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Posts posted by ilikekicks

  1. Ok, I get your point ILK, I really do and it echoes stuff I've been saying for years. What I don't get is why are you Americans so against health care that's free at the point of need?




    Im going to be technical in these regards so it might be understood not by *you*, but by *everyone* whom might be as confused as yourself.


    I have nothing at all about people caring for their health or ' health care '. What I have a problem with is going after the Medical Insurance Companies and calling or funneling it all under the term ' Health Care '.


    I have ' Health Care '. I would say, with the amount of exercise I do every day working, the amount of fresh air intake I have and eating frash and non-altered foods ( to include non-anti-biotic animals ), I would say my dietary and exercise concerns are more forfilled then any of the despot leftists out there crying about ' health care '. They wont use the term ' medical insurance ' as most people *WERE* pretty content with what they had.


    A FEW ' tear jerking ' examples were put forth to draw the bleeding hearts out in droves to attack a system that actually WORKED for 80-90% of all people.


    Some examples I find funny with this ' new, less working system '.


    - I have to pay for pre-natal care. Im convex, not concave. Sure, I wear heels but dont have a vagina. I have no need for ' pre-natal care '.

    - I have to pay for all kinds of sexual needs now. Purple pills like viagara. I have to pay for birth control measures.. The wife and I are actually trying to do the opposit. Ive been trying ( without success ) to breed that woman for the last 6 months. Yet, Im forced to pay for a system thats stated to support being against breeding.

    - The Policy I had covered Chemotheropy, TWICE. It wasnt a cheap ordeal yet I received first class service. That policy was 300$ a month CHEAPER then the one I have now and I didnt have any waiting times nor did I have the IRS involved giving me a colonoscopy. 

    - I had choices before. If I didnt like something, I could drop what I was paying for and subscribe to something else. The firm I used for the company I ran did policies for small businesses with less then 10 employees. For a total of 16 people ( families of those I employed ) and the 5 of us ( owner/employees ) it was roughly 1400$ a month. Another policy of 800$ a month covered all their vision needs ( optometry ) and a nice dental policy was also acquired.


    It would run me over 5000$ a month to run the same policies Today. Ass that to the other costs of vehicle maintenances, mandatory costs by the state of N.Y. for ' workers compensation ' ( The insurance policy for medical already had this covered! ) and the tax on the policy for workers comp.. for ONE employee, it was almost 3300$ per year and the state forced a 18% tax PER POLICY per employee!


    People were appalled when to fix a crack in their plaster ceiling cost over 1000$.. 


    Its not ' Health Care '. Theres a much larger picture that is being dismissed and people whom support ' ACA ' or ' Health Care Reform ' really need to open their brains up and look at the whole picture, not just a couple of hard-cases.


    "Just last Monday I went A&E with a pulled muscle in my back. Within an hour I was on my way home again having seen a fully qualified doctor. I didn't have to pay for this nor do I have medical insurance."


    Tell that to the people whom are presently going to the V.A. medical centers. For myself to see a primary care Physician, I have to wait almost 6 months. With my private policy, even for a service connected disability, I can be seen tomorrow, now, whenever I want.


    The V.A. is 100% run by the Government and is under a LOT of heat right now. Due to funding ( and other reasons ), The V.A. was delaying people from treatment or scheduling an appointment. MANY have died due to this. Im supposed to be happy with Government being involved in my medical needs? Why? My odds are MUCH better in a private system.


    People whom arent from the U.S. often say how great their system is yet they have *never* experienced any others. Your are denied such a liberty from birth to grave! You gave it away, freely, and say how great such a system is. Have ANY of you from outside the U.S. been to the U.S. for ANY medical needs? Is the whole statement of how ones system is so great nothing more then a rather limited personal experience with no experience outside of what is being touted as ( supposedly ) great?


    People from all over the world travel here to receive specialist attentions. Roswell of Buffalo and ECMC locally to me both have areas of their website dedicated to Canadians as they FLOOD our hospitals. Its not uncommon to see their parking lots full of plates that are from Ontario.


    Most Canadians praise their system as you just did yours. Yet, there are cars that exist physically flooding those parking lots.. 


    Im not saying your system or that of Canadas is a slouch, but why are all those cars from another country here in the local hospitals parking lots? I ask Canadians that question all the time, they become offended, tell me how bad the system here is, then walk away pouting. all I did was asked a simple question.


