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Posts posted by ilikekicks



    Your one of the very FEW guys I believe can pull off Platforms but those.. I dunno man.. 


    Your gonna have to put them with an outfit before I make any comments as platforms on you are a lot different then platforms on some ' twig ' built guy.


    Do a pose with them and get the head woman to take a pic. ;)

  2. Pardon my honesty, but the skirt stands out too much, especially with the shoes.


    Hemline really needs to go down, and the fabric is a bit too flashy for the rest of the outfit.




    I admire your guts.


    The skirt is fine IMO, but instead of a T-shirt, a nice top would make things look a lot better.


    Good look for you Shoe Dre.

  3. Interesting old-time question, eh?


    A while back , I made a comment that ' offended ' people in regards to someone whom is worshipped by many as a ' hero ' in that she didnt really have a voice and was nothing more then an over-processed or altered entity. Many people were more then angered from some of the private messages I recieved and I figured seeing as the guys I am working with and I are in the midst of finding a vocalist that I would use the chance to explain ( by example ) what exactly I was stating, why I stated it, and why its true ( That Lady GaGa isnt really ' all that ' ).


    I wont use her ( GaGa's ) delusional entity as the example here, but another female singer I feel has MUCH more talent.


    These 2 ' comparison videos ' are of the same song. The only band differences are 2 of the band members ( drummer and one guitarist )


    In the first video, The Bass player is out of the mix completely till half way through the song.



    Second video, totally different arrangement in venue size AND a different road crew taking care of the sound system.



    In the second video, its QUITE obvious something is being done to her voice during the chorus line of the song as theres a ' harmony ' of many voices. Its an ' Auto tune ' type of device ( actually it sounds more like an Eventide type of device ).


    Also to be noted in the second video, the band itself ( Guitars, Bass and drums ) are also being quite processed. The difference in the valve amps being Mic'ed up in the first video compared to the D/I ( or some kind of slave signal ) taken from the stage is quite noticeable.


    ( Edit : larger venue without the voice processing. Not bad at all. ) 




    Heres a video of some kid whom calls himself the ' autotune king '.



    I actually liked his natural voice better. He speaks in quite a degrading tone in regards to his natural voice, YET, he doesnt have a bad voice at all!


    Most of your singers/acts from the turn of the century and on use all kinds of processing on vocals. Its pushed in every venue out there. Its could be compared to a drug addiction in some regards as its that ' crutch ' that has convinced certain people they need to use these things yet, in actuality, they arent that bad to begin with.


    Its very sad the music industry promoted people whom are lacking in talent when theres truly garages/small pubs/bars out there Filled with raw and extremely talented individuals.


    Take away their processing and they dont have any confidence. Its sad.


    This is why I enjoy the ' Oldies '. Its a weird mix of differing flavors. Aretha Franklin is high up on the list. Even on old vinal, her voice stands above 99% of modern day ' artists '. She didnt have ANY of the processing of today in her time. The older Motown groups with their harmonies and straight up voices. Buddy Holly, Jimmy Valiant , Jerry Lee Lewis! 

  4. With little over 300 reviews and counting (I just checked), the Karmens might well be Payless' most popular shoe ever. So, from a pure business viewpoint, it's no wonder the company wants to keep the line going for as long as they can because they know people (of both genders) are buying the shoes. I have six pairs myself, and they are pretty darn good for the money.


    I have 2 from about 3 or 4 years ago before they became popular. They are the only ' under 50$ ' footware I wear outside or in travels. I dont have any of their newer stuff, but if the quality of the older items was carried over, I would say they are still a good value for what they are. ' Cheaply priced shoes '.

  5. A tad expensive though I thought...


    I dont really care about the prices. I will probably donate 25$USD ( just a small contribution of support ) as I like their theme, but their products are GOD AWEFUL! All jackstands and nothing of interest at all.


    One would think that out of 20 different models, a simple elegant ' classic pump ' or ' court shoe ' which is the BASIC of all ' high heels ' would be offered?


    Again, I support their theme but if they want full on support, how about something simple to start with that could be used by their target demograph?

  6. Looking good but as you stated ' a bit behind '.


    I put in 2 ' growing beds ' next to the garage I put up. We had the blocks as left over inventory so.. why not use them if we didnt sell them?


    Tomatoes in the first box with some carrots on the end. Second bed is all cucumbers with a pair of Roma's on the ends.





