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Posts posted by ilikekicks

  1. I think there's also a parallel to how some guys feel about wearing heels, always with some grudge against society for not accepting it, but maybe afraid of acceptance and resentful of tolerance because then the thrill will be gone.


    There might be some wisdom to your words above. If heels were to become a normally accepted thing for men, would there be some of us looking for something else? My guess would be a resounding ' yes '.




    I spoke with some others that the women and I associate with. Ever since same-sex marriage was passed in N.Y. , apparently these 2 have taken it as a resounding message to ' put their sexuality in everyones face as it was always done to them before by heterosexuals '.


    Of the 3 people I spoke with, 2 wont even speak with them anymore and the other said they attended their wedding and it was a huge ' shock festival ' which included headshaving, several tatoo ' artists '. Some women burned their bras and.. it was something that could probably be classified as a circus. 


    Im guessing that deep down they had resentment towards others even though we were supportive of them and their endevours, never having anything but good will for them.


    I have been put on notice that Im no longer allowed to invite ' Butch Dykes ' to the home. If such happens, the wife will crucify me and I will be used as a new scarecrow out in the corn fields. :(

  2. Sounds like you strategically accomplished your intended goal.


    Indeed I have. I saw the Lawyer as a Bully of somekind at first. Now, I realize hes an empty suit. Not unlike what we have all across our Governments in New York and the trash we send to Washington D.C. to ' represent ' us.


    If it were only so easy to get the votes to get rid of all the trash thats been elected over 20 years ago so some fresh faces could get things rolling again..


    If the Rev does win, why not think about running against one of the other members the next time a seat is up for election and serve alongside of him and work together

    to improve your community?


    THAT might happen. The town Board and Mayor are loosing ' hold ' so to say. Both the Rev and I are ' Independents '. Im a registered Libertarian and the Rev is registered with the states ' Independence Party ' ( whom are mostly pissed off working Democrats whom watched their party go from representing working families to representing ' social services people ' or those on the Government Doles. Hes not all I thought he was in his past ).


    The Mayor is a ( supposed ) Republican. The present Town Board has 2 Democrats and 3 Republicans. I can guarantee 1 of each party on that Board are getting tossed out as the Lawyer is one of the Democrats and one of the Republicans has some very troubling ' issues ' and is way behind in both the polls and popular opinion. Said ' Republican ' has a local Libertarian with a ' not so nice ' campaign going after him. All the dirty laundry has come out.. ALL of it.


    The make-up of the Board will ( more then likely ) be 1 Democrat, 2 Republicans and 2 Indy's in the beginning of next year. This leaves the Mayor fighting the town board as both of those Indy's wont caucus with either of the other 2 parties.


    Its my belief that this will be a great thing for the town.

  3. I had friends from back in the city that I havent seen in 2-3 years stop by. The last time I saw them was at a mutual friends funeral. We gabbed a few times in the weeks following that over the phone but never in person. Recently, through another mutual friend, we came into contact and They were invited out for dinner.


    To be blunt, they are a ' lesbian couple ' ( rather, thats how they wished to be addressed in the present moment '. Before, I used to just say they were a ' happy couple '. more on this later ). Speaking freely, they were both the kind of girls most men would want to bring home to mother. VERY pleasant on the eye, well mannered and able to have a conversation that could jump on an entertaining tangent to almost anywhere.


    " People Change ". Tonight I have witnessed the true meaning of this thought and learned a bit about myself in the process. My ' Dark Side ' still exists and it actually came to fruition .


    They arrived in their ' smart car '. I didnt recognize either of them at first from 30feet away. when they came closer I was stunned.


    Beth absolutely let herself go. She was a very petite and athletic type. I used to tell her she weighed 100lbs when the heaviest rain caught her outside. Now? Shes clearing 175-200. The ' Smart car ' leaned when she stepped out of it. That wasnt all that changed and was probably the least ' eccentric ' part of her.


    The ' butch ' haircut would make most U.S. Marines proud. She used to have hair EVERYONE admired. The Shaved sides had tatoos on them. The ears were loaded with holes and all kinds of scrap metal.


    Tattered clothes covered her and her boots had crazy colorful laces in them. ( I did dig the boots and came to resent them later though ).


    Renee, The one I used to believe was the ' top ', also gained quite a bit of weight. Not as much as Beth, but the whole ' Sausage roll ' effect from the tank top.. She had the scrap metal all over her face.. 


