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the future of hhs


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Don't you all wonder what the future's gonna be like? I mean, what will happen to heels in the future, about 20-30 years from now? We're gonna be old, but aren't our fetishes still gonna remain? And are the heels going to be here when we're 'somethin'-years-old? Please, bring your best opinions or outlooks here.

Formally "HHDude"

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I don't know if fetish is the appropriate word, in my case. It (women's shoes in general) is a fashion style I've always liked for as long as I can remember, and in my adult age I can say with true conviction that something that began innocently enough as a child simply won't go away. If over time some skeletal malfunction disallows me the ability to wear heels, then I'll chalk it up as a small loss to something bigger.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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I actually thought about this a very long time ago and worried it might become non existant or heels would get lower and ugly and women would just stop wearing them. Now that its 30 or 40 years later, I see it just gets better and better with styles and a bigger and better variety to shoes from. Not to worry any more. It just gets better!

real men wear heels

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Don't you all wonder what the future's gonna be like? I mean, what will happen to heels in the future, about 20-30 years from now? We're gonna be old, but aren't our fetishes still gonna remain? And are the heels going to be here when we're 'somethin'-years-old?

Please, bring your best opinions or outlooks here.

I could be mistaken, but I think things will just get better & better. I see the day approaching when men wearing heels will have the acceptance that is urgently needed today. I perceive that newer and better materials, along with improved manufacturing techniques, will provide better and more durable boots and shoes. I think that newer styles will add both flavor and variety to footwear. What is urgently needed today is some type of renaisance to uplift people's spirits. Nothing acheives that faster than fashion and the things we wear. I believe the best is yet to come.;):o

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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I can remember a number of times when the prevailing wisdom was that heels were "out", that the future belonged to flats (horrors for any heeler). And it never happened. Oh yeah, there were a lot of flat shoes around for a couple of months but then heels came back. Why? Because heels are exciting and fun, and that will get people's attention faster than anything. I agree with GuyN -- the situation is poised to improve. As we guys gain acceptance in heels we are in for some fun times!

Have a happy time!

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I completely agree with what Guy N. Heels says. Lets see now---in 20 years I would be 92 years old and in 30 years 102 years old. I don't think that I will be able to wear heels that long, but one thing is for sure---I will still be looking at other people wearing theirs. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I completely agree with what Guy N. Heels says. Lets see now---in 20 years I would be 92 years old and in 30 years 102 years old. I don't think that I will be able to wear heels that long, but one thing is for sure---I will still be looking at other people wearing theirs.


Dawn HH

In her last public outing the Queen Mum was seen wearing high heels, and she was well into her 90's. So why shouldn't you continue to wear heels?

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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I see where you're all coming from, but.... In 20-30 years, true you all will be well into your olden ages (as I call it), but what about the new generation? We're bound to change the fashion rules, and heels will slowly disappear from people's feet. Will there be a 'Heel Hero' to bring back the authority and height of heels?

Formally "HHDude"

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Find a band that wears heels and promote them as much as possible. Better yet, if you can sing/play, form your own band that wears heels. Be sure and make a point of appealling to girls/women. I think that would help a lot. Just don't wear heels and hiphop, please!!

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam

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Find a band that wears heels and promote them as much as possible. Better yet, if you can sing/play, form your own band that wears heels. Be sure and make a point of appealling to girls/women.

I think that would help a lot. Just don't wear heels and hiphop, please!!

You have your own band, or will you have your own soon? If you do, I'll support you all the way! ;)

Formally "HHDude"

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