    The truth of it all is that Canadas system is absolutely horrible endless you have an immediate life threatening factor. There ARE waiting lists for a basic MRI. The comparison of technology of the 2 systems is unreal. Its like a mini-cooper trying to race a bugatti veryon over a 20km distance.


    People complained about ' access '. People stated only the ' well to do ' had all these great policies and ' economic inequality ' hurt the poor in achieving a good Medical Insurance Policy. Such simply wasnt true : Heres why :


    If you WORK, you eat. If you WORK or try to achieve something, your efforts will be recognized. MOST employers that offer good benefits ( BENEFIT : Something given in addition to a paycheck, its not mandatory as the despots have mislead people to believe ).


    I didnt care what color someone was. I even had a woman working with us for a while. Age? Hell the ramrod of my crew ( foreman ) was old enough to be my father! It was about work ethic.


    The current ACA is a demand from the lazy or inept. People whom believe they cant do any better ( for whatever reason ) and have accepted defeat.


    This will sound rude, but its very truthful and I say this in all sincerity. YOU have never had a ' choice '. Most of Europe are slaves to their states. You believe you have liberty or freedom ( just as the misguided here believe ), but in actuality, you have a few privileges to give you the notion that you have ' freedom '.


    The U.S. has caught up with Europe in the absolute sacrificing of our liberties for a more USSR type of system.


    "It sounds exactly like you guys have a few bugs in the system but I'm sure as soon as they're ironed out you will see how great it is not to have to worry about going to the doctor when you need to and whether your insurance is paid up."


    Tell that to the IRS when they come calling and take your home. Take your car.


    You really havent looked into the full provisioning of the whole ACA. It doesnt effect you ( things that dont effect me in other countries dont get my time nor concern in most instances either ). *I* have. Its not over 3000 pages long and absolutely usurps the liberties of all the U.S. citizens privacy and the rights to their properties.


    If you like your system, keep it. You live in a land that is not of my own nor is it really similar. You might wish it was similar, and many of your countrymen thing the U.S. is a bunch of bigoted cowboys with too many guns whom hates black people and beats up gays.. in actuality, such isnt true.. but the media says it is..


    I have a clinic meeting next week at ECMC for my hands. I should hang out there and ask those Canadians why they are in the U.S. for medical entities and not in their socialized one? I might actually find an honest answer from a genuine source whom has ( apparently/for some reason ) needed to leave their system and use the one here.


    Peace to you!


    I'm with Sf. I love free stuff, too. And the next thing I expect our Gov't to do is open your place to me and let me take any of your things that I want because it isn't fair that you have so much and I got nothing. You greedy thing, you.


    Remember ' cash for clunkers ' ?


    There was a whole list of American Products that were supposed ' clunkers ' and what were people able to get that 3500$ rebate for? RICE! Imported products ( all but 1 and it was pretty much mexican made ). Really boosted the economy sending those dollars back to overseas companies.


    ' Free ' isnt. Someone somewhere is paying for someones ' stuff '.



    To get back onto the topic of this thread : Todays news...




    "Sex crimes against young girls and women are widespread in India, say activists, adding that females from poor, marginalized, low-caste communities are often the victims.

    A report by the Asian Centre for Human Rights in April last year said 48,338 child rape cases were recorded in India from 2001 to 2011, and the annual number of reported cases had risen more than fourfold - 336 percent - over that period."

    And I wear high heeled shoes.. I dont think we have anyone from India posting here regularly.. 

    Worried about heels when things like THAT are ongoing/present or have been for a decade or longer..


    Were good guys, put em on and go do what you do!



    Hear hear!  How nice to see you back!  Am I right in thinking that you've had a rejuvinative puff just as I've had a rejunvinative slurp?  L'Enfer, c'est les autres.


    Nope. Ive just had the pleasure of being busy with tilling and planting close to 12,000 acres of corn, potatoes, soy beans, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, strawberries, onions..


    Not to mention the chase for a Town Council seat.


    Ive just been too busy to do much of anything and today I finally had a chance to use a computer. Life without one was actually quite nice! :)

  3. Im doing this as I attend local Town Hall Meetings bi-weekly and certain things were said and I made a reflection of sorts.


    There was a supposed ' shooting ' this past week in California, U.S. . I say ' supposed ' as everything being stated and the person whom killed these people shot 2 of his victims. We need forget he stabbed 3 and ran over quite a few others with an expensive BMW car. But a stipulation is put out that the guy is a ' shooter '.


