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April Fool's Day

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Its April Fool's Day again, time for all kinds of silly hoaxes and practical jokes for your friends and neighbors and enemies *grin*. There was funny innocent advert broadcasted over radio here today, people was told that they can get free beer from gas station celebrating their annual birthday. It turned out to be more working more better than expected and it caused lot of traffic problems in Helsinki Centre. ;) I would like to know what funny hoaxes and jokes youve heard :cool1:

"Even when I'm a mess, I put on a vest... with an S on my chest, oh yes.. I'm a Superwoman.. "

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I think that New Zealand got the best this year.




I wasn't cheated this year. Some years ago I read local newspaper which informed that king crab will be restock to local lake. I was very angry because king crab have alreay ruined original ecosystem in North Atlantic Ocean and I thought that king crab will do the same in our local Lake. After my outburst of feelings my wife asked me If it is 1st April.

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One of my coworkers had some fun with another coworker. First, we're a bunch of engineers, and whenever free food is around (especially cake) we're like moths to a flame. The one coworker left his computer unattended, so the other guy hopped on and sent an e-mail (in the first guy's name) to several others we're friends with saying that his mom had made a cake for him, but he had so much extra that he brought it in and had it in his cubicle. Needless to say, the first guy was surprised when folks showed up asking if he had any cake left, but then he checked his e-mail log and the other guy fessed up. This is why I leave my computer password protected! ;)

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In the NCAA men's basketball tournement this past Sunday, in the Davidson vs. Kansas game, with 16 seconds left and Davidson down two points, Davidson brought the ball up court and put up a last second shot that missed. Kansas advanced to the final four. On April 1st on ESPN's Sports Center, the show started by saying that the last 16 seconds of that game would be replayed because a Kansas player was in the game with five fouls and the officials overlooked it. As they started giving details of when and where the game would be played, it was announced that the day was April 1st, and it was only a wish by Davidson and a relief to KU. Not bad for national television.

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I did this a couple of years ago but give it a try as it works anytime. Make up an offical looking sign that says "Dry Paint" then hang it in a conspicuous place where you can see it. Then sit back and watch just how many people have to touch the place to see if it is still wet! :roll: I left this sign on our book keepers door for three days and she said everyday there were more people that had check. She actually had to leave her office several times from laughing so hard.:o


"Look for the woman in the dress, if there is no dress there is no woman."-Coco Channel

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Nina: This isn't so much an "April Fool's" joke, but it actually happened, not far from where I live. Some time ago, bank robbers placed an official-looking sign in front of the night deposit box at a bank after normal business hours which read: "Night deposit box out of order - please use temporary box". There were no security cameras in place. They then placed a wooden (not even metal) box next to the sign. (How do we know it was wooden, if there were no cameras? From the victims accountings.) They then removed the box and the sign shortly before morning. Several thousands of dollars in cash were stolen.

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