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First Time Out


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Tonight, for the first time, I went out with my 4" black patent stiletto pumps. It was not a real outing, because I was alone, it was night, I walked about 500 meters to go to the ATM, and back. It has been really exciting, because for the first time I walked on the street with heels, and no other man shoes to change!;) It was only me, long jeans, and my heels. The jeans covered most of the shoes, we only saw the patent tip. The most incredible thing was to hear in the silence of night, the loud sound of heels on the ground. The biggest part was that I couldn't change my shoes with "normal" man shoes It was great!! I have to do it more often, soon..

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Tonight, for the first time, I went out with my 4" black patent stiletto pumps.

It was not a real outing, because I was alone, it was night, I walked about 500 meters to go to the ATM, and back.

As planned, I went out with a (girl) friend tonight, and walked with very noisy 4" heels along some fairly quiet pathways. We walked about a mile, and were out for about an hour.

As far as I was concerned, it was an outing. Many people drove past us, with little opportunity to stop I'm pleased to say, but we did walk past a couple of people. I'm sure my heels were noticed .....

Once I dropped my friend off at about 10.45pm, I still felt like walking. I did a circuit, perhaps another mile, around a park quite close to a town centre near where I live. I walked past a couple of cars with occupants, and was seen by a couple of pedestrians. Fortunately, no-one spoke to me, and in fact may not have even noticed me. I would describe that as another outing. :cool1:

I would suggest your walk to the ATM was very much an outing. You had no what I call 'safety' shoes, and could only come back wearing your heels. That's about as daring as it gets in my book. Your first venture out was about 450m longer than mine, and I know how pleased I was I'd walked anywhere in high heels.

Well done. ;)

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Congrats on your first outing. A lot of us started out pretty much the same way you did, Wolf, discreet nighttime walks to the mailbox or around the corner from where you live. I can remember doing that myself and how terrified I was of being seen by neighbors or perfect strangers, even at almost midnight. The very first time out is always the hardest, but the more you go out, the easier it eventually it becomes, and like PetePete, before you know it, you're wearing your heels in broad daylight.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Nice one Wolf, must have taken some courage. If you keep going out at the same time as the nights get lighter, you'll soon be out in the daylight. ;)

Thank you.

Maybe, for the first times, with different shoes, f.e., boots with block heels

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Congratulations wolf!! That was a proper outting you had, and I hope you were thrilled and excited and will have another soon. Please do tell us all about it :cool1:

Thrilled?? Excited?? You don't know how much...;):wave:
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I do remember my first experience out in heels. Was with a ladyfriend. She insisted I wear my heels to the mall. I was nervous as hell. Come to find out, nobody really cared. Then it just keeps getting easier. Lot of baby steps.

real men wear heels

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  • 3 weeks later...

Way to go, wolf! That first time was a rush, huh?! My first time was at night in my post office picking up my mail from my PO box. One woman and one man were there. One stared, one frowned. I just smiled and walked out feeling like you did on your first experience. Best of luck on your future public appearences in high heels.;)

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