    I kinda felt overdressed as I was wearing dockers, My NineWest Booties and a nice collared shirt. Back in the day, I felt underdressed around these 2 as they were into nice dresses, heals to die for and always wore makeup/had their hair nice.


    I greeted them and we chatted for a bit and I invited them in. Its been raining and it looked to be about time for another downpour.


    We entered the house, I took off my boots as I finished the tile floors downstairs. Renee noticed the wedge booties and asked ' Your into heels? Oh my god! Does your boyfriend know? "




    ' I choose to wear what I want, just as you choose whom you love and what you wish to wear. Because I wear such footware, it has nothing to do in regards as to my companionship selections. '


    It was then that my wife entered the room to meet them. She wasnt thrilled about the ' boyfriend ' comment but they have never met. Darian smiled and introduced herself as my wife.


    I turned back to see Beth walk in and bring all the mud from the driveway and walkway into the hallway..


    No biggie, thats what a Mop is for.


    We all sat down at the kitchen table and talked about old time mutual friends. Some still alive, some gone, they asked if I still was into performing music and such. I told them I was running for local office.. we were catching up when the Buzzer/Timer for the oven went off and Darian went to get dinner out. It was her night to cook and doesnt mind making a big meal for friends once in a while.


    While Darian was getting dinner out of the oven, I was snagging the plates and silverware Renee asked me ' How often does she cook you dinner? ' I told her we split the job. When shes working late I have dinner waiting for her. When im out in the fields till dark, Darian usually has something waiting for me. On Sunday, we have a big family meal with the whole family from ' out here ' and its kinda mandatory that we all attend.


    This had them both laughing pretty hard.


    It was Lasagna Night. I LUVS me Lasagna! I didnt know our guests became vegitarians. We had plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits onhand as everything is starting to get ripe. We picked quite a bit this past week. They were VERY satisfied with what was offered to them and even showed us how they make their salads.


    The Conversation after dinner started out pleasant, but became bitter quite quickly.


    They asked Darian why she still worked. " Arent real men supposed to provide for their wives? ". I laughed at first but then realized they were serious. Darian was quite kind in her response and informed them that she chooses to work of her own accord and that everyone should earn their own keep. She then excused herself and said she would ' Attend to the dishes '.


    This OFFENDED both of them. " Do you keep her as a slave or something? Shouldnt you help her or something? "


    ' Actually, I have done the same for her when she has guests. Shes being kind and leaving us to conversation of old times and people that shes never met or are of no interest. '


    Ive never known these 2 to be confrontational at all.


    The Conversation then turned to my wearing heels. If they would have known I was into such things they might have given their to me as they dont wear ' Masculine Cages ' anymore. I noticed the mud on Renees boots was mostly gone ( it was all on the hallway and kitchen floors ) and gave them a tour. They liked the Studio I built and the conversation ( sort of ) turned to music.


    Beth then stated " Ya know.. I figured you would get signed by some record label or something. I didnt think you would move out to bumb fuck nowhere, get hitched to a princess type woman and sell your business for a place that smells like animal shit ".


    Biting ones own tongue can be VERY hard at times. ' It smells that way because there are animals not 100 yards from here. Lots of them. Cows, Hogs, Chickens.. Theres even horses if you ever cared to go for a ride. '


    " Riding a horse, thats mean. Keeping an animal as a slave for your own pleasure. Keeping animals for your own slaughter is even worse ".


    Thats when I decided these idiots need to leave.


    ' I enjoyed the evening but I feel its time for the night. I have an early morning on the fields, harvest is coming. My days usually begin around 4am and last till the sun goes down. '


    " Are you being polite and just want us to leave? "


    I guess it was that obvious.


    ' Were all different people now. Im glad you are happy but Im a different person then you used to know. I actually care about people whom care about themselves and their famalies. We all have a place in this world and Ive found mind. I would hope that you could have respected such before you dragged mud all over my house, insulted my wife and run afoul with your language. You could have toned it down a bit instead of showing up in shock-clothing. I understand your a happy couple.. '


    I was then cutoff and screamed at/corrected they were a ' LESBIAN COUPLE!!!!! '.


    She wouldnt stop yelling and screaming until the side door of the house opened and Grandpa was there.. with his shotgun..