  7. Ok, was in Orlando and hit a Diesel outlet, found a pair I've been looking for. The Hi-Travis, knocked down from $225 to $36! Wow :D

    Now I have the lace up and zip up versions, glad I did not get them off 6pm for $130 now.


    Man.. I need to drive down to Florida and go shopping with you. You find all this cool stuff at blow out prices.. ;)

  8. "This is just another episode from a person with some influence and/or power, who feels it is their duty to determine what other people should want and do, since they have come to a conclusion of what is right and works for them. "


    You have stated everything I stand against in those 2 lines but not just against ' those in power ', but the idiots on the internet whom have the same mentality ( or display such). 


    Its a pair of shoes. Theres a LOT worse to worry about then what some people might wear on their feet. 


    If people break an ankle, its not the shoes fault. The person wearing them should have learned to walk in them.. ' baby steps ' before trying to do a day in them.

  9. June appears to be a time for incredible bargains. I just snagged two pair of Stuart Weitzman boots at a nearly 70% discuount. They are leg hugging to say the least. I'd say a pair of ultra skinny jeggins/jeans are going to be needed.

    Dig those wedge boots!

  10. You just have to grow them and absorb as much info about the subject as possible. It's a definite advantage.


    Call this thread a success then! Someone took away something they didnt know . ;)


    Im in the process of doing a flowerbed of Coleus. Picture a forest from the movie ' avatar ' without all the phosphorous  effects. More reds/yellows and greens.


  11. Between having an allotment, apple trees within reach, blackberries, mussels and mackerel, you must have hardly ever gone near a grocery store


    I havent bought gas ( Petrol ) nor much of any ' food ' from a store in quite a while.  Its part of the ' benefit package ' of leaving the city area. ' Out here ', everyone has a farm of somekind and a garden of their own. The gardens arent ' small ' by any means as we can/preserve a lot of things so when winter rolls in, we dont have to worry about being ' snowed in '. Just go into the cellar and grab something to cook/eat.


    I think Gardening is a really great thing. I didnt know much about it till recently and its quite a learning curve if you want to really cash in on a good crop.


    BTW : I believe thats Shafteds back yard ( might be his driveway from the looks of it ). ;)





    I figured I would share some of the other things we grow, mainly flowers. Geraniums, perrenials, annuals, ferns..


    First up are ' baskets '. They are called ' Million Belles '. Basically they are petunias grouped together. ( first 5 pics )


    Sorry for the low quality on the pics, I have an old school flip-phone and didnt have my camera with me.





    These are neat and really pulled me into the fold. I thought the scenery in the film ' avatar ' was pretty neat and these kind of resemble them. ( next 3 pictures after the baskets )




    The last one is for Shafted. He liked those dark Suede type shoes. How about a BLACK Matte Supertunia? ( Large petunia ).( Yes, my hand lost its color from being sandblasted. ;) ) The picture doesnt do them justice at all! I will definitely have to get my camera out and take a good picture of them.










  12. Uh I must of hit a sore spot. 



    Not at all! ;) . You just brought up a topic of conversation that is mentioned QUITE often. For as often as it comes up, the usual conclusion to it is : give up the shoes OR do whatever it takes to keep your partner around ( which is the same as getting rid of the shoes ).



    I am with you all on the subject. I am 30 yrs old I have married 3 time and working on my third divorce. I really dont want to get personal but I want to live life. I am tired of lying to myself. I never got to know me. 



    This might be why marriage hasnt worked for you. Its one thing to have a relationship with ourselves and know our desires. Until we do, theres no way we can relate to others and be in some form of commitment with them. If we dont know what or who we are, how can we share ourselves?


    As you stated ' I never got to know me '.. Man.. Ive been there. I didnt know what I wanted in life. I will be 45 next month and I *think* I have figured out what I want out of life. I dont have all the details nor do I know if Im making the best decisions, theres always questions milling about. I do know though, Im where ( location wise ) I want to be ( non-city, country type setting ) and the kinds of people I wish to be around ( laid back and not always ' in a rush ' types ). I figure things out with everyday that passes.. as do we all! ;)


    "There is is just something bout high heels that make me feel good. I love they way they feel they way u can dress them or down. I love the click of heels."


    As do I and ( more then likely.. ) everyone reading what you wrote.


    "I am not gay, I am not mentally ill, I am not transgender."


    Being gay, mentally ill or transgender wouldnt matter one bit in regards to your choice of footware.


