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Wearing heels to meet women


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This thread is about boldly wearing heels in public, when the object is to meet women. Too many members here, are captive to a culture of fear, even in relating to family, friends, and partners. These members live in deadly fear of being found out, as heel wearing men. Yes, we are men; strong, independent creatures, who wear what we want, without regard to common scolds. Here is a little true story about wearing heels to meet women, and the complete lack of disasterous consequences: ============================================ As you might have noticed, last night was Saturday. I like to devote one evening a week, to singles type social activity. Up in these parts, Saturday night is singles club dance night, and despite the rainy weather, I was determined to make an appearance. You might think I was naughty, because I was very metrosexual last night, to say the least. I got all dressed up for the event, held at a suburban Minneapois VFW club. All dressed up is most probably an understatement. I went overboard. My outfit was a gray long sleeve button down shirt, Victory Motorcycle logo black leather vest, a short skirt, in dark blue denim, black tights, and Nine West, black leather, ankle boots, with 5" heels. I had a fresh acrylic manicure, in bright fuschia, with gold glitter. Four silver hoop earrings in each ear. At the dance, I was the only man, so well dressed. It was a killer outfit. In the 5" heel boots, I towered over most of the women. Before you ask, the reason for such peacock plumage, is to shock strangers, stimulate contact, and promote conversational exchange. And it works. Some women asked me if I expected to meet gals, dressed like that. These were women who were attracted to approach me, by my attire. It worked on them, didn't it? Since I can be a little shy, external instruments are useful aids for meeting people. Some of the women gave me great double, triple, and quadruple takes, open mouthed and speechless. A few of the more daring gals danced with me, and many of them wanted to talk to me. I had fun, in a perverse and eccentric sort of way. Jake (in boots)

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Your method is far more extreme than most of us guys could do, especially considering that you were at a VFW club. In my area the VFW wouldn't be the place to go to find many free thinkers if you know what I mean. Regardless, it sounds like you were successful in meeting ladies. Good for you. You didn't mention if there were possibilities of future dates with any of them.

If the shoe fits-buy it!!!!!!

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Docs41 made some good points. A veterans club is not the place you would expect to find a man in heels. The event, though, was a singles dance club party. I enjoy visiting events, where my shoes and wardrobe are out of the ordinary. Although most of the gals are looking for a more conventional man, I sometimes find women with appreciation of the unusual. It is fun to be the odd man out, so to say. Why not experience being the one fellow at an event, who can enjoy extreme heels? Most of the gals are not into it, but there are a few.

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For a moment I thought I had a colleague in heeling to start discussions with women. I have very good success in a subtler approach. Dressed in men's slacks, nice shirt, sport coat, but in my 5" black stilletos. I tower over everyone this way, and though the slacks are a nice longer inseam - just a half inch or so showing unless I stride or sit - ladies are the first to notice and that is a conversation starter...

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I am married and as such have no interest in having any further relations, however when I am dressed I have more women talk to me than at any other time. I get propositioned more while wearing a miniskirt and 6 inch heels than I ever do in my normal clothing. I have a saying "I couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with a fistful of hundreds" however I think I could in heels.

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i wore heels and leather trousers when i first met my soulmate (as a client), and we're stronger tan ever 17 yrs on..... mind you we both do fashion bigtime, so maybe thats it; state your case, many will think oooer but some will think wow thats a bit more like it !!

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I never really wore heels to meet women. But I first got to know my current (and hopefully last 8)) girlfriend at work, and I told her about my interest in heels while we were just working together. So she knew all about it before we hooked up, and she's even helped me pick out other heels recently now we're together. And whenever we're out and we notice someone staring or giggling in a negative way, whether it bugs me or not, she's right there to tell me how good I look, and how much she loves me. She's the best. So yeah, my point is, (obviously) not all women are turned off by it. You just have to find the good ones by wearing your heels!

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I never really wore heels to meet women. But I first got to know my current (and hopefully last 8)) girlfriend at work, and I told her about my interest in heels while we were just working together. So she knew all about it before we hooked up, and she's even helped me pick out other heels recently now we're together. And whenever we're out and we notice someone staring or giggling in a negative way, whether it bugs me or not, she's right there to tell me how good I look, and how much she loves me. She's the best. So yeah, my point is, (obviously) not all women are turned off by it. You just have to find the good ones by wearing your heels!

Way to go NewFi. My wife and I always ware heels when we go out. You do get a few giggles and it used to embaras her a little but she has gotton over that and has now got the attitude that its their problem, not mine nad laughs right back with support. She even picks out my shoes when we go shopping and has me try them on in the store for her. It's great!

real men wear heels

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