    " I thought I heard some wild animals in your house.. from the looks of it, I think you might have some right there.. "


    They left in their car, they called the police. The Sheriff came ( same one from my other stories ) , found out we had lots of leftover lasagna and proceeded to eat all of it so I'll have none for lunch tomorrow.. He then went down to the road, to where they were parked and informed them to take the circus elsewhere.



    The Moral of the story is all about ' tolerance ' or what people CLAIM to be such.


    Its ' ok ' to not care for something or have no appreciation for it. Its another when you invite someone into your home, are respectful/mindful of them, actually make an effort to cook them a good meal ( unknowing that they resented such a thing ) only to be told that basically everything you do is wrong and somewhat ' evil ' in their eyes.. after they drag mud all over your house..


    To believe a ' Lesbian ' would think I was gay because of the shoes I wore? Really? We didnt speak or correspond for how long? They changed and there wasnt an assumption that I might not have found something I liked in life? ( Wife, heels, living outside of the city.. ).


    Im sure the friends I have back in the City will hear all about how those 2 were ' tossed off the property at gunpoint by some closed/narrow minded right wing teabagging country fuck ' or some kind of degenerative names.


    I just hope I dont see a video on youtube of 2 women in a smartcar hitting a deer while they were speeding to get back to the city.. ;)


    People do change, both ways, for the ' good ' and for the ' worse '. I see these 2 as individuals, not as a ' group ' of association. Its unfortunate they will eventually question why nobody will ' tolerate ' them and more then likely say its because they are ' lesbians ' when in actuality they were good people whom became ' trash '.


    I think we all know people like that.



  4. The secret is stilettos don't clomp, no matter what.


    No ' Cattle ' sound. Its a huge confidence builder.


    My youngest niece asked me how I can walk around in ' spikes ' and not sound like a bunch of cows pounding on the hardwood floors. I told her that not having a huge surface area or something allowing gravity a greater pull helps ( physics ).


    I wouldnt go as far as to say stilettos dont ' clomp ' or cant be that loud, but it would be harder to get such a sound then compared to other footwares. I can say I have heard ( literally )  a cattle-clomp from someone in stilettos on the wood floors here in the house. Granted, it was a first-time-wearer but it can happen. ;)

  5. Guess your a 'shoe in' for the position.


    Not really. The other guy ( Rev ) is out front right now and to be 100% honest, the MAIN reason why I ever became involved was because I didnt care for that ' piece of shit ' lawyer/squatter.


    So long as the Lawyer doesnt get the seat , Im more then happy. In all seriousness, in some ways, I hope the Good Rev wins the election. He would do a great job and is one of the best people I have met in recent times. Hes done a lot for the community and continues to do so. Hes genuine.


    Most will say its wrong but *I* feel hes the perfect guy for the job and would do better then myself at it. I dunno if its just being humble or honest in my stating such.

  6. Town elections are in November. Right now, nobody is doing anything as its the start of ' crop time ' or Harvest. Going to be slow for everything outside of field work till mid September.


    The Lawyer is basically out of it. He cant find any support from anywhere outside of the local unions which is about ( maybe ) 200 votes. In a town of about 10,500 people, his ship is basically sunk.

  7. How about a car parts store? Happened today just outside of Buffalo ( West Seneca ). I needed to pick up some fluids for my truck, stopped and went in.. Low and Behold, a guy wearing a pair of wedge boots, chaps and a heavy leather jacket.


    In his boots, he was shorter then my 5'10" height ( wearing sneakers ).


    He left on his Motorcycle.


    Nobody said anything. I doubt the sales people/customers even noticed.

  8. I will be bluntly honest in saying these things. If your supposedly ' offended ', this is my blanket ' dont read any further ' release form.


    If a woman is wearing heels, great. If not, does she have any in her closet at home? *I* like to go to ' nice places ' once in a while and even wear a ' Nice coat ' for some of them. If she cant don a pair of heels for such an occasion, she can stay home! I'll wear the heels.


    If theres a pair of twins and one is in heels and the other in flats, the one wearing heels will receive my attention first.

  9. My experiences with Steve Madden heels are ' hit or miss '. I have 3 pairs.


    One pair I wore out for 1 evening and the bottoms were toast. I started a thread on here about it with pictures.


    The Second pair are ' ok ' but their lifespan isnt that great. Im going to say they have a weeks worth of wearing and they stretched and started to come apart.


    The 3rd pair was small in its sizing compared to the other 2. I gave them to my wife as we are a half size difference ( hers being smaller ).


