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Unsolicited Compliments


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Time after time, when I am out in public, women, usually young ones, stop me to offer compliments about my high heel boots. Normally, I just say "Thank you," and go on with my business. Now, I am rethinking this. Are these merely women who like attractive heeled footwear, or are they wanting to use me sexually?

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My experience has been likewise, lots of really positive comments from women. I have also had many conversations with women who have offered opinions including a few fashion designers. The common thread I have heard from these Lady's is, "it is really cool to see a man express a sense for fashion that is outside the norm; is risky; is provocative; is more than just jeans and sneakers; is on the leading edge; shows confidence in himself; etc. What we wear or a freestyle of fashion that we choose to express says a lot about who we are, it shows a confidence that many women enjoy. That is why i always project a fashion sense that says "dress for your own pleasure" because when you do it will show the real you and that is what women are truly looking for. david

"Dress For Your Own Pleasure"

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Hmm, I think I'm always getting unsolicited signals from women everywhere I go: furtive glances, primping their hair, arching their back when they look at me, playing peek-aboo behind a book at Barnes and Noble...etc. etc When I get an unsolicited compliment about my shoes, it would have to be combined with a cluster of other signals for me to seek to engage the woman on deeper levels.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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My experience has been likewise, lots of really positive comments from women. I have also had many conversations with women who have offered opinions including a few fashion designers. The common thread I have heard from these Lady's is, "it is really cool to see a man express a sense for fashion that is outside the norm; is risky; is provocative; is more than just jeans and sneakers; is on the leading edge; shows confidence in himself; etc. What we wear or a freestyle of fashion that we choose to express says a lot about who we are, it shows a confidence that many women enjoy. That is why i always project a fashion sense that says "dress for your own pleasure" because when you do it will show the real you and that is what women are truly looking for.


I agree fully with what you said. I also think what we do shows that we're not afraid to break away from convention, from what society calls "normal" and express our own special sense of style, that we refuse to be like the rest of the sheep. So what if it's risky and provocative, it's what we love, what we enjoy, and that's more than good enough for me!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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