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Fathers Day gift from Daughter


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They are solid chocolate. She made them her self with a mold she and her mother found on ebay just for daddy. mmmmmmmm! Heels really do not interest her fancy but she knows daddy's love for them.lol She is the coolest daughter a father could have. Her mother and I have been divorced for 20 yrs but remain best friends.

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My daughter has a blast with it cause she knows it doesn't embarrass me when she does things like that in front of others. She gives me high heel collectors, shirts, a high heel jewelry box, cell phone holder for my desk, etc etc etc. and really has fun with it and to top it off, her mother is a long distant truck driver so she tells people at work " YA! my mom is a truck driver and my dad wears heels. LOL

real men wear heels

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