    If Steve Madden has something I like and believe its something I might desire to wear, I will buy 2 of whatever it is because I know they wont last *me* that long. They offer some nice looking products, but I think their durability isnt as good as say Guess or NineWest from my experiences.

  10. Thanks ILK, this helps me understand more. You are right, they have been supporting me through a lot. And calling them narrow minded doesn't justify anything. I am not gay but for the LGBT part, my mom honestly strongly dislikes it. 



    I'm pretty sure your mother knows you see others as ' friends ' and ' human beings ' long before  and labels come into play.


    The real problem that nobody even discusses is how things are FORCED into the picture to the point people now believe its a mandate and it ' complicates ' things.


    Does it matter if your friends are gay? They are your friends, not hers. Does it matter if you wear heeled footware? Its your feet that will be uncomfortable ( supposedly ). ;)


    If your mother dislikes something, she can choose to feel in such a way. It doesnt mean you have to feel the same though.


    Thats where the ' issues ' occur and where I feel the conversations have taken a turn for the worse.


    In the past, there were wrong doings. People owning other people as property. People putting signs up in their store windows saying ' No niggers allowed '. Such was tolerated and not many people did anything about it. It took a century of time to start getting things right.


    The problem though, in getting things ' right ', it went too far.


    I will use myself as an example. Im part Puerto Rican. I ran a business as was the owner. There were contracts SPECIFICALLY put out that only ' minorities ' could bid on. It wasnt because my guys did better work. It wasnt because we were more efficient. We certainly werent faster. It was because of how I was born, nothing else.


    In doing such, resentment was pushed my way by other business owners. Not because I was a ' spic ' as I was called, but I was given a preference over them by means of the law. It was FORCED upon then and it didnt matter if they were faster, better or more efficient. There was absolutely nothing they could do to get work for their workers so long as i was in the Area.


    There cannot be ' equal protection under the law ' when people are excluded OR by designation SPECIFICALLY included. Things need to be for ' Everyone ' or ' Nobody at all '. No specifics.


    Until You and I can recognize this, how can someone like your Mother ( or others that I know ) include all walks of life?


    There are MANY non-religious people out there whom dont care for Gays. Their loss in my opinion. Most of them dont care what others do in their bedrooms but they speak of not wanting to hear about others sexuality or having it FORCED into the conversation. 


    Theres many laws on the books in New York in regards to sexual harrassment. If a guy ' ogles ' a woman ( stares at her and is caught ), it could be grounds for termination in some instances. You have to watch what you say. If you like what a woman is wearing and tell her ' I find your outfit to be quite nice ', you might be seeing your boss later. 


    Things have become THAT stupid.


    Many wont like me saying this, but a law ( ANY law ) being written for one *specific* group of people ( Be it whites, negros, gays.. ) should not have any muster nor should it be legal. Again, ' For everyone ' or for nobody.



    "I actually have a couple of friends that are bisexual and lesbian. "


    OK? You have human friends. Thats good! ;)


    "She doesn't know about that either but what I was trying to get at was: getting her to grow a small acceptance for my friends."


    Theres nothing YOU can do to get her to accept anything as its her home. Her ' Domain '. At best, you can tell her whom your friends are and if she doesnt care for them, advise her that times spent with them will be time away from her.. you will be around less because of such, but you understand thats the way it is. Dont be forceable with her, just state the obvious.


    "After all my dad and mom did get the basement of our house done for a social hangout for all my sisters friends and mine to. I'm thinking she never would have thought about myself having LGBT friends. So I hope you have an understanding of what I'm trying to say. I do love my parents more than anything and I do appreciate all that they do for me."


    Why do you have to put the term LGBT in the picture? Are your friends good people without such a designation? Does having such a designation make anyone ' better ' or ' worse ' in your opinion? It doesnt in my view, thus, its a non-factor.


    The problem is ( and this is no fault of yours at all! ) you have been grown in an environment of ' modern times '. Everyone has to have a special designation. ' African Americans ', ' Puertorican American ', ' Jewish American ' , ' Gay American '.. Are we all not just Americans wanting the same protection under the law and being treated equally in such?


    I would ask you "Why the segregation? Are we not all human?". 


    Food for thought! ;)


  11. In another topic, there was a small twist in a conversation. Shafted stated to take the whole religious aspect out of it ( Honestly, there wasnt a religious aspect IMO to begin with ) but there was still something that needed to be addressed.