    Im a schmuck, a ' guy whom wears high heeled shoes '. Such a thought, no?


    I opened my web browser today and one of the headlines was of a woman stoned to death in Pakistan. Her ' crime '? She married the guy she loved. She was going to the courthouse with her husband and her family was waiting for her. They were going there because her father told the authorities she was taken without consent ( Theirs, not hers! ).. when she admits she freely went with her ( now ) husband.. The family turned on her and used bricks from a local construction site. The Father supposedly did the most damage and was arrested for killing his own daughter. Such a GREAT example of parenting! It would be one thing if this was a rare event, but 800+ incidents of such happened in the year 2013 in Pakistan. Thats over 2 women a day killed.. for..


    Im a guy whom wears shoes with high heels? I guess that really is something important? I dont believe my folks would have ' bricked ' me for the shoes I chose. Well.. for other reasons, maybe, but not the shoes.



    This one will pump peoples blood pressure up a bit, funny thing is though, its about medical insurance.. er.. ' health care '.


    States are now finding the number of people jumping on the medicare bandwagon to be going up rapidly. The States themselves didnt set enough funding aside to cover these costs so.. wheres the monty going to come from? To top it off with the icing on the cake, this past holiday weekend when nobody was paying attention, the New York Times ran a piece on page A12 by a guy named Robert Pear : " Many employers had thought they could shift health costs to the government by sending their employees to a health insurance exchange with a tax-free contribution of cash to help pay premiums, but the Obama administration has squelched the idea in a new ruling. Such arrangements do not satisfy the health care law, the administration said, and employers may be subject to a tax penalty of $100 a day — or $36,500 a year — for each employee who goes into the individual marketplace.

    The ruling this month, by the Internal Revenue Service, blocks any wholesale move by employers to dump employees into the exchanges. "


    So.. A law was written promising all these different things.. we could keep our doctors, costs would go down, your plans wouldnt get cancelled, there would be some small fines, Doctor-Patient privacy would be maintained..


    Im just a guy, a nobody, whom wears some nice looking shoes. Seriously.


    So.. Im at this Town Hall Meeting. Some of you know, I'm trying to get involved on the local Town Counsil and I was there to take in what people had to say and offer what I could to all those there.


    One of the patrons asked ' Are you a Mexican American? '. Yes, I have darker then most white peoples skin would be. I farm and am on a tractor for quite a few hours in the sun every week ( that might have something to do with it ), just like most of the people attending this meeting.


    " No, Im just an American ".


    ' Are you a minority ? '


    " A what? A -minority-? WTF kind of question is that? Im just a guy, whom lives out here, helps on a farm growin crops, riding horses, riding tractors and playing a guitar pretty loud once in a while. I was born here in New York, how can I be a mexican-anything? "


    This woman was sooo offended! I guess I cant count on her vote this November, such a shame! Im surprised she didnt ask me if I was an ' undocumented worker ' or whatever term they are calling people like me today! Imagine that, I do agricultural work, know spanish and have a darker skin tone then most.. I ALMOST FORGOT! I have a low-rider truck too! All I need is a pair of those long curly toed boots and to put up a LaRaza emblem on the front of my pole barn!


    And to think, many guys are worried about people seeing them in a pair of shoes.. like the kind half the human race wears without any issues at all..


    Guys : The riducule any of us might recieve for wearing heeled footware is quite miniscule and even laughable in comparrison to the HUGE picture of whats really going on. Dont give it a second thought, put on some kicks and go out and strut. 


    Do it. Enjoy it! Your not cancelling anyones Medical Insurance. Your not stoning anyone to death. Your not stabbing 3 people, running over a couple more with a nice car and then shooting a couple more. Your not causing WW3 and adding more names/people to be remembered on the next Memorial Day.


    Your just wearing a pair of shoes!


    Best wishes to you all, keep it in perspective!


  4. Most durable : Ninewest ' Pinktop ' booties. For being suede and having a soft bottom, they have had 2 years of use. I wear then 3-4 days a week for a couple of hours.


    Least durable : A pair of Steven Maddens. I started a thread on here a while back about them. One night on them and the bottoms were horrific. 

  5. Thanks ILK.  I gotta say that you guys have been more of an influence on me.  I just try to take an outrageous trend and try to make it my own.  And you guys have helped me branch out a lot.  So I'm pretty much a product from you guys. A big huge thanks to all you guys that I chat and receive responses from!!


    Its all good.


