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Posts posted by dr1819

  1. I was recently reading an article online which said that "generally speaking, anything higher than 7/8" is considered a 'high heel'" Gimme a break! I've got a pair of black leather Predictions boots with 2-1/2" block rubber heels that I wear when I want to be "most conservative," including travelling via the airlines, going to church, etc. I've never had anyone look twice at them, and wearing them feels no different than wearing my men's hiking boots, whose heels are just 1". Imagine - men's hiking boots, sold by Merrel, to men, that are a "high heeled shoe." A while back I mentioned that it should be measured based upon the way a user felt, but now I'd like to revise that. I believe a "high heel" should be the height at which, in a normal stance, the pressure on the heel is 3/4 that of what it is when you're in flats. For a size 8, this is typically around 2-1/2", and for my size, it's around 3". Amazingly enough, that's about the height where I feel like I'm actually wearing heels.

  2. I completely agree and understand what you are saying. Instead of some of that ugly high fashion they are showing in heels, why not show heels jeans and a t-shrit or a button down. It seems as if they are trying to bring it main stream but still out of reach because of the styles the models are wearing and not what average joes wear. Kneehighs would be a good model for us on the run way for example. He is always casually dressed.

    Bingo! If Harley Davidson boots simply came in larger sizes, you'd see a lot of men wearing them, probably with jeans and perhaps white shirts, or something nice.

  3. I am convinced that the main reason most women object to men in heels is that they see this as some sort of invasion of their domain. :x Never mind the fact that they have been deliberately invading the male fashion domain for centuries.

    I'm inclined to agree on both accounts, and the fact that women hate it when two of them show up at a party in the same outfit underscores this fact - they like to be different. This explains why 3/4ths of the floorspace of most major clothing stores are devoted to women. It's not like they have 3/4 of the sales, but that they require 3 times the selection.

  4. The definition of Freestyle Fashion can even be found in various languages throughout the world on Wikipedia. You might gain some credibility using that point. Here is a link to the definition in english:


    Hey kneehighs - it appears Wiki's fashion police deleted this entry, too.

    About the only way to win with Wiki would be via a concerted effort, say 25 people, all supporting the entry.

  5. I personally have never had any problems using a cell phone while driving. But I can walk and chew gum at the same time, too.

    Other things I do while driving:

    Listen to the radio

    Sing along with the radio

    Eat (ever hear of a "drive-through...?")

    Talk with friends

    If you're going to ticket people for using cell phones while driving, you're going to have to ticket them for all activities which are equally distracting.

    Here's a crazy idea - ticket people for causing accidents, rather than for actitivies which, for a very small percentage of the population, might lead to an accident.

    The truth of the matter is that most people can talk on their cell phones while driving and never have an accident. Why in the world should it be a ticketable offense?

  6. some great pics there people

    i personally like the pics 3&4 black thigh boots

    6 glittery platforms

    13&14 black platform knee boots.

    from the top

    not really keen on the rest of the shoes and boots



    Yeah. I'm more interested in the cars at this point. Then again, I'm a guy, and guys usually are.

  7. hi all,

    i got a confession to make........

    i dont know how but i tried a below the knee denim skirt on, trouble is it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, another thing is i wouldnt mind trying one again.

    That's how most guys wind up realizing kilts/skirts are comfy.

    Our ancestors had an advantage - they grew up wearing them.

  8. Wear only hold-up stockings, they keep you cool and don't make your legs and feet sweaty in knee-high or thigh-high boots. You may need to shave those legs though, in order to make sure they stay up - hairy legs just don't work!

    I've never had a pair of knee-highs sag on my hairy legs, and I wear them about a third of the time, with boots, tennis shoes, dress shoes, etc.

  9. Daz,

    Excellent point.

    When others have worn red or blue pumps with a suit, it looks like "hey, I am wearing heels, isn't that funny, but don't take me seriously, I am just goofing". Guys like Eddie Izzard, while definitely out on the fringe, people look at him like "oh, he is just strange", kind of like Dennis Rodman here in the US.

    When someone like Nicholas Cage wears heels that aren't blantent, well coordinated and also to a somber event like a memorial service, some people probably will look at that and think "Hmmmm, maybe that look isn't so bad".

    You want to talk about how to advertise men in heels? Here is a perfect example! Imagine if more Hollywood guys like Cage wore them to serious events. It could definitely spark a trend.

    I'll echo your sentiments for Daz - good point!

    Yours too, Scotty - the idea of men in heels will never advance so long as the only pics that hit the media are so far off the norm that they simply invite ridicule and rejection.

    Cage's heels are a good start.

  10. JimC has a good point actually, if word got back to your employer somehow you could end up in trouble. I wouldn't have thought that airport staff would react too much, apart from anything else they'd be risking you complaining to their superiors about them behaving in an unprofessional manner.


    They're as primed not to draw attention to variations from the norm as they are spot suspicious behavior. Cross-dressing isn't considered "suspicious behavior." Appearing nervous or in a hurry, however, is.

    I'd recommend you do what I do - pack a pair of heels (skirt if you'd like) in your carry-on, and wear jeans and walking shoes through security.

    Oh, security will spot your heels, all right - I've seen more than a few smirks escaping the x-ray scanner techs' faces. But so long as it's not a prohibited item, they could care less.

    Then, once you're in the airport, or in the airplane's lavatory, change.

    I once flew from Germany to the US in a full-length dark denim gored skirt and a pair of dark brown boots with a 3-1/2" tapered block heels.

    But I changed in the airplane - there's little anyone will do to stop you, then, particularly if they've already labled you as a polite, well-behaved passenger.

    At my destination, I walked off the airplane like that (after talking with the retired librarian sitting next to me for 2 hours about various things in life - 10 minutes of fashion, and 1:50 about everything else), proceeded to the car rental counter, into my hotel, and that evening at a restaurant near the hotel.

    Very nice, very relaxed, no worries.

    But I still board the airplane in jeans and walking shoes (men's).

  11. An additional item of consideration not usually mentioned: Most people wearing a heel higher than they normally wear tend to slouch over a bit. This sends the hips backward and increases the bend at one's ankle, increasing the liklihood of injury or fall. Instead, hold your head up high, allowing the hips to move forward a bit. This will exercise those abs, as well as decrease the ankle bend, and give you a much more graceful walk, whether man or woman.

  12. Be honest - integrity is everything, especially in relationships/marriage. Simply tell her of your interest, express your disire, and request her involvement. If she backs off, then back off with her, for two reasons: 1. It takes time for others to adjust to things outside of narrow societal norms. 2. Some people never adjust, and at that point you'll have to make a decision between your choices and hers. Backing off gives you enough time to seriously consider it before it comes to a head. In all, patience and understanding rule.

  13. Cool - you're into skirts, now - sweet!

    You'll find as you increase your world travels that skirts are the norm for men throughout many countries. See http://www.kiltmen.com/world.htm

    While heels for guys is a bit unusual today, it's on the uprise, so give it time.

    In the meantime, I wear heels and skirts around the house on a regular basis. In Germany we have no A/C, so the skirts keep me cool (just as they were intended thousands of years ago, alleles willing), and the heels are simply a personal preference as adopted by men on and off over the last 500 years throughout this region.

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