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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2024 in Posts

  1. Cool affirmation! Feels great when it happens.
    2 points
  2. It's common. What do you mean by "her heels looked so done?" I understand that to mean "her heels were worn out, old and dilapidated". Correct me if I'm wrong. Unless I was wearing heels myself, I wouldn't say something to a stranger though. If I was wearing heels and had the impulse to say something, I'd say something like "You look great in those heels. Guys can rock them too! (then finger point at my heels)." She'd probably look surprised. Then from there in a playful way I'd say "heel toe, heel toe in a straight line right?" And see where it goes.
    2 points
  3. Hi there! I cant be the only one, seeing over and over again, girls who seem to cant walk in their heels properly. But last weekend i saw a girl, who really walked gracefully and with so much sexyness, but her heels looked very crooked and leaning. I cant get over it, it was so damn sexy. Its like an old instinct for me, want to help this girl and get her comfortable. Anyone can relate? Anyone sometimes sees that too? Anyone photos of that? I cant be the only one
    1 point
  4. I past a tall fellow and great white tall heeled boots the other day in the airport. Didn't want to be rude, or creepy, but kind of followed him to his gate. Complimented his boots, he smiled and thanked me... Felt good
    1 point
  5. Boots with 3” heels seem to be firmly in fashion - certainly on my side of The Pond. It’s a style I really like, probably my favourite style
    1 point
  6. I’ve a pair of tall riding/engineering style pull-on boots (knee height) that I really like a lot. Once I get them on - a bit stiff - they are extremely comfortable, a great fit. Getting them off takes some doing though! It’s why I’d never wear these in an airport where I’d have to take them off in a queue. I’ve been using dubbin and trying to wear them in, and it is (very slowly) working, but does anyone have good tips or advice for this? I’m sure I can’t be the first person to wrestle with much loved but very stiff knee boots!
    1 point
  7. My ankles can't make the turn, so I solve that problem by only buying boots with full zippers. Sorry.
    1 point
  8. I have been seeing a lot of boots with 3 inch heels lately. I am now in a position that I have meetings with upper management several times a week. I see a lot more higher heels now.
    1 point
  9. Another day in the big city yesterday - and in the shuffling crowds an encouraging number knee and ankle boots with chunky heels of varying heights and even a couple of pair of stilettos. Looking at the demographics of the wearers make it clear that it’s the older age group with the sense of style - not only nicer (undoubtedly more expensive) boots but worn with greater panache, the standout being a stylish but by no means showy woman in her sixties looking effortlessly at ease in black OTK boots with 3-4 inch heels and a stylish but generally conservative long coat.
    1 point
  10. That’s really nice. Always nice to have positive reinforcement and to be so openly band casually accepted.
    1 point
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