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Hiya, 8) I'm a male from the UK who is a fan and occasional wearer of high heels (but would love to be able to wear them more often than i do:sad: ), normally between 3-4"s. The first pair of heels where black rubber calf length boots with a 2" platform & 7 1/2" heel. When I tried them on in the shop (considering that I hadn't worn heels before) I walked straight from one side of the shop to the other quite comfortably. I wear a pair of black court shoes, with 4" heel, when I can & have made a couple of my friends jealous calling me some unprintable names jokingly. One says 'I feel like a tart's boudour in 1" heels' then asks how I do it? Just recently bought a pair of shoes from 'Unze' in Romford going to post a pic under 'Your favourite shoe pictures' so take a look see what you think. Enjoy your heels, Kind Regards, Perpetua :unsure:

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As I only live in Cambridge it may be possible, but will have to see nearer the time. Are there any more details about what actually happens at the meet?


Perpetua 8)

See this thread for full info: http://www.hhplace.org/discuss/real_life_meetings/8296-world_heel_meet_2008_london_sat_feb_16th.html

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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