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Hello to all ( esp in the UK) I dont go for wearing them myself but high heels of all varieties have a hypnotic effect on me. I have never been able to pin-point why but If I am out and I see a lady I want to chat up ( Saturday night, not tesco's!) i will look at her shoes first and if they meet with my approval, then ker-ching! :smile::wavey:

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I'm the same when it comes to ladies in heels... she could be a total moose but if she's wearing a knockout pair of heels then I'm hers! I am a wearer as well though...

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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I am much the same way. I generally place women in two catagories. One, is her over physical appearance. The other is "is she wearing nice shoes?" And, go from there.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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You guys are sooo shallow..... Shoes have nothing to do with the physical attraction factor for me. She could be a 6 foot moose, but as long as she has the brain of Einstein, than that's a cha-ching for me! (kidding)

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Who's being shallow? To pin your attention given a femal on just one aspect isn't shallow?:smile: Of course, marshmallo feather heads aren't as "thought provoking" as well read, intelligent people....doesn't matter what gender they happen to be. But common man, I can't believe anyone closes their eyes and talks to the first person they bump into just so they can evaluate their brain power to evaluate their attractiveness before looking at them. I believe most men establish a "order of priority" for first seeing (meeting) evaluations. Sight being, perhaps, the initial attention getter (hmm, you might put hearing as a close second). I don't close my eyse and go up to a person just to find out what's in their head. Of course I'm not being serious, but, hey -- common man -- shallow?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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