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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2024 in Posts

  1. I was travelling around northern England today and for the first time saw a man wearing a skirt. No heel, just tights and low-heeled ankle boots. A grey and black skirt and a leather jacket. This was at Leeds. Quite a modest ensemble and nobody gave him a second glance. Also at Leeds a middle aged woman wearing some bright green stiletto ankle boots with what looked to be 4” heels. Quite striking. Not seen such flamboyant stilettos in quite a while.
    3 points
  2. Shows there are some individuals still willing to exercise their fashion boldness, out there. 🙂
    1 point
  3. From our perspective the girl wearing the shoes isn’t the focus. It’s the shoes. I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned the similarity between this photo and the famous older picture of the black panten leather pump with the 7” heel through the tennis ball 🎾 . I am certain that it still is around on the internet somewhere and might even be in the Hhplace archives.
    1 point
  4. My green stilettos to match my green cloths at work.
    1 point
  5. Hi guys, I haven't posted here for a long time, but I still have a look at this forum regularly and is amazed by diversity of style you may share with us. I just had a crush yesterday for new booties, so here I am. Heels are not very high, but they are for everyday outfits, so...
    1 point
  6. ASOS boots. These are comfortable, I did however have to "fix" the heel height. I added a 1/4" or 6mm insert on the heel to balance the height other wise the heel was leaning tip foward towards the toes. This condition wouldn't have lasted very long while wearing as my weight would have been off center just standing much less walking. The insert brings the height to 4 & 7/8" or 121 mm. Easy walking almost lowish. Took them for a walk to Walmart for supplies this morning, no issues. Do love the metal (Allen screw) heel to cement floor sound. Hope all had a grood Christmas and all will have a great new year, Joe.
    1 point
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