    Im starting to age now. I hit the grand marker of 45 years this summer and I did take a look back on life in general as I think I hit the ' half way point '. ;)


    An aspect of the conversation was in regards to how this individual felt about their parents.


    The odd thing about it.. I think hes making the same mistakes as I ( and probably many others ) have in our past. ' Mistake ' I say? Yes, in my instance ( and probably others ) we do ( now ) feel these were mistakes.


    So, a thread to those we were wrong about and why we feel such.


    I had a grandfather that I didnt see for the last 15 years ( or so ) of his life. He was really ' old school '. Pennsylvania ' dutch '. Not Amish, but pretty close to it.


    To say we didnt see ' eye to eye ' would be a mis-statement of epic proportions.


    The Last time I saw him, I came home on leave from the Military. It was right after the Gulf War ( 1990-1991 ). My grandmother was dying. I always liked her so I jumped a hop and came home to say goodbye.


    Outside of their house, he told me ' Its good to see you looking human. not ragged with long hair. Your actually wearing a nice uniform for a change and showing some dignity.. '. I was wearing my Dress Blue Uniform at the time.


    I told him " You kidding me? I ditched the hair and guitar for camo's and a machine gun. I roam the planet killing sand men and get paid for it! This is better then any bar brawl I have ever been in. The rush of combat beats cocaine anyday of the week! Get a f-ing clue guy! ".


    One of my uncles and I had an ' altercation ' over what I said. ( yep, he was out cold, laying in the driveway while I was getting in a car to leave.). He was quite upset about what transpired.


    I figured he didnt have long and I didnt need his ' shit ' in my life. I had more to worry about then some ole man and his beliefs at that time. He wasnt dodging bullets like I was. WTF would he know anyway? I knew what was right for me and what to believe in.


    Reflecting back, I ( probably ) should have chosen my words better ( and not kicked the living crap out of my uncle as bad as I did ). I never did apologize and its something I do regret now that I wasted my chance of going to see him and setting things straight.


    In his passing, I realized that there are somethings valuable and we dont ' get it ' till they are gone. 


    From speaking with others, we often have a change of opinion about people after they pass on. We look back and ( sometimes ) wish we could have a mulligan and do things differently. We are absolutely unaware of what we are doing at the time and believe we are doing ' right ' when were just making things worse for our own thoughts later down the road.


    Im a MUCH different guy then whom I used to be 20-30 years ago.


    Anyone have a similar instance they wish to speak of?

  12. This is where the problem is OR where I see it.. thus I tried to simplify..


     Most born-agains tend not to think for themselves and aren't open-minded.  The bible says (Deut 22:5) that god detests men that wear women's clothing, and vice versa.  


    I know Quite a few people whom claim to be ' Christians '. Some are Homosexuals. Imagine that! Some wank to porn and have no issue at all to state what they like even when not asked. Some get drunk and drive their cars home from pubs. Some are black, some are white, some are PR's. I know Jews whom all do as those ' Christians '. The Jews are all of differing flavor. Orthodox, reformist.. all kinds.


    This is why I tossed the whole ' Religious ' thing out as the guys parents were/are *human beings* long before they found ' God '. 


    One could easily say ' Most blacks are criminals! They fill the prisons in disproportionate numbers! They are all on welfare and get food stamps! '. One could say ' Those people whom live down south are all redneck trailer trash! They dont have any teeth and cant read or write! '. Some could say people whom attend ' University ' or college as its called in the states really are mentally challenged, taking on 100,000$ in debt before they even land their first ' real ' job and have to work like a slave for many years paying off their loans.



    NONE of what I stated should be accepted as any form of truth as theres good and bad in all kinds and differing situations hold different results. Even saying ' most ' is wrong. Do ' most ' guys whom wear heels also have homosexual tendencies? Do we wish to be women? Are we born wrong? *I* dont think so. I dont believe any of us are ' bad ' people.


    We are ALL differing flavors. Sure, theres some of us whom are gay. Some whom are PR. Some whom are Jews, Some whom are white, some whom are black.. Were all different. We like what are called ' Womens Attire ', ' Born Agains ' like their god, they and us are of the same mindset. We ( you and I ) have a belief in what clothing we like and wear it as desired. They have their belief, different then ours ( yours and mine. I bet there is someone on this site whos a born again christian but wont say anything because they will get tossed into the stereotyped ' most born agains ' category. ).


