing a few items that would be seen as more feminine.


    Ya know what would really look good with that skirt and heels and scream your still a man? Some kind of Leather Jacket or a ' biker ' style jacket. A regular mens one. 

  6. I just found out that one of the health clubs in the area is sponsoring a "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" event in October... 


    Here's my issue: my wife still doesn't know about my heel wearing.


    Here's the question: How can I get my wife to want to do this and her WANT me to do it i heels without making it look like I want to???



    BROTHERS: You guys have this all wrong. Lemme add some ' flavor ' to this topic and show you how a Cat from the sticks gets the job done here ;)




    JL - Im going to give you a VERY truthful way to do this. No lies, no stories, just something for your own perspective/consideration. You can save the links to show your wife if you wish. 


    Check out this link :




    You *COULD* tell your wife the following ( or something in regards to it ).


    One of the guys you are on a message forum with ( Dan/ ILikeKicks ) posted a link to another sports site ( TMZ ). It was about how some MMA Fighter beat the hell out of his girlfriend.. Like beat her REALLY badly. You can even show that link to her with the graphic pictures.


    You could then mention you saw a mentioning of a thing called ' walk a mile in her shoes ' ( at a local place as you stated ) as there ARE some links out there to sites that have taken a stand against domestic violence. 


    I dont know all of the sites that are being thrown around with the articles out there on the web about this beating ( there are a LOT of them ), but ' Walk a mile ' sure about sums up support against domestic violence in my opinion ( and as mentioned, you saw something locally about them ).


    *I* see no need for a man to do such to a woman, especially a trained MMA fighter. 


    You can tell your wife that *I* am saying this is a good cause to support and *I* am ( right now ) asking you to look at ' Walk a mile ' in your area to try and support a noble thing. *I* have done one of their events before and it was great! It was a good experience and its something *I* feel that as a couple, you and your wife would have a good time doing together.



    And there you have it ;) . No lies and you can bring this up to your wife with a clear conscious.


    In fact.. *I* am sending you a link to a support site that *I* highly recommend!




    Please consider doing a noble thing. ;)





    Brothers : Thats how you help a fellow man with the ' cause ' ! :D

  7. Sleekheels :


    I always have a change of clothes regardless where Im going. Usually just a sweatsuit and a pair of sketchers sneakers in a backpack sitting in the cab of my truck. Theres other things as well as I live in an area that does see 3 or 4 months of sever snowfall/in-climate weather.


    Just for heeling though? Im usually in wedges so longer distances ( at this point ) really dont bother me at all. Im used to it.



  8. Standard disclaimer folks : I might say something that will ' offend ' or upset you. If you have thin skin, please read no further.



    Heres me being the 100% honest douchebag.


    "The sad thing: I don't readily have the money for them."


    If you havent the funds, why go in the hole? Why mortgage or leverage your future earnings? I know the desires of want and the temptations of it. Its an addiction that MANY people have. Its NOT a good thing.


    I think the answer to your question can be found right here :


    "For a pair or two pair of shoes of ever-high prices, not takling thousands...Would you take up the 'deal' of being given six months to pay off your shoes before you were credited? I mean, it seems easy enough to do, especially with the steady stream of nice-looking paychecks I've been getting from the job, and it would have easily been paid off, but for a couple of pairs of shoes totally over $100+? Is it even worth the time and money-management?"


    I know ' Bill Me Later ' has a pretty high interest rate for those whom done have ' credit '. It starts at 19-24%. If your scoring good paychecks from work, why not just save the money and buy those items locally OR get a pre-paid credit card and purchase them with no risk of having a future default?


    Truth be told, your earning good now, how will you be 6 months from now? You probably dont have much put away or you would have already bought things like this before.


    What I would advise is NOT to finance anything endless its something very serious. A car, a house, Medical entities. TV's , computers, video games and footware arent things that should be leveraged.


    Let your money work for YOU. Sure, you COULD buy those items and pay them off.. so long as your car doesnt have an issue in the next 6 months... So long as nothing unforseen happens... Have the safety of knowing whats yours is YOURS, and not at risk.


    I was in the same situation but with guitars. Mine were getting old and falling apart. Something about loving the ones I had but the years taking their toll. I finally found what I could use as replacements but they were ober a grand a piece. I need 3 guitars to play a gig and I like having 2 in the studio for variation. I didnt have 5+Grand laying around. Didnt want to take out a bank loan either.


    It took a while of working and saving and liquidating ' collectables ' I had ( Baseball and football cards ) but I eventually obtained what I wanted ( I didnt absolutely NEED those specific guitars. I could have done with lesser ones and I know this. )




  9. Heres some ' thoughts ' that the folks at Ebay should give consideration. Some of this may seem sarcastic, but its rooted in quite a bit of truth.