    "I am outdoorsman and a father that love high heels. Nothing has change other then found a comfort zone. I agree (ilk) they r shoes. There are alot of problems going on. Oh no a man in heels call 911 start a riot but hey ur kid is bleeding to death but lets focus on the man in heels. People what wrong with them. They r completely bored and have hope for anything that they put energy into pionting and laughing at different. Dont judge ride the journey of what others enjoy before you open ur mouth."


    I say let them have their journeys and you can enjoy yours. Theres absolutely no reason at all you shouldnt be allowed to do so as long as your not harming anyone else. ;)





  13. Screw your wigs on folks and have a good chair to sit on as this one will come from ' way out there '.




    Ive used ' Plaster weld ' for decades doing plaster repair. Its almost like a liquid laytex/rubber compound. It gets into small holes and allows basecoat or even finishcoat of plaster to hold together. Ive actually used this stuff on ' dirty ' surfaces that have grease and oil on them and it worked flawless.


    It dries as a very flexible entity. It doesnt get hard like a ' contact cement ' will.


    Ive used it on 2 older pairs of shoes where the leather parted from the soles. and they are not together and NOT coming apart. I GUARANTEE its a stronger bond then all that has been mentioned. I will go as far to say its stronger then what shoemakers presently use.


    The only 2 BAD things about using it is the stuff dries a darker pink color so being careful in applying it is a must. It also doesnt smell too good when the can is first opened.


  14. I agree with your logical perspective, ILK. The only problem is that it seems that many people's perspective on "gender crossing" topics seem to defy logic. Hell, it seems that logic is sorely missing from many people's perspective on most subjects. Best, Larry


    This might seem like a ' slight ' against others, but how can we get involved in relationships with people like this? Its one thing if we come across clothing likes AFTER we become involved, but to not be honest with others and enter into a relationship without being honest?


    Even still, Afterwards, if we are honest and say to them " Ya know.. Ive just found those shoes to be of interest to me for some reason as of late.. ", they should have a form of rejection? No crime committed, yet we are to be tried?


    Thus why I would help the other half pack or get the door for them. Do we really wish to be with someone thats not supportive of something so minor? What does it say about them and us? We are good enough for a charade but not to be ourselves?


    Time and time again we do this, not just with shoes, but many differing things. 


    I must agree with you whole heartedly that it does defy all forms of logic and thus : Im puzzled or just absolutely baffled.



  15.  This is BIG news to her. 


    I need to ask, and Im not trying to be a dick or anything, but how is a pair of shoes big news?


    *I* HONESTLY might be just that simple of a person for finding something like a pair of shoes causing a commotion to be.. dumb?


    I started another thread that went off-topic/hijacked about things worthy of note in comparison to ' I wear heels '.




    Next thing is figure out what is more important, her or your shoes. marriage takes work. I know, I ahave been thru all this. Find something to do with your wife. For us it was church. We both got very invovled with church, specifically celebrate recovery. But you both have to want it to work. Wear your heels in private I but give her time




    Again, ' her or your shoes '. 


    As bad as it might sound, and not to be insulting, if such a choice was to be forced, I'd hold the door open for her. I would even help her pack!


    I could see ' big news ' being one or the other sleeping around. I could see one or the other having a ' fetish ' for minors in school uniforms. How about coming home with someone else and asking for a 3 way?


    ' Big news '.. how about having a verbal spat with the inlaws or being so vile towards them that they tell your spouse not to bring you around anymore?


    How about the Bills? Rent paid? Car fixed? Hows the health these days? Family member terminally sick or anything?


    I seriously dont understand why a pair of shoes should cause such an issue. :(

  16. JeffB : I remember when I first joined this site and you were contemplating wedges. Now, your rocking just about everything, a full plate of style. Wedges, Pumps, Sandals.. Your the ' full package ' so to say in those regards.


    I wish I could sport the variety of fashion you do but im not as rangeful in what I feel comfortable in.



  17. ShyHeels : Thanks for the explanation. I figured the term was something in regards to a piece of land of somekind. I didnt realize it was so small though. It sounds like a ' backyard ' in a city here.


    Shafted : I would LOVE to have some of those seeds. I have many seeds that could be exchanged/traded. You would have to let me know what your looking for.

  18. I have a small plot where I grow beans, carrots, beetroot and onions with reasonable success. Also tomatoes and peppers that are a bit more variable depending on if we get a decent summer or not. A few pots of herbs too (parsley, corriander and mint), and I'll usually plant a couple of tubs of flowers each summer. I don't have a greenhouse to grow my own seedlings, but I do have a small compost bin so no organic scraps go to waste.