    The absolute WORST thing I have ever had a ' born again ' say to me, directly and in person was ' your sinning and I will pray for you to find god '. No violence, no threats, nothing even remotely uncomfortable felt by myself.


    I WISH I could say the same about some ' other ' people I have met whom have thrown me through a bar window, pulled a gun, stabbed me, Stolen my music equipment, called me ' friend ' and then took some money I had laying around from my business.. The list of ' wrongs ' from those ' non born agains ' surely outweighs the comment in regards to hoping my soul is going to a good place when my days pass.


    One could say You ( RockBass ) and I ( ILK ) are druggies and live piss-poor lifestyles as were supposed ' musicians '. We probably shoot heroin, run around knocking up all kinds of women, have a bunch of tatoos and cant keep a steady job. I dont know about you, but I work 14-16hrs a day helping manage some 12,000+ Acres of farm. I dont have any tatoos, piercings and the only drug I ever use is some pot once in a great while and NEVER when playing a musical instrument ( I get real lazy and slow when stoned. hinders my playing greatly ). I havent had a drink in over 22 years, not a single beer, not a single shot.. not even a glass of wine at a dinner. Crazy huh?


    In *my* instance, one of the people Im running against for a local Town Board Seat is a Reverend. He leads a congregation in the Town.


    He doesnt cuss, isnt into openly speaking of women as the ' guys ' usually do. He doesnt drink. He told everyone at a debate how he will pray for them even AFTER the other opponent he and I are against mocked his God in some pretty bad words that even pissed ME off. He does volunteer work at the Local Hospital and the Childrens Hospital in the City. Hes done missionary work overseas ( I dont remember where though ). His first words to me when we met and he saw my wedge boots? " Is it hard to walk in those? Ive never seen a guy wearing anything like that. " and thats ALL he has said to this date. Hasnt asked anything else nor even made any real comments directly associated with what I wear outside of ' that looks nice ' or ' I liked the outfit you wore last time better. '.


    If *WE* as guys want acceptance, *WE* need to not degrade others.


    Using the terms ' closed minded ' and ' narrow minded ' .. to say such delegates us to the same term we would try to apply to someone else. I used to be guilty of it myself, no longer though.


    To show reflection in what I mean, I will use an example : " YOU are Narrow AND Closed minded ( as well as intolerant ) of others in what you have said about ' Born Again Christians '. You have labeled MOST of them ( yadda, yadda, yadda.. ) " See what I mean?


    We complain of something somebody does.. then do it ourselves. In most instances we dont even comprehend we are doing it and we deny such is even happening. 


    In this instance, the young guy doesnt accept his parents beliefs and they dont accept his. He calls them ' narrow minded '. Is he NOT the same by the same standard?


    Food for thought.


    Thanks Rockbass19 and others, but speciffically rockbass, you are right, my parents are pretty narrow minded. I want to expand how narrow it is though, i want to help them see even though the bible says lgbt is bad, that What would Jesus do? would he put them down or what, since he is a figure of good, im hoping that it can help.


    Lets be ( supposedly ) ' Open Minded ' about this.


    You state your parents are ' narrow minded ', yet they had you, loved you ( in some way or another ) and raised you well enough that you can think for yourself. I think it would be safe to say you were fed and clothed in your younger years. Not left out in the cold or inclimate/bad weather. You were educated enough that you can communicate with others.


    Maybe instead of labeling your parents as being ' narrow minded ', you should be ' open minded ' enough to realize that our parents dont owe us much of anything when we become adults. They dont owe us any kind of acceptance outside of THEIR beliefs. We can choose our own just as they have and pass on to our own kids what *we* feel we should.


    We shouldnt call our parents ' narrow minded ' after all they have done for you ( us ).


    In short, I know many people whom would love to sit down and call their parents ' narrow minded ' but they cant. Their parents are no longer with us and they are ( in almost every instance ) sorely missed by their children. Now that they are gone, a lot of regrets enter the picture.


    Be glad you have the chance to speak with your folks. Mine are fading fast these days. They are Orthodox Jewish and strict about their beliefs but Im not going to belittle them and call them ' narrow minded ' after all they have done for me. It would make me look like a very unappreciative individual with no respect for them. Thats just how *I* would feel about *myself*. Others can feel differently if they wish.