    I get inspiration on many things from differing sources on a daily basis. Its ' why we do ' in life.


    Most people, even guys whom are into heels, wonder ' what fits me '. Its not always what we ' like ' and people tend to resent being told what they ' like ' doesnt really work for them.


    I dont like platforms but smaller ones ( 1/2 inch or less ) look ' ok ' on me. Im skinny ( 5'10", 150ish lbs right now ) and a ' platform ' looks horrible. They distract and take away from an overall picture. A slender heel of 3-4 inches seems to be best for what I wear/do. I like wedges also but they only work for me in longer pants or certain settings. Anything shorter then ankle length and the wedges arent worn with them.


    With you? I think wedges wouldnt ' work ' like what you have in those pics you posted. ( havent seen a pic to make a proper thought about it, but just a theoretical guess on my part.. )


    In your instance, and I say this in all honesty, you have a physique thats pretty admirable. You dont have ' great oaks ' for legs and theres a proportionate ratio of your limbs. You dont have ' Popeye arms ' squeezing spinach cans. Its a good solid build. In having such a build, the platform actually works.


    EDIT: I need to put out the disclaimer here : this might offend or describe someone here..


    In MOST instances that I have seen.. Men ( and women alike, no discrimination at all ) with ' jackstands ' are either too damn skinny and look like they have frankenstein shoes on. Runway models really present such a picture. Some girl that starves themselves to *supposedly* look good tosses on a pair of shoes that just might weigh more then they do! Sad.


    Theres also those so overweight they need such a shoe to take the pressure being put on them. 


    Its hard to find a ' middle ground ' like you have as a statute of being that ideal image that a man in a set of platforms can really ROCK. You seriously need to take them b****es dancing with a honey or 5 out there with you, no joke! You ever make it to my part of town, were going clubbing!


    Another thing is a man in heel it is not normal from society view. It should be normal because it is not fair that women can wear black court shoes with no problems! It should be same for men!


    I would like the society changeand become more fair. I would like to see more women in black court shoes. I would like to see myself wearing them and not be considering myself to be the only man in heels in my town. It is like I heard about few other men wear heels but I never see them.


    Men are a bit like me. They are affraid and wait for nothing. I would like to see at least 1 or 2 men in heels in my town but it is impossible. Why other men are too shy? Why it is a small minority of men and not more like in United States?



    I figure out you are living in a paradise men in heels in US. Compared to Canada. Canadians are not enough evolved like americans! Sometimes we learn about few articles in the web but not enough to start a majority of men in heel except your Lucky country with it`s ( walk a mile in her shoes). :irked:


    Dunno if your in Quebec or not, but men DO wear heels out and about. You have read about the Jaunts, Shafteds pics at the theater he works in, Rockpup rockin-it-out in Florida, Bluejay Covering Western N.Y. , Myself out in the ' small town '. Men DO in fact wear heels and wear them wherever they wish to. Theres nothing ' unfair ' about it. We make a choice and go about our day.


    As for Canadians not being ' evolved ', I used to visit the Canadian side of Niagara Falls weekly to get BBQ'ed ribs. I NEVER had any problems with any Canadians. They never said anything negative nor demeaning towards myself or anyone I was with. Outside of not having Lord Stanleys cup in the last 20ish years.. ;)


    If you want to see 1 or 2 men around your town in heels, take the initiative and be one of them. Set an example.

  7. Thanks Sleek Heels!!!

    Latest freestyle photo boots from Aliexpress. Hope you all like!!!


    One thing you have going for you, and its quite a good thing : The footwear you have chosen somehow ' fits ' your build.


    Im NO FAN of jackstands or platforms, yet with your build, they fit the overall image your presenting. They dont look out of place or anything. Your one of the few people whom post full body pictures on here and in all of them, you look good in your style of things.


    I dunno if its because you have a muscular of thicker build, but they look good on you in my opinion ( unlike some pencil thin women whom wear 2-10inch platforms and look like they have frankenstein legs or something.. ).


    Theres only one thing missing in your whole outfit that would finish the statement off.. You need the wallet from Pulp Fiction! ( I wont post pictures of it as someone will be ' offended ' )

  8. Same size?  Really?  I hadn't caught that before.  You are one lucky guy then, being able to share heels for two!

     There ARE drawbacks. It means shoes wear twice as fast, thus I buy some styles that seem ' bland ' so as she wont wear them and I will have something that actually lasts a while ;)

  9. I just tried to find something on the internet about Karen Carpenter and Lady Gaga and found nothing to back up what has been stated. Please list a link or something to back up what has been stated.