    I have a rather large compost pile BUT its not all from myself.



    One thing I have noticed gardening in London is a lot of pests, presumably they stick around while the urban surroundings scare off their predators. The slugs are terrible so hedgehogs would be welcome but I've not seen one in years. Also local council parking policies have encouraged lots of people to pave their front gardens into driveways, so all the birds that used to nest in the hedges seem to have disappeared. I also remember seeing so many ladybirds when I was a kid, but it's so rare to see one now (unlike all the little flies they used to eat which are everywhere now). Is pest control any easier for you guys in rural areas?



    Pest control in my area is a 22-250 rifle. We dont deal with just insects though. Its not uncommon to have Coons and WoodChucks digging into our Veggie gardens. Possums eat just about anything and have taken to our compost pile more then once in the last 3 months. They also like to eat through the walls of the Greenhouses and take to munching on things.


    I grow swiss Chard in a Growbag all year round outdoors.  It won't crop in December, but that's all.  I had to give up my allotment as it became too much for me.  Only five rods, but I'm not getting any younger.  I miss it sometimes.


    Whats an ' allotment ' as you speak of? Is that like a plot of land?


    Chard is great ( like Beets ) but I cannot find non GMA type Chard ( or I would grow a LOT of it! ). I can acquire ' SilverBeets ' which are chards under a differing name, but the seeds sold here.. they have been genetically altered. If I could find an unmodified strain to test and verify, I would have a LOT of chard growing.




    All : Heres my Tomato's and Peppers before I planted them. The Ferns hanging on the right are partial sun so they went on my porch where its shady most of the day. The picture facing outside is the other half along with the herbs ( gotta have my basil and garlic for cooking! ). The Baskets on the left are ' SuperTunias '. We made a lot of ' million belle ' baskets this year and they bloomed to be HUGE! 3 foot across in 20 inch hanging baskets.


    The last pic is of a display we setup at the local ' festival ' they have every year. It was a sample of what all was for sale at the Greenhouses.




  19. Shafted : Between wild rasberries, blackberries and wild blueberries, theres enough to fill 6 or 7 bushels right now along one on the field/treelines. Me-needs to get out there and pick some to make Jam with! Theres tiny strawberries but it would take forever to pick enough to make any quantity of jam with.


    ShyHeels : "What kinds if chilli peppers do you grow? " I dont have ANY in my plot. The wife and others have them in theirs. ;)



    I do have an advantage as I have greenhouses to start my seeds earlier then normal when the growing for the nursery happens.


    I think next year I will try to grow some melons. I love watermelon!

  20. Thanks for all ur advice guys. Yes y'all are right bout a different direction. My marriage has been failing for over a yr now. My wife and I have been going in different directions. I am trying to be true to myself for yrs now and I am finally stepping out of my shell now. I have been moving up at work and have a great relationship with my daughter's and she rather do other things. Thank guys for support. I will continue to wear heels as I been doing more openly now.



    I consider myself either ' lucky ' or fortunate enough to be the person I am in that Im just a rather ' open ' person ' in person '. 


    Many people have stated that its rather hard to open up about something after they have been married for a while or for family/friends. I can see such causing a dilema but in the same instance, I think its best to just be honest to begin with.


    What I wonder is if your wife ever asked you about ' heels ' at all. Not even if you liked wearing them, but even if she asked you what your opinion was when SHE was wearing them? 


    I guess I really dont see the ' big deal ' anymore in many things ( I never did, being honest ). I can put on ( basically ) anything I want and I always have. Those around me never really said anything truly negative and putting on a pair of shoes never changed the person that I am. Those I deal with know this and also know I would view the situation the same if they were to put on some article of clothing that wasnt ( supposedly ) for their gender.


    THAT is the part I dont understand with a lot of what has been said on the subject.


    We have known and been known by people for many years. Our parents have known us since we were born. They know who and what we are. I cant see how their view of us can change all of a sudden because we just put on a pair of shoes.. or a skirt.. or a pair of leggings..


    Im starting to believe that the reason some might say ' coming out ' ( about the clothing we like ) is so ' hard ' because we dont wish to believe those whom we have as family, friends or spouses could actually be ( to steal a term ) ' narrow minded '. We all wish our liberty to wear as we choose and dont wish to label someone so close to us as being anything negative.

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