    I would like to have a conversation with my Mother about the newest pair of heels that were given to me. Its unfortunate that she would first have to recognize whom was even in the room with her.


    Im going to be the absolute ' jerk ' here and say someday you will regret calling your folks ' narrow minded '. I understand your Young ( probably 30 or less years ) and havent started loosing those around you or those you grew up with. When they start to ' go ', you will have a whole new view of your surroundings.

  13. Good topic. Hard for me to give a straight answer though.


    Im of an advantage as others buy footware for me on occasion without me even knowing they are doing it till the gifts are presented.


    When I buy footware for myself, especially something with a heel, I make sure its something that is presentable and will ' go along ' with something for public wearing.


    I dont go into town wearing my overalls covered in cesspool junk from cleaning out the hogs bin. I wont go into town wearing jackstands either. How we present ourselves is how people get an initial impression. I could wear the dirty overalls and fit right in 50% of the places in town but I wont as it shows not having any class at all. Surely, we all wouldnt want a guy wearing ( literally ) hog-crap covered clothes into our homes. Im not going to do such to others.


    Others have bought me footware that I have worn or have been seen wearing around the house. Even if I dont like what was purchased, I have to show an appreciation for the thoughtfulness of someone else buying something for me. I do have some ' Jackstands ' but I wont leave the house wearing them. I have worn those items to the purchasers house for a visit before but made sure there was a backup pair of footware in my vehicle incase we were going anywhere from there.


    I think the basic answer to what your asking is we ALL have somethings we will wear in just private, and somethings we will wear ' anywhere at all '. 


    I will wear classic-pumps/court-shoes/stilettos anywhere. Boots and non-traditional items though.. it really depends where Im venturing to.



  14. Heelster : Ive posted about meeting other guys in kicks. Its not ' popular ' by any means, but not all that uncommon in the local city.


    The people on any given day are different then most places as its a tourist area ( Niagara Falls ) and many people not even from this country go there to visit and then shop in the area.


    I can say I have met 4 or 5 other guys out and about in heels. There were several others that I saw but didnt get a chance to speak with.


    My sister in law tells me of a guy in a town south of where we live whom wears heels in the office he works at. He wears wedge boots in the winter as well.


    I dont make it into the city as much these days with harvest coming soon and most people dont wear heels in the snow. If I do see any guys wearing heels out and about, I'll say something here for you. ;)

  15. Its going to be quite hard for you to explain or ask for acceptence for anything as you have already put up artificial barricades.


    "Born-again Christians" or not doesnt matter. Black or white doesnt matter. Indian, Pakistani, Jew, Muslim.. none of it matters.


    What your trying to accomplish is telling a pair of human beings that you enjoy a particular type of clothing. THAT is what it comes down to.


    Does it matter if its Levis 501 blues, a skirt or a polo shirt? They are all clothes. Nothing more. Very simple thing.


    What you *could* do would be to ask your folks " What did they wear when Jesus walked the earth? Do you think I could get away with such today to be in his likeness? " and see where it goes from there. 


    Knowing Roma's are great for sauces and salsas plus you grow different type of sweet and hot peppers, I see many jars of salsa in your future. Don't forget the onions.



    Chives, Green and White onions.. gotta have em!


    I do make a lot of sauces as I like pastas and ' latino ' type of foods. Adds spice to ones life :D !

  17. These are ' Elephant Ears '. I remember when they first sprouted. They are HUGE now.


    Selling season for the greenhouses is over. 2 months till harvest ;) Gonna be very busy this year!

    4 pics of the fruit and veggies and where they are at..


    First one is on yellow peppers. HOT ones ;)

    Second one is ' big bomb ' red peppers. They should start turning color in the next 4 weeks.

    Third is of some Roma tomatoes.

    Fourth is of green peppers.






  18. Update : The Lawyer *might* be dropping out of the race. Apparently he has some kind of ' Tax ' troubles. I dont know all the details of it, Im not going to make some unfounded claim.. The ' tax problem ' is the rumor mill spin I've heard but I do NOT want him to drop out. I want him to be beaten in a straight up election.


    Hes in 3rd according to the polls. Im in second and the " Reverend " is sitting in first place by a wide margin.


    The Reverend may seem clueless but hes a good guy and cares about people. I wouldnt mind finishing second to a guy like him. I kind of admire him as hes done a LOT of work with and for the town over the last 4 decades.

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