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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2024 in all areas

  1. It has been raining a lot lately. Not the violent storms of spring, but it seems like every other day we are getting some precipitation. I finally had to go walking in the rain or I wasn't going to get in my heeling exercise, and unlike Shirley Temple, I do NOT love to walk in the rain. It is a very important tenet of my life that I stay dry whenever possible. With a light rain, an umbrella will suffice, but what shoes to wear? I have quite a number that could be ruined by wearing them in the wet, so those are automatically out. As it turns out, I have found the perfect. . . ok, maybe not the perfect, but serviceable. . . shoes to wear in the rain, at least on pavement. You may think I'm crazy for wearing Prada in the rain, but hear me out. The entire base is made of lacquered wood, and the sole is actually rubber. I'm so glad they didn't stick a thin layer of leather on there like so many designer platform shoes have. The platform is 1 1/2 inches thick, so if one takes even the slightest amount of care, one's feet stay well above ordinary puddles. When I have to set up for say, a farmer's market in the wet, I wear actual rubber rain boots (mine have a slight wedge heel), but I hate every minute I have to wear those things. I am quite happy to walk down the street in the platform mules, though.
    1 point
  2. Once again, we have this week's church outfit. I went back to pink again, though I no longer technically have any pink shoes. I tossed my last pair because one of the straps was broken, and it was starting to suffer from the whole chemical peel thing on the inside, which, due to the design of the shoe, was visible while wearing. I had essentially two choices, unless I went with black or something. I had some pink-ish stiletto mules, which I should really find an occasion to wear, but they were far too orange for this outfit. That left me with my Söfft cork sandals in fuchsia patent, so that's what I went with. One of the advantages to wearing the Söfft shoes is that they are effectively 3 1/2" heels. I've been wearing higher heels quite a bit lately, so these are super easy to move in, and I needed all of my wits about me, as it was my first time leading the music by myself, without benefit of a piano player. It went fine. I wouldn't necessarily want to do that every week, but it was ok for a Sunday or two now and then. For some reason, these appear quite a bit more bright red than they are in real life. Even if they were red, I don't think they look too bad. Maybe I ought to try actual red shoes with a future pink outfit.
    1 point
  3. Over in the "For Everybody" section, we got off on a tangent about whether I'm too old to wear shorts. And my friend from university told me that I personally can pull it off, but not everyone can, including her. After some input here, I finally decided, "Fine, I'm going to quit worrying about it." About a week and a half ago, we changed directly from rain to heat. Because of my work schedule and responsibilities, I have been unable to take advantage of the situation until this weekend, at which time I pulled all the stops out. Whatever it is I'm doing, I guess I need to keep doing that. Within the last two days, I have received a number of unsolicited compliments, all by women, about my legs. Here is my outfit, which is obviously nothing special, just a t-shirt and shorts.
    1 point
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