    Pictures say a thousand words...


    About a year ago, it was all over the place and her supporters cried foul about the claim. Honestly, and in my opinion, why should I care if shes packing or not? *I* dont sleep with her, dont find her attractive nor really that talented. 


    If one compares her version of ' entertainment format ', its actually quite similar to that of a traditional  drag queen ( outside of all the digital processing of her voice ).




    Old mentality people are retarded.



    So says the guy whom runs to a sex therapist for his own insecurities.


    "So all my worries come from people that do not have tolerance. They are not numbered against the other kind of people that say nothing."


    Your worries come from YOURSELF. You call others retarded when you cannot even figure out YOU are the one experiencing all these problems when many of us have walked right through the same problems your having by just sitting down and believing in ourselves and being confident enough to say " I am *me*. 


    I live with a family and in an area that is very ' old school mentality '. Are you trying to insinuate my family, neighbors and all those whom I might associate with are ' retarded ' ? They are all more then supportive of *my* choice of footware, Its unfortunate ( for whatever reason ) your family doesnt support yours.

  11. Nice heels all, ILK.  But while I agree with your assessment of the BCBG heels being a "bit too lady like", they are my favorite of the group.  I love the toe box and the small bow is just the right ornament.  So buy a pair of those for your lady instead!  I'm sure they'd look fabulous on her!  


    BTW, are those size 11?  Are they still available?  


    No need to buy her anything, I gave her those. Were the same size ;) .


    They are size 10 and fit like a 10, not small, not narrow, great fit.


    I dont know if they are available still. The name/model inside is " PL-Casablanc "

  12. One thing that I simply find interesting is that across the globe you find, for the most part, it is women that wear high heels. Anywhere fashion exists this appears to be the case. It is interesting that in areas where lifestyle seemingly develops independantly a basic set of "social norms" can be found that seem to exist across the board - such as women wear high heels.


    Very true! I believe there is some part of the thought process of the ' area ' one lives that might influence most things or aspects of how people feel about ' things '.


    Where Im presently at, nobody could care less what I wear so long as my ' goods ' arent hanging out. They couldnt care if I drink, smoke, what I eat, what I watch on TV, what I drive.. They mostly believe to let people take care of and be responsible for themselves.


    I have lived ( in the past ) in a more dense populated area where people just refuse to leave one another alone. It was quite the opposite of the present situation of where I live. I didnt care for it at all.


    What any guy whom wishes to wear heels out and about should understand : Those whom scream and demand their way are usually in the minority about EVERYTHING or just ' wrong ' in their whole perception. If you want to wear heeled shoes, go ahead and do it. Forget the nay-sayers.

  13. I needed a pair of tan or khaki colored shoes for being more ' proper ' at events/debates and such. I can say Im now a fan of Kenneth Cole's ' Reaction ' line of footware. I not only have the ' nude ' or tan colored shoe, I also have the same pair in black.


    The soles are a very soft and flexible rubber compound and even in rain they grab the surface quite firmly, no slipping. They dont even make much noise on hardwood flooring.


    The second pair is of BCBG Generations. I need to find a way to get the Bows off without wrecking the whole thing. I bought them first and wore then out for a night and went to DSW where I found the Kenneth Coles. I dont think I will be wearing the BCBG ones too much as they are ( as Gramdma put it ) ' too lady like for a guy, the other ones are more fitting for you with cargo pants '.










  14. Platforms heels make the wearer look like she (or he) has club feet. There's nothing graceful about them. 


    Still, anything is better then Uggs pr Crocs I suppose.


    I believe your onto something here.


    I have seen some skinny women TRYING to look graceful in a nice outfit with a pair of jackstands on their feet. It makes them look like they are wearing ' clubs ' or cinder blocks. In the same way, I have seen some women whom have some meat on their bones and they look ' ok '.


    People can choose how they represent themselves, we all have that ' leisure ' to a certain point ( though, such a ' right ' is diminishing ).


    What im speaking of is sometimes called the ' donk ' factor. Some of the local PR's have said such about the one pair of jackstands I wore to a card game. ' los zapatos donk ' as they called them ( the ones holding up my truck in my avatar ).


    For those not familiar with ' donk ', heres some pics of a Corvette and a Mustang with ' donks ' on them.. the same effect can happen to any of us with platforms..



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