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Posts posted by dr1819

  1. A guy and a gal seen together wearing the same clothes (NOT being an uniform etc.) always turned me on. They look very good besides their blinds. Holding a guy's crown jewels, a woman looks a bit dominant :wink:.

    You think? What gave it away? The position of her hand, the look of jubilee on her face, or the surprise on his?


    I've come to believe that Gaultier is really missing the boat. None of his fashions will ever see the light of day because they're way too overboard. He should pay attention to the A Fashionably Fun Collection thread. Paradise. And money. Instead, he keeps "pushing the envelope" which the vast majority reject.

    What is he? A CIA plant who continues to undermine our efforts by over extenuating alternative fashions to the point where all his ideas are rejected? (He's one of the least successful, marketwise, fashion moguls in town).


    He should get a clue or two and show something that's actually marketable.

  2. Several years ago, during an extended break, I did a set of acrylic nails after being pushed into it by my wife. I thought it was fun at the time, but it took a full three hours to take them off. Not fun. If you're going to wear acrylic nails, plan to do it full time and have them touched up at least monthly. Otherwise, go with press-ons, as it takes about a tenth the time to remove them (aka, Halloween 2004).

  3. :roll:

    dr1819, you surprised me. If you like them enough and they are comfortable sooner or later I'll bet you'll want to try them out in public.

    I'll bet you could pull off that last pair easily with one of your denim skirts.

    No way. I know what I'm comfortable with, and what I'm not. Pics are fine, wearing skirt and heels is not.

    Please understand that I do not consider myself a crossdresser. Rather, I consider myself both a Renaissance man as well as a progressive fashionist, meaning that since men wore heels more than 300 of the last 500 years, no one should be surprised by a man wearing heels; second, since men wore skirts at least 50,000 years of the last 50,000 years, no one should be surprised by a man wearing a skirt.

    Yet when it comes to heels, society is no longer ready for it - nearly all have forgotten it's heritage. When it comes to MUGs, some of society has forgotten it's heritage.

    That's the thing about fashion - it's always changing, and if it's not currently in style, it's THE BIG TABOO.

    Join me in my quest to change that, subtly, one piece of clothing at a time, in a way that will garner gradual, broadscale acceptance, rather than in a way that will shock a very small sub-segment which will percolate down as ever-increasing restrictions which we'll have to fight later.

    Trust me - easy does it.

  4. This pretty much sums up my opinion too. Wouldn't it be terrible though if a whole slew of guys started wearing them. I couldn't stand out from the crown so easily anymore. Fortunately current shoe sizing would prevent a great majority of men from wearing them nowadays.

    I'm not so sure. Two years ago I compared the number of size 13 high heels (2-3/4" and up) with the number of size 8 high heels. Results: 0.8% Today it's nearly three times higher: 2.1%.

    Raw numbers:

    2004 2006

    13 36 275

    8 4532 13355

    Percent 0.007943513 0.020591539

    Since the majority of men wear a women's size 13 or smaller, there are just over 4,000 distinct styles and colors that will fit a men with feet (men's sizes) of 9 through 11 (the vast majority of men).

    There's a wide selection available, and getting wider as it's a slight buzz in the fashion industry about making more heels available in sizes 11, 12, and 13, as demand in these sizes has more than tripled compared to size 8 in the last 15 years. Regardless, I don't see it becoming a hot fashion trend among men, unless the industry creates and markets more masculine styles such as the Harley Davidson boots, which only began appearing in size 11 about a year ago.

    Wouldn't this look nice under a pair of jeans or slacks?

    Posted Image

  5. A couple of people have snapped cellphone pics of me, usually when I was wearing my full-length ankle skirt, though, not heels.

    It's a great skirt, by the way, found on eBay, black denim, 40", with the fly to the right, 5 pockets, and belt loops. From the crotch up it looks like a normal pair of jeans, and standing or sitting at the bar, most people never notice it at all. It's when I'm walking in, or going up/down stairs that most people notice.

    On a completely different note, if your heels hurt your feet, this might help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMzTtgZ7E5w&search=men%20heels

  6. A fetish doesn' have to be sexual if you disregard the freudian sense of the word. Valerie Steele talks about marxist fetishes, meaning that you consume and invest alot of emotion in an object, but don't 'masturbate' to it.

    Hi, Trolldeg - long time no see! Glad to see you again.

    There's an interesting quote from the editorial review on Amazon: "Because this is Valerie Steele's second book on the topic of fetishistic clothing, her opening statements that she is an outsider to the paraphilias and perversions that she discusses seems a bit hollow."

    A paraphilia is "a pattern of recurring sexually arousing mental imagery or behavior that involves unusual and especially socially unacceptable sexual practices." Two examples would be sadism and pedophilia.

    One need not climax for something to be a fetish. Any level of sexual arousal associated with the object or behavior is considered a fetish, if that object/behavior is necessary for sexual gratification.

    While I don't doubt that Valerie Steele has much more knowledge about fetishes than I do, I'm simply repeated the long-held definition of the word as defined in dictionaries and from medical (psychiatric) sources.

  7. :roll: Your going to break your neck in those. :wink:

    You think he might be more likely to break an ankle?

    I agree with you about country roads. People can get out of hand when:

    1. No one's around.

    2. Other's are around who're also getting out of hand.

    3. When they're drunk.

    This is why I always felt safe wearing heels, or even a skirt, in a casino - the bodyguards wouldn't let a fight progress beyond the first shout, and there are cameras all over the place - sort of discourages unpleasant behavior.

  8. Dr1819:-)

    That's an amazing set of statistics if they are confirmed to be accurate. It appears that there are a lot of heel lurkers out there more than we think.


    Dawn HH

    I've done a good bit of second-hand research on the numbers over the last two years. The studies vary considerably in their stats, and it was a bit difficult digging through them all, as they often lump CD and TV together. Perhaps at one time they were synonomous, but they've come to mean two different things. For example, if I put on a dress, I'm a CD. If I add curves and accessories, I'm a TV, whether I'm trying to pass or not. However, if I were to wear just one piece of women's clothing, such as a pair of nylons, because I was aroused by doing so, then I'd be a TV fetishist, which, by the way, is the only category that the DSM-IV classifies as "abnormal." CD, TS, GLB are now all classified as normal.

    As for lurkers, let's take a more popular thread, The Adventures of KneeHighs as an example: 116 posts, but 11,278 reads. That's 97 times as many reads as posts. Definately a lot of lurkers!

  9. pbsmith, I think one of the reasons wedgies are back with a vengence is because the design has changed from the boring epedrilles to some sleek narrow heel wedgies like these.

    What do you think, Dawn HH - would this be a pair you'd wear?

    Posted Image

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