    - As stated, most men would rather shop online then go to a store. Women like to hit the mall and windowshop or gaze at everything, even shit they arent going to buy. I CANNOT go to a mall with Darian as it becomes an ' adventure '. Fingering everything, having to look at all the shiny little things.. I get what I came for and get out of there as prompt as possible. It might seem like Im stereotyping women in general but I cannot remember ANY woman in my life ( be it wife, girlfriends or family members ) that were female and didnt spend excessive amounts of time at these stores.


    - Women are more likely to go to a shoe store and try on a pair of heels. Most of the men on this site would rather have the anonymous posture and not be seen buying heeled shoes. SO they will go online and by things. Women? They will go and try them on.. and 50 other pairs that they were ' looking at '..


    - Also stated, men do most of the shopping on Ebay. Fact is, most of the stores on Ebay are owned by men, even members like ' Shoebuy ' whom has run his spot for almost a decade.


    - Try and find a size 11, 12 or larger in a local store! On Ebay? There are MANY places to find them. Guys have bigger feet..


    - Some would say women will buy on Ebay more then men but how are they going to try on those shoes? Face it guys, Women know how to shop. They devote great amounts of time in perfecting their skills and would rather ' try before you buy '. There are so many stores dedicated to womens wear out there and how many for men? Very few. Thus, a greater push to HAVING to go online for items we might want.


    Its just too logical to look at this and say ' Yep, men are buying heels on Ebay '. The members HERE have posted links and even mentioned " I bought these off Ebay.. ".


    Regardless, I dont feel shunned for having my ' gender ' left out of that Ebay article. Inclusion wouldnt bother me a bit nor does exclusion bother me at all.


    If ' men ' were mentioned in their article, how much of a backlash from some of the women would they receive? It could become a shitstorm they wouldnt want to deal with, thus, I like the generic term of ' Wearers ' as Steve mentioned ( Kudos to him! ) and believe it would be something ' all inclusive ' and quite fitting.

  10. If I could find a pair of over the knee or thigh boots like you have TBG, but with a wedge heel, I would not hesitate to wear them out and about. Theres just something about ' tall boots ' and boots with long shafts that really work well for mens legs.


    Love the outfits!


  11. Its a ' designer named brand ' so people will believe that flipping over a grand of your money isnt insane.


    I have seen shoes quite similar in local stores and on Ebay for 50-100$. All things considered, if someone isnt going to ' show off ' a thousand dollar pair of shoes and just wear them at home, its their money.

  12. Thanks for the insight SleekHeels. From a 3rd party, whom they spoke with, I did find out what exactly sorta happened.


    *I* choose to move out to the country, thus, I must not care about those ( friends ) from whence I came. Such simply isnt true nor is it even relevant.


    The Good news though, people whom I lost touch with are now back in the loop and Im gonna have a Hog Roast at the end of this month with Live Music. ;) many plan on coming ' out here ' and having some fun.


    Theres always some ray of sunshine in the darkness.


  13. Gudu.. I dunno if things were THAT bad for them. Im not ' successful ' in a materialistic view. In a ' self sufficient ' type of setting, Im on the top of the food chain ( so to say ;) ).


    Its just so damn odd how they turned out. Everyone else from all walks of life that I know are still into the same old grind they have been. Some have changed jobs, some have changed houses ( to better or worse, both ways for differing situations ) but the mindsets of all of them are pretty much the same. Most are still in great health too!


    I wish there was some explanation outside of ' they decided to become a pair of assholes '. Thats the only conclusion I can come up with.

  14. What a shame. A shame for the loss of your friends, loss of what could have been a real nice evening, and the loss of your leftover lasagna.


    I had dinner with some ' city friends ' ( as I now refer to them.. friends that live in the city that I moved away from ). I went in to do some visiting and we all wound up at a Denny's.


    The whole lot of us were wondering WTF happened to the both of them. They dont have any resemblance to the people they once were. Not mentally, physically. Nobody even wants them around.


    I would like to say the lasagna was the worst loss of the night, but I had fond memories of both of those women. I guess they ( memories ) earned the ' circular file ' now.

  15. Good article. Thanks for posting it here. I wonder how much he wears his own creations. He talks with such familiarity about comfort, he must have some first hand experience. While I have never seen or heard anyone comment about him wearing his own products, it would only seem reasonable to me that he does wear them.


    I quoted him in the past saying men in heels would be silly ( or something that was negative ) about guys in heels. I have no doubt though that he has at least strutted around in some of his own products in private or at home just to see how they are.


    If the guy only realized ( along with other designers ) that there is a whole market out there that would purchase their products if they made bigger sizes..



    Amanda : Thanks for the read!

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